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An Unwelcome Guest

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An Unwelcome Guest

An Unwelcome Guest.png
Quest giver
Manager of Suites
The Crystarium (X:12.5, Y:16.2)
Quest line
Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
Experience 218,880
Gil 1,026
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestWarrior of Darkness
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Crystarium's Resolve

Main Scenario Progress: 565 / 960 (58.9%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 24 / 157 (15.3%)


The manager to suites is wearing a grave expression.

— In-game description



  • The manager of suites is wearing a grave expression.
  • In worried tones, the manager of suites informs you that Eulmore has dispatched its military to Lakeland, and that the Exarch has yet to decide how to respond. It sounds as if you may be needed in the Ocular.
  • Angered by the death of a Lightwarden, Eulmore has sent the commander of its army, the formidable General Ran'jit, to demand answers of the Exarch. As you observe their frosty meeting in secret, Ran'jit threatens retribution upon both the villains responsible and their abettors, but the Exarch is uncowed. After the old soldier departs, it transpires that a woman believed to be Minfilia, the Oracle of Light, has been taken prisoner by the Eulmorans. While the Exarch makes provisions for war, he bids you seek out Moren at the Cabinet of Curiosity to learn about Minfilia, who does not appear to be quite the person you once knew.
  • You ask Moren to enlighten you on the subject of Minfilia, and the librarian is eager to oblige. By way of a teaching aid, he sends you to fetch a book entitled The Illustrated Tale of the Oracle of Light.
  • Scouring the shelves of the Cabinet, you finally manage to locate the volume in question and bear it back to Moren.
  • Book in hand, Moren tells you the history of the Oracle of Light. It appears that, after a mysterious maiden named Minfilia halted the Flood a century ago, a succession of young girls emerged who bore a striking resemblance to her, each of whom was immune to the sin eaters' blighted touch. Believed to be reincarnations of the original Minfilia, they came to be called by her name, and brought their powers to bear against the sin eaters as soldiers of the Eulmoran Army. This continued for generations, until the Eulmorans chose to join hands with the enemy, after which they hunted down and imprisoned the current Minfilia, deeming her a threat to the peace. Though she was subsequently rescued by an unnamed hero, it would seem she has fallen into Eulmoran hands once more...
Seeing you labor to make sense of these dizzying revelations, Alphinaud invites you to step outside for a brief discussion.
  • Alphinaud confirms your suspicion that Minfilia's gallant savior was none other than Thancred. Anticipating that he will attempt to liberate her again─no doubt at great personal risk─you decide to spare him the trouble. At that moment, the Exarch makes an unannounced appearance, however, and after confirming that Minfilia is indeed being held at Laxan Loft, he asks that you allow the people of the Crystarium to lead any rescue effort.


Quest Acceptance

Manager of Suites: Ah, begging your pardons, [sir/miss], but do you perchance intend to head outside? If so, I would strongly advise you not to stray too far from the Crystarium. Word has it Eulmore has dispatched its military to Lakeland. Given the timing, one can only assume they do not welcome the return of night. Even now, the Exarch is in the Ocular, deliberating a response.

Head to the Ocular

Crystal Exarch: You are come at a good time. As you may have heard, we have something of a quandary on our hands. Laxan Loft, here in Lakeland. Eulmore has sent one of its airships. They have questions for us concerning the death of the Lightwarden. Their emissary makes his way here even as we speak.
Alisaie: I suppose the sky does rather give the game away.
Crystal Exarch: Indeed. 'Twas inevitable they would come knocking. The only question was how soon.
Lyna: My lord. I am come with the Eulmoran emissary. May I show him in?
Crystal Exarch: A moment, Captain, if you would.  Everyone, gather round. I do not wish to show our hand prematurely. Forgive me this liberty. Vanish! (Everyone other than the Exarch disappears)
Crystal Exarch: Enter.
Crystal Exarch: Well, well... The commander of the Eulmoran Army himself. To what do I owe the honor, General Ran'jit?
Ran'jit: The Lightwarden is dead, Exarch. Were your people responsible?
Crystal Exarch: You are clearly in some haste, my lord. But before I address your question, you must allow me one of my own. What is Eulmore's interest in this?
Ran'jit: His Benevolence Lord Vauthry is gravely concerned that the actions of an ignorant few may jeopardize relations between man and sin eater. Should it transpire that the Crystarium is guilty of abetting the villains responsible for this outrage...
Ran'jit: My lord has decreed that it suffer the same...retribution.
Crystal Exarch: I see. Since you have been so candid, I too shall speak my mind. Regardless of who is responsible, the Crystarium rejoices in the Lightwarden's death, and welcomes the return of the night sky. If Eulmore considers this tantamount to aiding those you term “villains,” then by all means carry out your retribution.  Know, however, that even should every innocent soul in the Crystarium perish, nothing can stop that which has been set in motion.
Ran'jit: <sigh> Folly. The death of one or a thousand thousand sin eaters changes nothing. The world is dead, and writhe as we might, like maggots in its rotting corse, it will not be reborn. Only by my master's grace may we live out our days in peace. But I waste my breath. You have made your stance clear. I shall relay your words to Lord Vauthry.  In the meantime, you would do well to counsel any here who have done more than merely “rejoice” in recent events to throw themselves upon Eulmore's mercy. Promptly. Ran'jit stops as he's about to leave.
Ran'jit: One last matter. We are searching for a young artist and his assistant. Know you of whom I speak?
Crystal Exarch: An artist and his assistant... No. I cannot say I do. 
Ran'jit: What a pity. Should they reveal themselves to you, I bid you hand them over at once. My master is most eager to see them again. (Ran'jit appears to stare at the invisible Warrior of Light)
Alisaie: Am I imagining things, or did he just stare straight at us?
Crystal Exarch: I fear he did. The general is not a man to be trifled with. He is a warrior of fearsome repute who has led Eulmore's army since before Vauthry's time, when the nation still spearheaded the fight against the sin eaters. One does not command the world's mightiest army, and for so long, without possessing exceptional instincts.
Alphinaud: If Eulmore chose to send such an individual, we must assume this talk of retribution is more than an idle threat. While we are grateful for your support, my lord─we cannot in good conscience put your people in harm's way.
Crystal Exarch: 'Tis noble of you to say, Master Alphinaud, but my people have been in harm's way since long before you arrived. Eulmore has ever yearned to rule over what remains of the world. Even should we surrender the Warrior of Darkness to them, they would find some other pretext upon which to invade.  The people of the Crystarium know this only too well, which is why, when the time comes, I am certain they will fight to the last man.  If truth be told, I would not have been surprised had Ran'jit declared war here and now...
Lyna: He may have reason to delay. According to reports, the Eulmoran forces at Laxan Loft were observed taking a prisoner. A young woman believed to be none other than the Oracle of Light─Minfilia. It may be that General Ran'jit wishes to convey her to Eulmore before commencing hostilities.
What will you say? Wait, is this the Minfilia? / I'm sorry, "generations of Minfilias? -> I'm sorry, "generations of Minfilias?
Lyna: Having mentored generations of Minfilias, it would not surprise me if he had made her capture his chief concern.
Crystal Exarch: Ah, of course. How remiss of me. I had intended to speak to you of Minfilia. There is, however, much to say, and precious little time in which to say it...
Crystal Exarch: I think it best that you seek out Moren at the Cabinet of Curiosity. He will be able to enlighten you.
Crystal Exarch: Alphinaud, Alisaie─would you care to accompany your friend? You doubtless have insights of your own to offer on the matter.
Alisaie: All right. Though I'm still not sure I understand it all myself...
Crystal Exarch: In the meantime, I will set about making provisions for war.

Speak with Moren at the Cabinet of Curiosity

Search the shelves

Deliver the book to Moren

Speak with Alphinaud