Friends Through Eternity
Revision as of 09:19, 30 July 2017 by Mico90 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "File:Sidequest.pngDragoon Job Quest {{Quest | QuestGiver = Alberic - Coerthas Central Highlands (x25.8, y28.3) | Requirements = Level 60 Drago...")
Dragoon Job Quest
- Search for Heustienne at Mare's Oath.
- Speak with Alberic.
- Ser Alberic is pondering the flow of time.
- Having just heard news of Estinien's departure from Ishgard, Ser Alberic laments his aloof nature, but shows some understanding for his actions. As the topic of conversation turns to Heustienne's plight, her father, Montorgains appears. He mentions that he was recently handed a rather peculiar letter, bearing his daughter's name, that was a cry for your aid. You agree to help Heustienne once more and set off to meet her near Mare's Oath.
- Heustienne, having learned to suppress the dragon blood's effect on her to an extent, greets you cheerfully, mentioning she has made a new friend. Rather surprisingly, said friend is revealed to be a young dragon named Orn Khai. Heustienne explains that you were called to aid him in his search for his father's consort, who left Eorzea and flew to the east quite some time ago. You agree to help Orn Khai and are advised by Heustienne to try asking Ser Alberic about Dravanian legends concerning areas to the east.
- You tell Ser Alberic all you have learned speaking with Heustienne and Orn Khai. He notes that the priest affiliated with the Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly is somewhat of an authority of Dravanian legend, and says he shall talk to him on your behalf. You decide to bide your time until Ser Alberic is able to furnish you with a hint as to where to begin your search.