Folklore Nodes

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See also: Ephemeral Nodes

Folklore Nodes are unlocked after you purchase the corresponding Tomes of Regional Folklore with 99 Rowena's Token (Blue Gatherers' Scrip) from Splendors Vendor in Idyllshire. All Folklore Nodes require 600 Gathering and 645 Perception to obtain items and have HQ chance. To uncover item in One Hit requires 650 Gathering.


Time Item Slot Location Coordinates Additional Info
1PM-2PM Frost Cotton Boll 4 Coerthas Western Highlands
3PM-4PM Old-growth Camphorwood Log 6 The Churning Mists (x11.6,y10.6,z3.3)
5PM-6PM Seventh Heaven 1 The Churning Mists (x16,y36) Used to make Astral Oil
5PM-6PM Vanilla Beans 3 Coerthas Western Highlands (x23,y21) Used to make Creme Brulee
5PM-6PM Honeydew Almonds 2 The Sea of Clouds (x24,y6) Used to make Almond Cream Croissant
7PM-8PM Wattle Bark 5 Azys Lla (x22,y8) Used to make Griffin Leather
7PM-8PM Dravanian Paprika 3 Coerthas Western Highlands (x27,y33) Used to make Seafood Stew
7PM-8PM Snurbleberry 2 The Dravanian Hinterlands (x39,y26) Used to make Snurbleberry Tart and Nameday Cake


Time Item Slot Location Coordinates Additional Info
1AM-2AM Smithsonite Ore 2 The Sea of Clouds
3AM-4AM Lumythrite Ore 2 The Churning Mists (x6.2,y20.3,z3.4)
5AM-6AM Astral Moraine 4 Coerthas Western Highlands (x37,y16) Used to make Astral Oil
7AM-8AM Violet Quartz 6 Coerthas Western Highlands (x11,y23) Used to make Aurum Regis Ingot
5AM-6AM Aurum Regis Ore 6 The Churning Mists (x11,y38) Used to make Aurum Regis Ingot
5AM-6AM Sun Mica 2 The Sea of Clouds (x35,y39) Used to make Adamantite Ingot and some crafter tools
7AM-8AM Red Alumen 2 Azys Lla (x35,y16) Used to make Griffin Leather
7AM-8AM Blue Quartz 7 The Dravanian Hinterlands (x11,y16) Used to make Adamantite Ingot


Time Item Location Coordinates Additional Info
all day Spring Urchin Coerthas Western Highlands (x8,y9) Used to make Urchin Loaf
all day Capelin Coerthas Western Highlands (x36,y6) Can be turned in for Red Scrips
all day Lavalord The Dravanian Forelands (x7,y5)
all day Berserker Betta The Dravanian Hinterlands (x21,y25)
all day Loosetongue The Dravanian Hinterlands (x21,y36) Can be turned in for Red Scrips
all day Stupendyms Azys Lla (x40,y17) Can be turned in for Red Scrips
all day Barreleye Azys Lla (x21,y21)