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 h English (en)For the majority of the fight, the boss will use mechanics from all previous bosses in the [[Myths of the Realm]] raid series.
*'''Love's Light''' ([[Menphina (Boss)|Menphina]]): Summons four adjacent moons at the edge of the arena, each with an increasing "phase". Each moon will begin to wax (become more filled) and use a large line AoE ('''First Blush''') through the middle once they are full. The party can dodge these by rotating clockwise or counterclockwise.
*'''Solar Fans''' ([[Azeyma (Boss)|Azeyma]]): Two fans will start from the boss and move to opposite walls with a line AoE trailing behind them.
**The fans will repeatedly move 90 degrees around the edge of the arena, leaving an arc AoE trailing them.
**'''Radiant Finish''': Both fans will explode in two massive circle AoEs. Once they start moving, players need to quickly move towards the cardinal directions without the fans.
*'''Hydrostasis''' ([[Nymeia (Boss)|Nymeia]]): Summons three water puddles numbered 1-3, indicating the original order in which a ball of water will drop on them, inflicting a knockback from the puddle's location. 
*'''Time and Tide''' ([[Althyk (Boss)|Althyk]]): Tetherstether the '''Hydrostasis''' puddle numbered 3, causing it to resolve first. The puddle previously numbered 1 will resolve second, followed by the one previously numbered as 2. {{action icon|Arm's Length}} and {{action icon|Surecast}} can be used to mitigate two of the three knockbacks if timed properly. Otherwise, players should aim their knockback to the next puddle to resolve to avoid being knocked into the wall.
*'''Destructive Bolt''': Stack marker on random player.
*'''Hieroglyphika''' ([[Thaliak (Boss)|Thaliak]]): Spawns a 4x4 grid of green AoE telegraphs, with two empty tiles. The boss will also telegraph either a clockwise or counterclockwise rotation, indicating what direction the safe tiles will be rotated by 90 degrees. Players should stand on a tile that will be safe after the rotation. All players will be inflicted with [[File:Inscribed icon.png|link=]] '''Inscribed''', preventing them from moving after the debuff expires, until the AoEs resolve.
*'''Hand of the Destroyer''' ([[Rhalgr (Boss)|Rhalgr]]): When the tiles are still rotating, two colored portals will appear, splitting the arena in two. The boss will pull back one of its hands and prepare to punch one colored portal, hitting the same colored half with a massive fist AoE, knocking back anyone hit. This resolves a few seconds after '''Hieroglyphika'''.
*'''Matron's Breath'''  ([[Nophica (Boss)|Nophica]]): Summons a blue circle and yellow circle on the arena, followed by four beacons that are either blue or yellow. Each beacon will have a shrinking circle and a number of dots, indicating when it will resolve. Standing in the circles will inflict either [[File:Blooming blue icon1.png|link=]] '''Blooming Blue''' or [[File:Blooming gold icon1.png|link=]] '''Blooming Gold''' depending on the color. Players must be in the same color circle as the beacon when it resolves to avoid taking damage.
*'''Torrential Tridents''' ([[Llymlaen (Boss)|Llymlaen]]): Sequentially summons six '''Tridents''' in a circle. Each one will do light raidwide damage ('''Landing''') will appear. Tridents will do large point-blank AoEs in the order they appeared, so start at the last trident, and move into the first explosion.
*'''Byregot's Strike''' ([[Byregot (Boss)|Byregot]]): Knockback from a random point around the middle of the arena. The blue center itself deals lethal damage. This attack is combined with '''Byregot's Strike'''. Around the boss will sprout 4 thin conal lightning AoEs. They will not start from the boss's current position but will be translated into the center of the Byregot's Strike's knockback circle.
*'''Thousandfold Thrust''' ([[Halone (Boss)|Halone]]): Several red targeting circles will appear around the boss. They will then converge into a single one and spread out, indicating where the boss will use a 180 degree multi-hit cleave.
*'''As Above, So Below''' ([[Nald'thal (Boss)|Nald'thal]]): Unavoidable raidwide damage that transitions the arena. A line of alternating color traveling AoEs. These will be '''<span style="color:#FF4500">orange</span style>''' or '''<span style="color:#0000FF">blue</span style>'''. Only the AoEs the same color as the ewers surrounding the boss or the background sky will be real, while the other color's indicators are fake. When the '''Climbing Shot''' cast finishes, the active AoEs will travel in the directions indicated by their arrows. The inactive AoEs will not resolve and disappear.
*'''Climbing Shot''' ([[Oschon (Boss)|Oschon]]): A knockback from the middle. This can be prevented with knockback immune. Otherwise, position to be knocked back into the safe color AoE telegraphs that will disappear.
*'''Soaring Minuet''' (Oschon): 270 degree frontal cleave from the boss. Only has a brief AoE indicator.
*'''Eudaimon Eorzea''': A lengthy cast and animation. During the cast, the party will take 12 successive hits of light raidwide damage ('''The Builder's Art''', '''The Destroyer's Might''', '''The Warden's Radiance''', '''The Traders' Equity''', '''The Matron's Plenty''', '''The Keeper's Gravity''', '''The Fury's Ambition''', '''The Lover's Devotion''', '''The Scholar's Wisdom''', '''The Spinner's Cunning''', '''The Navigator's Command''', and '''The Wanderer's Whimsy'''), followed by a final hit. Heal and mitigate through.