Master Recipe Tomes
Master Recipe Books unlock the Master category of Special Recipes. These books can be used by corresponding level 50 crafting classes. Master Recipe Books were introduced in Patch 2.2. Currently there are 15 Master Recipe Books and about 100 master recipes.
There are two types of Master Recipe Books, Master Recipe Books for Glamours and Master Recipe Books for Crafting.
Master Recipe Books for Glamours
- Main article: Glamours
Players can receive these books by talking to Tataroga in Mor Dhona (x22,y6). Players must first complete the quest Submission Impossible.
Master Recipe Books for Crafting
- Main article: Crafting
Players can receive these books by talking to Talan in Mor Dhona (x22,y6). Players must first complete the quest Just Tooling Around.
Master recipe books To obtain the master recipe books you are required to hand in 5 HQ crafted items. Below an overview of the items required.
- Goldsmithing: 5 Rose Gold Ingot (HQ)
- Blacksmithing: 5 Darksteel Ingot (HQ)
- Armorer: 5 Darksteel Ingot (HQ)
- Carpenter: 5 Treated Spruce lumber (HQ)
- Leatherworker: 5 Hard Hippogryph Leather (HQ)
- Weaver: 5 Vanya Silk (HQ)
- Alchemist: 5 Growth Formula Delta Concentrate (HQ)
- Culinarian: 5 Sauteed Coueurl (HQ)