Into a Copper Hell
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Main Scenario Quest
Unlocks Copperbell Mines
- Speak with Painted Mesa.
- Speak with the Stone Torch before Copperbell Mines.
- Use the Duty Finder to enter Copperbell Mines.
- Report to Painted Mesa.
- Speak with Momodi.
- Momodi has a mind to brief you on your task.
- It would seem that a horde of hecatonchires has been wreaking havoc within Copperbell Mines. So that mining operations may resume, Papashan bids you subdue these hulking creatures. As part of your preparations for the mission, the stationmaster suggests that you speak with Painted Mesa, an employee of Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern.
- You learn from Painted Mesa that Copperbell Mines was reopened after the Calamity in order to meet the burgeoning demand for building materials. Armed with this knowledge, make your way to the mines, and report to the Stone Torch who stands guard by the entrance.
- You have received permission to enter the mines. Fight your way through the shadowy depths, and put down any hecatonchires you come upon.
- You have succeeded in subduing the hecatonchires. Make your way back to the Quicksand, and report to Painted Mesa.
- Your conversation with Painted Mesa is cut short by a shrill cry. Rushing to the origin of the noise, you see a woman being harrassed by thugs, and throw yourself in harm's way to protect her. Immediately thereafter, Y'shtola, the mysterious scholar whom you had previously met, arrives on the scene. Praising your courage and heart, she reveals that she belongs to an order called the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, and you receive an invitation to meet with its members. Who exactly are these Scions, and what is their agenda? Momodi may be able to shed some light on these questions.
- In the course of your travels, you have crossed paths with myriad individuals, some of whom you have positively influenced. One such individual is the young conjurer Edda, who reveals that you have inspired her to embark upon a new journey as an adventurer. You sense that you, too, must soon embark upon a new journey of your own. Speak with Momodi again when you have resolved to take the first step.