The Wolves' Den

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The Wolves' Den

The Wolves' Den is the PvP Arena that supports 4 vs 4 and 8 vs 8 player combat. Arena PvP is divided into 3 divisions: Level 30, Level 40 and Level 50. The Wolves' Den is located in off the shores of Moraby Drydocks in Lower La Noscea. It will be released in patch 2.1.


For most, the Calamity will be remembered for the destruction it wrought upon the realm; however, what is oft overlooked is the fact that selfsame destruction also gave rise to myriad creations─one example being an odd crucible-shaped island thrust up from beneath Galadion Bay. Eorzea was not but two moons removed from the Calamity when a crew of Roegadyn Sea Wolves returning to Limsa Lominsa in the battered remains of the Braveheart discovered this newly formed anomaly. Moving quickly so as not to allow her enemies a foothold so near the thalassocracy, the Admiral laid claim to the island and had it transformed into a military training facility of sorts, naming it the Wolves' Den, after the brave men and women who first happened across the place.

Urged by its allies in Gridania and Ul'dah, the Maelstrom soon opened the Den's doors to members of all the Grand Companies of Eorzea, with the hopes that through the staged battles waged within, the cumulative strength of the realm's defenses would burgeon.