Veteran Rewards

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Revision as of 06:25, 15 April 2014 by Mico90 (talk | contribs)
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Veteran Rewards are in-game items and other bonuses players receive for subscribing to Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn. Rewards are given through the Moogle delivery system once the required amount of subscription is achieved.

  • Players do not have to continuously subscribed to ARR to receive the rewards. For example, players will receive the 60 days reward after subscribing for 1 month then taking a month break then subscribing for another month.


Rank Days Rewards
1 30 Wind-up cursor1.pngWind-up Cursor
Fantasia icon1.pngFantasia
2 60 Black chocobo chick1.pngBlack Chocobo Chick
Cascadier uniform voucher icon1.pngCascadier Uniform Voucher
3 90 Beady eye1.pngBeady Eye
Voidal resonator icon1.pngVoidal Resonator
4 180 Minion of light icon1.pngMinion of Light
Black mage barding icon1.pngBlack Mage Barding
5 270 Wind-up leader icon2.pngWind-up Leader
Behemoth horn icon1.pngBehemoth Warhorn
6 360 Wind-up odin icon1.pngWind-up Odin
Cascadier uniform voucher icon1.pngAetheryte Ticket X 50
Wind-up warrior of light icon1.pngWind-up Warrior of Light
Barding of light icon1.pngBarding of Light
7 450