That Old Familiar Feeling
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Gladiator Class Quest
- Search for your guildmates near Camp Drybone.
- Speak with the injured gladiator.
- Report to Mylla.
- Meet Aldis at the Quicksand.
- Defend yourself from the nameless assailants!
- Report to Mylla.
- First Sword Mylla wishes to assign you another task.
- A band of Amalj'aa archers has been raiding caravans near Camp Drybone. Mylla has already dispatched several gladiators to assist with patrols, and bids you travel to eastern Thanalan to join them.
- You luck upon and slay the Amalj'aa archers, rescuing a wounded guildmate and a cowering merchant. Speak with the gladiator and see if he needs aid.
- You guildmate assures you that his wounds are not mortal, and that he can look after the merchant. Return to the Gladiators' Guild and report to Mylla.
- Shortly after you return, the guild erupts into chaos when Aldis enters. The First Sword is especially upset, demanding that he leave or face dire consequences. Aldis agrees and makes to depart, but not before requesting that you join him at the Quicksand for a drink.
- Your conversation with Aldis is interrupted when a gang of sellswords bursts into the Quicksand, intent on slaying the man. In an impressive display of swordsmanship, Aldis slays most of the assassins, though you do your part as well. His mood soured, Aldis wanders off in search of a quieter tavern. Return to the guild and speak with Mylla.
- Finally recovered from the shock of Aldis's earlier intrusion, Mylla recalls that she wished to teach you something new. She hopes that your new Shield Lob technique, with which you can attack enemies at range, will serve you well in the future.
- The next gladiator quest will be available from Mylla upon reaching level 20.