List of arcanist actions

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This is a list of arcanist actions.

Class mechanic

Arcanists, as a starting class, are limited to the mechanics provided by Aetherflow. This action generates stacks of a buff that bears the same name, and it can be expended to execute certain abilities.


PvE actions

Action Acquired Quest requirement Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
Ruin.png  Ruin Arcanist frame icon.png ACN 1 Spell 300 1.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 240.
Bio.png  Bio Arcanist frame icon.png ACN 2 Spell 400 Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage over time.
Potency: 20
Duration: 30s
Physick.png  Physick Arcanist frame icon.png ACN 4 Spell 400 1.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 400
Summon.png  Summon Arcanist frame icon.png ACN 4 Ability Instant 3s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Summons a caster-type pet to fight at your side.
Shares a recast timer with Summon II and Summon III.
Aetherflow.png  Aetherflow Scholar frame icon.png SCH 45 Ability Instant 60s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores 20% of maximum MP.
Additional Effect: Aetherflow III
Can only be executed while in combat.
Energy Drain.png  Energy Drain Scholar frame icon.png SCH 45 Ability Instant 1s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 100.
Additional Effect: Absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP
Additional Effect: Increases Faerie Gauge by 10
Aetherflow Gauge Cost: 1
Miasma.png  Miasma Arcanist frame icon.png ACN 6 Spell 500 2.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 20.
Additional Effect: Unaspected damage over time
Potency: 20
Duration: 30s
Summon II.png  Summon II Arcanist frame icon.png ACN 15 Ability Instant 3s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Summons a support-type pet to fight at your side.
Shares a recast timer with Summon and Summon III.
Resurrection.png  Resurrection Arcanist frame icon.png ACN
Scholar frame icon.png SCH
12 Spell 2,400 8s 2.5s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Resurrects target to a weakened state.
Bio II.png  Bio II Arcanist frame icon.png ACN 26 Spell 600 Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage over time.
Potency: 30
Duration: 30s
Bane.png  Bane Arcanist frame icon.png ACN 1Quest: Sinking Doesmaga 30 Ability Instant 10s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 8y
Spreads a target's Bio and Miasma effects to nearby enemies.
Potency is reduced by 60% for all remaining enemies.
Duration: Full duration on original effect
No effect if target is not suffering from Bio or Miasma effects inflicted by you.
Ruin II.png  Ruin II Arcanist frame icon.png ACN 1Quest: Sinking Doesmaga 30 Spell 300 1.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 270.
Rouse.png  Rouse Arcanist frame icon.png ACN 42 Ability Instant 60s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Increases healing magic potency and damage dealt by pet by 40%. While roused, pet will be immune to Stun, Sleep, Bind, and Heavy.
Duration: 20s
Shadow Flare.png  Shadow Flare Arcanist frame icon.png ACN
Scholar frame icon.png SCH
50 Ability Instant 60s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 5y
Envelops a designated area in a veil of magicked shadows, dealing damage with a potency of 50 to any enemies who enter.
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Slow +5%
Cannot be used with any other area-creating actions.

PvP actions

See also