The Fringes FATEs

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Revision as of 18:18, 20 August 2017 by Mico90 (talk | contribs)
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See also: List of FATEs and The Fringes
FATE Type Level Coordinates EXP Gil Company Seals
Bold This Way Kill Enemies 60 The Striped Hills (x27,y10)
Death Beckons ???? 60 East End (x12.5,y11.3)
Unbearable Kill Enemies 60 East End (x10.1,y12.6) 75,330 120 345
Thank You for Not Mossling Kill Enemies 60 East End (x12,y14) 120 345
Showing The Recruits What For Kill Enemies 60 East End (x8.5,y16.7)
Showing The Officers What For Kill Enemies 60 [[]] (x??,y??)
Showing The Commanders What For Kill Boss 60 [[]] (x??,y??)
Roid Rage Kill Boss 60 Pike Falls (x18,y11)
Keeping the Peace Escort 60 The Striped Hills (x??,y??)
Keeping more Peace Escort 60 The Striped Hills (x??,y??) 75,330 120 345
Double Dhara Defend 60 The Striped Hills (x23,y10) 75,330 120 345
The Evil Seed Kill Boss 61 Pike Falls (x15.2,y22.7)
The Morning After Kill Enemies 61 Dimwold (x 10.7,y 29.5) 78,975 122 350
The Spiderweb Chronicles Kill Boss 61 Pike Falls (x17,y18 Z0) 78,975 122 350
Diakka Round ???? 61 East End (x10,y18 Z0) 78,975 122 350
Yes, This Is Dogs ???? 61 East End (x??,y??)
Pop the Trunk ???? 67 Virdjala (x31.0,y21.5)
Really Don't Keratyrannos Kill Boss 67 [[]] (x??,y??)
Pop The Trunk Kill Boss 67 [[]] (x??,y??)
M Bop Kill Enemies 67 Virdjala (x31.8,y25.6)
The Tele-tale Hunt Kill Enemies 67 [[]] (x??,y??)