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Found 2 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)=== System Changes and Additions ===
* Main Scenario improvements
** [[Duty Support]] for {{questlink|dungeon|The Great Gubal Library}}, {{questlink|dungeon|The Aetherochemical Research Facility}}, {{questlink|dungeon|The Antitower}}, {{questlink|dungeon|Sohr Khai}}, {{questlink|dungeon|Xelphatol}}, and {{questlink|dungeon|Baelsar's Wall}}.
** Many bosses in the above listed dungeons have been adjusted, including [[Byblos]], [[the Everliving Bibliotaph]], [[Regula van Hydrus]], [[Lahabrea]] / [[Igeyorhm]], [[Ascian Prime]], [[Ziggy]], [[Calcabrina]], [[Chieftain Moglin]], [[Poqhiraj]], [[Hraesvelgr]], [[Nuzal Hueloc]], [[Dotoli Ciloc]], and [[the Griffin]].
* Gold Saucer: New {{questlink|gate|Leap of Faith}} course: Sylphstep
* [[Manderville Weapons]] second stage (6.35)
* DoH/DoL [[Splendorous Tools]] (Relic Tools) (6.35)
* [[Housing]]: Wards 25-30 added to all residential districts.
* New [[spearfishing]] and [[diving]] location in [[Upper La Noscea]]
 h French (fr)=== Changements Système et Ajouts === <!--T:3-->
* Améliorations de l'Épopée
** [[Special:MyLanguage/Duty Support|Renforts]] pour {{questlink|dungeon|The Great Gubal Library||La Grande Librairie de Gubal|fr}}, {{questlink|dungeon|The Aetherochemical Research Facility||Le Laboratoire de magismologie|fr}}, {{questlink|dungeon|The Antitower||L'Antitour|fr}}, {{questlink|dungeon|Sohr Khai||Sohr Khai|fr}}, {{questlink|dungeon|Xelphatol||Xelphatol|fr}}, and {{questlink|dungeon|Baelsar's Wall||La Forteresse de Baelsar|fr}}.
** De nombreux boss des donjons mentionnés ci-dessus ont été modifiés, notamment [[Special:MyLanguage/Byblos]], [[Special:MyLanguage/the Everliving Bibliotaph|Bibliotaphe éternel]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Regula van Hydrus|Regula van Hydrus]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Lahabrea|Lahabrea]] / [[Special:MyLanguage/Igeyorhm|Igeyorhm]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Ascian Prime|Primo-Ascien]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Ziggy|Ziggy]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Calcabrina|Calcabrina]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Chieftain Moglin|Chef de tribu Moglin]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Poqhiraj|Poqhiraj]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Hraesvelgr|Hraesvelgr]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Nuzal Hueloc|Nuzal Hueloc]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Dotoli Ciloc|Dotoli Ciloc]], et [[Special:MyLanguage/the Griffin|Ilberd le Griffon]].
* Gold Saucer : Nouveau parcours {{questlink|gate|Leap of Faith||Saut de la Foi|fr}} : Sylphstep
* [[Special:MyLanguage/Manderville Weapons|Armes des Manderville]] seconde étape (6.35)
* DoH/DoL [[Special:MyLanguage/Splendorous Tools|Outils des merveilles]] (Outils Reliques) (6.35)
* [[Special:MyLanguage/Housing|Logement]]: Emplacements 25-30 ajoutés à tous les disctricts résidentiels.
* Nouveaux lieux de [[Special:MyLanguage/spearfishing|Harponnage]] et de [[Special:MyLanguage/diving|Plongée sous-marine]] dans la [[Special:MyLanguage/Upper La Noscea|Haute-Noscea]]