Emergency Missions Guide
- See also: The Diadem and Guides
The Emergency Mission will spawn randomly at different times. Sometimes it doesn't even spawn at all. All 'triggers' are still to be confirmed.
You'll know the Emergency Mission has spawned when the weather changes - and you'll get a big notification in your screen.
When the Emergency Mission spawns, people will start shouting the location you have to go to. Just enter there.
The boss fight itself is easy, BUT REQUIRES coordination among the groups in Diadem. No coordination equals wipe.
1. You will see a 'wall like boss'. Just burn it down. Easy.
2. Next you will see 4 crystal like structures. One in the north, west, east and center. This represents where you will teleport to, in the next map. This is where coordination will be needed. Each group needs to call out a side and enter from that side. Make sure that all 3 sides are called out.
3. When you enter the next map, you will see circular platforms. On those platforms, there will be a huge add. Kill that add.
- To Tanks: Tank the big add on the high platforms. NEVER in the center of the room. It does AOE damage, which can affect other groups if you let it go to the center.
- To Others - if your tank dies and you get boss aggro, STAY on your side and platform. Never let the big add go to the center of the room.
- To Others - If you die, just respawn and don't wait for a resurrect. You will respawn nearby and can easily re-enter the battle area. Do not let the group wipe because that will result to mission failure.
4a. Periodically, 2 adds will spawn and attempt to go the middle of the room. Kill those adds before they reach the center of the room.
4b. Periodically, another add will spawn that will do a large AOE where the safespot is on it, and very far from it. Kill this asap.
- So DPS priorities as follows. Kill the 2 adds (in 4a) don't let it reach center of the room. Kill the AOE add (4b). Burn down the big add (3).
When you've done all these:
5. Kill the crystal at the edge of your platform. This crystal is the one powering the final boss "Buer" in this mission.
- If Buer spawns and crystals are still up, Buer can one-shot everyone - making it extremely hard to recover.
6. Once Buer spawns it's a basic tank and spank fight.
6a. Buer does raid wide damage - just heal through it.
6b. There is also a portion of the fight where the floor lights up and meteors drop and do raid wide damage. Just stand on the lighted floors with at least 6 people and you won't get damaged during this part.
6c. The rest of the AOEs are easily dodgeable. Just pay attention to the floor.
7. When you defeat Buer, a treasure will spawn in the middle of the map. Make sure to click it.
These are your INDIVIDUAL rewards: Coven Weapons (i280), Sunburst Armor and Sunburst Accessories (i265). And this is how you get the i280 weapon (Coven Weapons). The weapon type/class is random. You do NOT need to roll against anyone here. All the items go directly to your inventory.
The i280 weapon stats itself are random. But Weapon Damage is higher than the i275 - making these items most likely the new Best in Slot.