Sweet-tooth Goobbue

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Revision as of 00:31, 5 July 2023 by Freedom4556 (talk | contribs)
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Sweet-tooth Goobbue is a Beastkin in Lower La Noscea.


  • Beatdown - Slam a target, dealing blunt damage.
  • Goobbue's Grief - Shake off poisonous spores, dealing Earth damage and inflicting poison.
  • Inhale - Orders the manta to draw water into its gaping maw.
    ※Has no effect in battle.
  • Moldy Phlegm - Hawk a loogie on a target, dealing Water damage and reducing the effects of healing spells upon them.
  • Moldy Sneeze - Sneeze forth a moldy mist, slowing targets in a frontal cone.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Goobbue fang icon1.png  Goobbue Fang Material N/A ABasic 1


Zone Coordinates Level range
Lower La Noscea (X:21, Y:36) 20–24
Lower La Noscea (X:20, Y:35) 26–29


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Victory Is Mine, Not Yours Levequest quest 20 Eugene
Double Dose of Impin' Levequest quest 25 Eugene

Additional Information