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The lancer is a master of polearms—weapons which have evolved from humble hunting tools. In former times, the longspear saw the most widespread use, due in great part to the influence of the proud lancer legions of Ala Mhigo. The lancer's weaponry has since expanded to include other lethal implements such as the halberd and trident. While it is no easy task to wield a polearm as if it were an extension of one's body, those who master the lancing arts come to be as a raging storm before their enemies, capable of delivering a barrage of devastating thrusts and slashes. Lancer

Lancers are agile fighters who strive to keep balance between a flurry of attacks and the weight of their armor. Through the art of wielding polearms, the lancer can build a strong offensive against foes.

General information


The Lancer's Guild is in Old Gridania. If you choose lancer as your first class, you will start off in the city of Gridania. At level 30, lancers may specialize into dragoon.


The lancer is a disciple of war and wears plate armor. They use polearms as weapons. The following crafting classes can create items that are useful to the lancer:

Hunting Log

See lancer hunting log.


Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
Way of the Lancer Class quest 1 Jillian Lancer 1 Weathered spear icon1.png  Weathered Spear
5 Marmot steak icon1.png  Marmot Steak
My First Spear Class quest 1 Ywain
Spear of the Fearless Class quest 5 Ywain 1 Bone harpoon icon1.png  Bone Harpoon
1 Custom-made scale mail icon1.png  Custom-made Scale Mail
1 Leather eyepatch icon1.png  Leather Eyepatch
1 Fingerless leather gloves icon1.png  Fingerless Leather Gloves
1 Altered thighboots icon1.png  Altered Thighboots
5 Allagan tin piece icon1.png  Allagan Tin Piece
Courage of Stone Class quest 10 Ywain 1 Feathered harpoon icon1.png  Feathered Harpoon
1 Leather jacket icon1.png  Leather Jacket
1 Bronze sallet icon1.png  Bronze Sallet
1 Hempen bracers icon1.png  Hempen Bracers
1 Hard leather thighboots icon1.png  Hard Leather Thighboots
2 Allagan bronze piece icon1.png  Allagan Bronze Piece
A Dangerous Proposition Class quest 15 Ywain Piercing Talon.png  Piercing Talon 1 Brass spear icon1.png  Brass Spear
1 Cotton tabard icon1.png  Cotton Tabard
1 Hunting hat icon1.png  Hunting Hat
1 Fingerless hard leather gloves icon1.png  Fingerless Hard Leather Gloves
1 Hard leather crakows icon1.png  Hard Leather Crakows
3 Allagan bronze piece icon1.png  Allagan Bronze Piece
Lance of Destiny Class quest 20 Ywain 1 Iron lance icon1.png  Iron Lance
1 Goatskin jacket icon1.png  Goatskin Jacket
1 Iron sallet icon1.png  Iron Sallet
1 Goatskin armguards icon1.png  Goatskin Armguards
1 Goatskin leg guards icon1.png  Goatskin Leg Guards
5 Allagan bronze piece icon1.png  Allagan Bronze Piece
Questions and Lancers Class quest 25 Ywain 1 Silver battle fork icon1.png  Silver Battle Fork
1 Velveteen shirt icon1.png  Velveteen Shirt
1 Altered velveteen bandana icon1.png  Altered Velveteen Bandana
1 Fingerless goatskin gloves icon1.png  Fingerless Goatskin Gloves
1 Goatskin crakows icon1.png  Goatskin Crakows
2 Allagan silver piece icon1.png  Allagan Silver Piece
Proof of Might Class quest 30 Ywain Lance Charge.png  Lance Charge
Lancer (New Game+)
Lancer (New Game+)
Lancer Adventurer Plate
Lancer Adventurer Plate
1 Steel spear icon1.png  Steel Spear
1 Toadskin jacket icon1.png  Toadskin Jacket
1 Steel sallet icon1.png  Steel Sallet
1 Toadskin armguards icon1.png  Toadskin Armguards
1 Toadskin leg guards icon1.png  Toadskin Leg Guards
3 Allagan silver piece icon1.png  Allagan Silver Piece


PvE actions

Action Acquired Quest requirement Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
True Thrust.png  True Thrust Lancer frame icon.png LNC 1 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 3y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 170.
Vorpal Thrust.png  Vorpal Thrust Lancer frame icon.png LNC 4 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 3y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Combo Action: True Thrust
Combo Potency: 250
Life Surge.png  Life Surge Lancer frame icon.png LNC 6 Ability Instant 40s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Ensures critical damage for first weaponskill used while Life Surge is active.
Duration: 5s
Increases damage dealt when under an effect that raises critical hit rate.
Effect cannot be applied to damage over time.
Additional Effect: Absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP
Piercing Talon.png  Piercing Talon Lancer frame icon.png LNC 1Quest: A Dangerous Proposition 15 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 20y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 150.
Disembowel.png  Disembowel Lancer frame icon.png LNC 18 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 3y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Combo Action: True Thrust
Combo Potency: 210
Combo Bonus: Grants Power Surge
Power Surge Effect: Increases damage dealt by 10%
Duration: 30s
Full Thrust.png  Full Thrust Lancer frame icon.png LNC 26 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 3y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Lance Charge.png  Lance Charge Lancer frame icon.png LNC 1Quest: Proof of Might 30 Ability Instant 60s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Increases damage dealt by 10%.
Duration: 20s
Chaos Thrust.png  Chaos Thrust Lancer frame icon.png LNC 50 Weaponskill Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 3y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y

Limit Breaks

See also: Limit Break
Action Acquired Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
Limit break icon1.png  Braver Melee DPS role.png Melee DPS 1 Limit Break Level 1 2s Instant Range icon.png 8y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers an attack that deals 100% the damage of Braver.
Limit break icon1.png  Bladedance Melee DPS role.png Melee DPS 1 Limit Break Level 2 3s Instant Range icon.png 8y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers an attack that deals 220% the damage of Braver.
Limit break icon1.png  Dragonsong Dive Lancer frame icon.png LNC 1 Limit Break Level 3 4.5s Instant Range icon.png 8y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Delivers an attack that deals 350% the damage of Braver.

Melee DPS actions

See also: Role actions
Action Acquired Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
Second Wind.png  Second Wind Melee DPS role.png Melee DPS
Physical Ranged DPS role.png Physical Ranged DPS
8 Ability Instant 120s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Instantly restores own HP.
Cure Potency: 800
Leg Sweep.png  Leg Sweep Melee DPS role.png Melee DPS 10 Ability Instant 40s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Stuns target.
Duration: 3s
Bloodbath.png  Bloodbath Melee DPS role.png Melee DPS 12 Ability Instant 90s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Converts a portion of physical damage dealt into HP.
Duration: 20s
Feint.png  Feint Melee DPS role.png Melee DPS 22 Ability Instant 90s Range icon.png 10y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Lowers target's physical damage dealt by 10% and magic damage dealt by 5%.
Duration: 15s
Arm's Length.png  Arm's Length Melee DPS role.png Melee DPS
Physical Ranged DPS role.png Physical Ranged DPS
Tank role.png Tank
32 Ability Instant 120s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Creates a barrier nullifying most knockback and draw-in effects.
Duration: 6s
Additional Effect: Slow +20% when barrier is struck
Duration: 15s
True North.png  True North Melee DPS role.png Melee DPS 50 Ability Instant 45s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Nullifies all action direction requirements.
Duration: 10s
Maximum Charges: 2

Melee DPS actions

Action Acquired Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
Second Wind.png  Second Wind Melee DPS role.png Melee DPS
Physical Ranged DPS role.png Physical Ranged DPS
8 Ability Instant 120s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Instantly restores own HP.
Cure Potency: 800
Leg Sweep.png  Leg Sweep Melee DPS role.png Melee DPS 10 Ability Instant 40s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Stuns target.
Duration: 3s
Bloodbath.png  Bloodbath Melee DPS role.png Melee DPS 12 Ability Instant 90s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Converts a portion of physical damage dealt into HP.
Duration: 20s
Feint.png  Feint Melee DPS role.png Melee DPS 22 Ability Instant 90s Range icon.png 10y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Lowers target's physical damage dealt by 10% and magic damage dealt by 5%.
Duration: 15s
Arm's Length.png  Arm's Length Melee DPS role.png Melee DPS
Physical Ranged DPS role.png Physical Ranged DPS
Tank role.png Tank
32 Ability Instant 120s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Creates a barrier nullifying most knockback and draw-in effects.
Duration: 6s
Additional Effect: Slow +20% when barrier is struck
Duration: 15s
True North.png  True North Melee DPS role.png Melee DPS 50 Ability Instant 45s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Nullifies all action direction requirements.
Duration: 10s
Maximum Charges: 2


PvE traits

Trait Acquired Quest requirement Level Effect


The lancer can specialize into Dragoon frame icon.png DRG, a DPS job.

Core mechanics

Lancer icon.png

The lancer builds off the foundation for its job, making use of positioning and combinations to maximize their damage.

  • Heavy Thrust.png  Heavy Thrust - Delivers an attack with a potency of 150. 190 when executed from a target's flank.
  • Disembowel.png  Disembowel - Delivers an attack with a potency of 140.
  • Impulse Drive.png  Impulse Drive - Delivers an attack with a potency of 200.

Lancers inflict piercing damage, allowing them to take advantage of their own Disembowel effect and giving them some synergy with ranged physical classes. Some abilities can be used to further increase their damage output.


External links

  • Lancer on the official website.