Treasure Hunt
Treasure Hunt is an activity to be released in patch 2.1. While gathering resources as Miner, Fisher or Botanist at level 40 or above gathering points, players have a chance of receiving Timeworn Maps. Players can decipher these maps to receive the location of the treasure. After arriving at the correct location, players will encounter a monster, the guardian of the treasure. Players will receive the rewards after defeating the monster. The maps come in 5 grades. Grade 5 is the hardest and gives the greatest reward.
- Players can only receive 1 map through gathering once every 18 hours Earth time.
- Before deciphering the maps, players can sell the maps them.
To unlock Treasure Hunt, players need to complete the level 36 quest: Treasures and Tribulations. Players can start the quest by talking to H'loonh in Eastern La Noscea (x21,y21).
Timeworn Leather Map
Timeworn Leather Maps are grade 1 maps found in level 40 mature trees, lush vegetation patches, mineral deposits, rocky outcrops, and fishing holes.
- It is the easiest map and recommends the player to have a level 40 or above combat class to defeat the monster guarding the treasure.
Timeworn Goatskin Map
Timeworn Goatskin Maps are grade 2 maps found in level 45 mature trees, lush vegetation patches, mineral deposits, rocky outcrops, and fishing holes.
- It is recommended for the player to have a 45 or above combat class to defeat the monster guarding the treasure.