Race Chocobo Name List

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On registering a racing chocobo, you'll need to select a racing name.

Race names can be one or two of the following words:

Category Words Length
Colors Ambré 5
Colors Black 5
Colors Blaue 5
Colors Bleu 4
Colors Blonde 6
Colors Brune 5
Colors Cerulean 8
Colors Claybank 8
Colors Cuivé 5
Colors Dorée 5
Colors Gelbe 5
Colors Gold 4
Colors Goldenes 8
Colors Grüne 5
Colors Incarnat 8
Colors Ivory 5
Colors Nacarat 7
Colors Ocre 4
Colors Orange 6
Colors Pourpre 7
Colors Roter 5
Colors Rougeoyant 10
Colors Roux 4
Colors Rutilante 9
Colors Schwarzer 9
Colors Silberne 8
Colors Silver 6
Colors Vermeil 7
Colors Verte 5
Colors Weiße 5
Colors White 5
Colors Ambrée 6
Colors Azure 5
Colors Blanc 5
Colors Blanche 7
Colors Blauer 6
Colors Blaues 6
Colors Bleue 5
Colors Blonde 6
Colors Blue 4
Colors Brun 4
Colors Carmin 6
Colors Cérulé 6
Colors Chestnut 8
Colors Cobalt 6
Colors Crimson 7
Colors Cuivrée 7
Colors Doré 4
Colors Dun 3
Colors Écarlate 8
Colors Gelber 6
Colors Gelbes 6
Colors Goldenes 8
Colors Goldener 8
Colors Green 5
Colors Grey 4
Colors Grüner 6
Colors Grünes 6
Colors Incarnate 9
Colors Indigo 6
Colors Jaune 5
Colors Midori 6
Colors Noir 4
Colors Noire 5
Colors Ocré 4
Colors Ocrée 5
Colors Pastel 6
Colors Pers 4
Colors Red 3
Colors Roter 5
Colors Rotes 5
Colors Rouge 5
Colors Rougeoyante 11
Colors Rousse 6
Colors Rubican 7
Colors Rutilant 8
Colors Scarlet 7
Colors Schwarze 8
Colors Scharzes 8
Colors Silberne 8
Colors Silberner 9
Colors Silbernes 9
Colors Smalt 5
Colors Sorrel 6
Colors Vermeille 9
Colors Verte 5
Colors Violet 6
Colors Violette 8
Colors Weißer 6
Colors Weißes 6
Colors Xanthous 8
Colors Yellow 6
Materials Acier 5
Materials Agate 5
Materials Airain 6
Materials Amber 5
Materials Ambre 5
Materials Amethyst 8
Materials Argent 6
Materials Beryl 5
Materials Béryl 5
Materials Bronze 6
Materials Charbon 7
Materials Cinder 6
Materials Copper 6
Materials Corail 6
Materials Cristal 7
Materials Crystal 7
Materials Cuivre 6
Materials Darksteel 9
Materials Diamant 7
Materials Diamond 7
Materials Eisen 5
Materials Electrum 8
Materials Ember 5
Materials Émeraude 8
Materials Fer 3
Materials Garnet 6
Materials Grenat 6
Materials Iron 4
Materials Jade 4
Materials Jais 4
Materials Kristall 8
Materials Metal 5
Materials Métal 5
Materials Métallique 10
Materials Mythril 7
Materials Obsidian 8
Materials Obsidienne 10
Materials Opale 5
Materials Orange 6
Materials Perle 5
Materials Platinum 8
Materials Quartz 6
Materials Rubin 5
Materials Rubis 5
Materials Ruby 4
Materials Saphir 6
Materials Seidige 7
Materials Seidiger 8
Materials Seidiges 8
Materials Sphene 6
Materials Stone 5
Materials Topaze 6
Materials Turquoise 9
Materials Velvet 6
Materials Velveteen 9
Materials Wootz 5
Concrete Adj. Agile 5
Concrete Adj. Avian 5
Concrete Adj. Big 3
Concrete Adj. Blazing 7
Concrete Adj. Blinding 8
Concrete Adj. Bloody 6
Concrete Adj. Campagnard 10
Concrete Adj. Campagnarde 11
Concrete Adj. Citadin 7
Concrete Adj. Citadine 8
Concrete Adj. Clair 5
Concrete Adj. Claire 6
Concrete Adj. Court 5
Concrete Adj. Courte 6
Concrete Adj. Crackling 9
Concrete Adj. Dancing 7
Concrete Adj. Darksteel 9
Concrete Adj. Drowned 7
Concrete Adj. Eastern 7
Concrete Adj. Élancée 7
Concrete Adj. Elder 5
Concrete Adj. Fast 4
Concrete Adj. Fiery 5
Concrete Adj. Filant 6
Concrete Adj. Filante 7
Concrete Adj. Fleet 5
Concrete Adj. Flying 6
Concrete Adj. Fraîche 7
Concrete Adj. Frais 5
Concrete Adj. Frosty 6
Concrete Adj. Frozen 6
Concrete Adj. Geölte 6
Concrete Adj. Geölter 7
Concrete Adj. Geöltes 7
Concrete Adj. Grand 5
Concrete Adj. Grande 6
Concrete Adj. Gros 4
Concrete Adj. Grosse 6
Concrete Adj. Hobby 5
Concrete Adj. Hot 3
Concrete Adj. Icy 3
Concrete Adj. Jeune 5
Concrete Adj. Jumping 7
Concrete Adj. Klapprige 9
Concrete Adj. Klappriger 10
Concrete Adj. Klappriges 10
Concrete Adj. Leaping 7
Concrete Adj. Leste 5
Concrete Adj. Limber 6
Concrete Adj. Long 4
Concrete Adj. Longue 6
Concrete Adj. Montagnard 10
Concrete Adj. Montagnarde 11
Concrete Adj. Nimble 6
Concrete Adj. Northern 8
Concrete Adj. Old 3
Concrete Adj. Oller 5
Concrete Adj. Olles 5
Concrete Adj. Petit 5
Concrete Adj. Petite 6
Concrete Adj. Preste 6
Concrete Adj. Quick 5
Concrete Adj. Radiant 7
Concrete Adj. Radiante 8
Concrete Adj. Raging 6
Concrete Adj. Rich 4
Concrete Adj. Rising 6
Concrete Adj. Robuste 7
Concrete Adj. Saure 5
Concrete Adj. Saurer 6
Concrete Adj. Saures 6
Concrete Adj. Shining 7
Concrete Adj. Shooting 8
Concrete Adj. Silky 5
Concrete Adj. Smoking 7
Concrete Adj. Snowy 5
Concrete Adj. Sombre 6
Concrete Adj. Southern 8
Concrete Adj. Sparkling 9
Concrete Adj. Stürmische 10
Concrete Adj. Stürmischer 11
Concrete Adj. Stürmisches 11
Concrete Adj. Swift 5
Concrete Adj. Sylvan 6
Concrete Adj. Turbulent 9
Concrete Adj. Turbulente 10
Concrete Adj. Twinkling 9
Concrete Adj. Vieille 7
Concrete Adj. Vieux 5
Concrete Adj. Vivid 5
Concrete Adj. Vorace 6
Concrete Adj. Western 7
Concrete Adj. Wilde 5
Concrete Adj. Wilder 6
Concrete Adj. Wildes 6
Concrete Adj. Winning 7
Abstract Adj. Adoré 5
Abstract Adj. Adorée 6
Abstract Adj. Aetherial 9
Abstract Adj. Best 4
Abstract Adj. Bester 6
Abstract Adj. Blistering 10
Abstract Adj. Bon 3
Abstract Adj. Bonne 5
Abstract Adj. Cool 4
Abstract Adj. Deep 4
Abstract Adj. Dunkle 6
Abstract Adj. Dunkler 7
Abstract Adj. Dunkles 7
Abstract Adj. Easy 4
Abstract Adj. Eternal 7
Abstract Adj. Ewige 5
Abstract Adj. Ewiger 6
Abstract Adj. Ewiges 6
Abstract Adj. Excellent 9
Abstract Adj. Excellente 10
Abstract Adj. Fantastic 9
Abstract Adj. Fin 3
Abstract Adj. Final 5
Abstract Adj. Fine 4
Abstract Adj. Fulgurant 9
Abstract Adj. Fulgurante 10
Abstract Adj. Glorieuse 9
Abstract Adj. Glorieux 8
Abstract Adj. Good 4
Abstract Adj. Gute 4
Abstract Adj. Guter 5
Abstract Adj. Gutes 5
Abstract Adj. Helle 5
Abstract Adj. Heller 6
Abstract Adj. Helles 6
Abstract Adj. Hyper 5
Abstract Adj. Immortal 8
Abstract Adj. Imperial 8
Abstract Adj. Impérial 8
Abstract Adj. Impériale 9
Abstract Adj. Invincible 10
Abstract Adj. Last 4
Abstract Adj. Magic 5
Abstract Adj. Magnificent 11
Abstract Adj. Max 3
Abstract Adj. Maximum 7
Abstract Adj. Meilleur 8
Abstract Adj. Meilleure 9
Abstract Adj. Méritant 8
Abstract Adj. Méritante 9
Abstract Adj. Natural 7
Abstract Adj. Negative 8
Abstract Adj. Neo 3
Abstract Adj. Noble 5
Abstract Adj. Optimal 7
Abstract Adj. Optimale 8
Abstract Adj. Parfait 7
Abstract Adj. Parfaite 8
Abstract Adj. Perfect 7
Abstract Adj. Poetic 6
Abstract Adj. Positive 8
Abstract Adj. Premium 7
Abstract Adj. Pur 3
Abstract Adj. Pure 4
Abstract Adj. Pures 5
Abstract Adj. Riche 5
Abstract Adj. Royal 5
Abstract Adj. Royale 6
Abstract Adj. Saint 5
Abstract Adj. Sainte 6
Abstract Adj. Special 7
Abstract Adj. Spécial 7
Abstract Adj. Spéciale 8
Abstract Adj. Super 5
Abstract Adj. Sweet 5
Abstract Adj. Transient 9
Abstract Adj. Ultimate 8
Abstract Adj. Ultime 6
Abstract Adj. Ultra 5
Abstract Adj. Vorpal 6
Abstract Adj. Wicked 6
Abstract Adj. Wonderful 9
Appearance Beau 4
Appearance Beauté 6
Appearance Beautiful 9
Appearance Bel 3
Appearance Belle 5
Appearance Charisma 8
Appearance Charmant 8
Appearance Charmante 9
Appearance Charmanter 10
Appearance Charmantes 10
Appearance Chic 4
Appearance Dandy 5
Appearance Edle 4
Appearance Edler 5
Appearance Edles 5
Appearance Elegant 7
Appearance Élégant 7
Appearance Elegante 8
Appearance Élégante 8
Appearance Fat 3
Appearance Feathered 9
Appearance Gallant 7
Appearance Giant 5
Appearance Gorgeous 8
Appearance Joli 4
Appearance Jolie 5
Appearance Jonge 5
Appearance Junger 6
Appearance Junges 6
Appearance Kleine 6
Appearance Kleiner 7
Appearance Kleines 7
Appearance Leichte 7
Appearance Leichter 8
Appearance Leichtes 8
Appearance Magnifique 10
Appearance Nice 4
Appearance Pretty 6
Appearance Princely 8
Appearance Stylish 7
Appearance Superbe 7
Appearance Winged 6
Appearance Young 5
Personality Ambitious 9
Personality Angelic 7
Personality Angry 5
Personality Ardent 6
Personality Ardente 7
Personality Audacieuse 10
Personality Audacieux 9
Personality Benevolent 10
Personality Bold 4
Personality Brave 5
Personality Braver 6
Personality Braves 6
Personality Brilliant 9
Personality Calme 5
Personality Candid 6
Personality Candide 7
Personality Chanceuse 9
Personality Chanceux 8
Personality Daring 6
Personality Devilish 8
Personality Dutiful 7
Personality Eager 5
Personality Evil 4
Personality Farceur 7
Personality Farceuse 8
Personality Fier 4
Personality Fière 5
Personality Fougueuse 9
Personality Fougueux 8
Personality Fringant 8
Personality Fringante 9
Personality Furie 5
Personality Galopin 7
Personality Gambrinous 10
Personality Gourmand 8
Personality Gourmande 9
Personality Great 5
Personality Grim 4
Personality Hardi 5
Personality Hardie 6
Personality Humble 6
Personality Impétueuse 10
Personality Impétueux 9
Personality Innocent 8
Personality Innocente 9
Personality Jolly 5
Personality Joyeuse 7
Personality Joyeux 6
Personality Kluge 5
Personality Kluger 6
Personality Kluges 6
Personality Lucky 5
Personality Malevolant 10
Personality Melancholy 10
Personality Merciless 9
Personality Merry 5
Personality Patient 7
Personality Patiente 8
Personality Pensif 6
Personality Pensive 7
Personality Peureuse 8
Personality Peureux 7
Personality Prodigue 8
Personality Pureté 6
Personality Reckless 8
Personality Restless 8
Personality Rieur 5
Personality Rieuse 6
Personality Robust 6
Personality Rugged 6
Personality Sagace 6
Personality Sanfte 6
Personality Sanfter 7
Personality Sanftes 7
Personality Serein 6
Personality Sereine 7
Personality Silent 6
Personality Somber 6
Personality Tapfere 7
Personality Tapferer 8
Personality Tapferes 8
Personality Tempered 8
Personality Timide 6
Personality Touched 7
Personality Tranquil 8
Personality Tranquille 10
Personality Treue 5
Personality Tranquil 8
Personality Tranquille 10
Personality Treue 5
Personality Treuer 6
Personality Treues 6
Personality Vif 3
Personality Vive 4
Personality Vorwitzige 10
Personality Verwitziger 11
Personality Vorwitziges 11
Personality Wild 4
Concepts Amour 5
Concepts Angelic 7
Concepts Animus 6
Concepts Äther 5
Concepts Atma 4
Concepts Âtma 4
Concepts Avenir 6
Concepts Beauty 6
Concepts Bonheur 7
Concepts Brilliance 10
Concepts Chaos 5
Concepts Destruction 11
Concepts Divin 5
Concepts Divine 6
Concepts Dream 5
Concepts End 3
Concepts Engel 5
Concepts Espoir 6
Concepts Esprit 6
Concepts Éternel 7
Concepts Éternelle 9
Concepts Farfadet 8
Concepts Fee 3
Concepts Fée 3
Concepts Fortune 7
Concepts Fury 4
Concepts Geist 5
Concepts Genesis 7
Concepts Génie 5
Concepts Grâce 5
Concepts Groove 6
Concepts Harmony 7
Concepts Hope 4
Concepts Illusion 8
Concepts Joy 3
Concepts Justice 7
Concepts Legend 6
Concepts Legende 7
Concepts Légende 7
Concepts Liberty 7
Concepts Liebe 5
Concepts Lutin 5
Concepts Melodie 7
Concepts Miracle 7
Concepts Néant 5
Concepts Nexus 5
Concepts Novus 5
Concepts Nozomi 6
Concepts Oracle 6
Concepts Passion 7
Concepts Peace 5
Concepts Pensée 6
Concepts Prodige 7
Concepts Rêve 4
Concepts Spirit 6
Concepts Terror 6
Concepts Verve 5
Concepts Wonderful 9
Concepts Wunder 6
Flora Akane 5
Flora Aoba 4
Flora Ayame 5
Flora Bleuet 6
Flora Camelia 7
Flora Camélia 7
Flora Campanule 9
Flora Cannelle 8
Flora Capucine 8
Flora Cerise 6
Flora Citron 6
Flora Clématite 9
Flora Coriandre 9
Flora Ebony 5
Flora Enzian 6
Flora Fleur 5
Flora Flora 5
Flora Flore 5
Flora Flower 6
Flora Gingembre 9
Flora Ginger 6
Flora Iris 4
Flora Jacinthe 8
Flora Jasmin 6
Flora Jasmine 7
Flora Kaede 5
Flora Kiku 4
Flora Laurel 6
Flora Lavande 7
Flora Lilas 5
Flora Lily 4
Flora Lys 3
Flora Mandragora 10
Flora Mandragore 10
Flora Mimosa 6
Flora Momiji 6
Flora Momo 4
Flora Muguet 6
Flora Myosotis 8
Flora Nénuphar 8
Flora Olive 5
Flora Orchid 6
Flora Orchidee 8
Flora Orchidée 8
Flora Paprika 7
Flora Piment 6
Flora Pomme 5
Flora Rice 4
Flora Rose 4
Flora Saffron 7
Flora Safran 6
Flora Sakura 6
Flora Tournesol 9
Flora Tulipe 6
Flora Zitrone 7
Fauna Adder 5
Fauna Aile 4
Fauna Ailé 4
Fauna Ailée 5
Fauna Angelic 7
Fauna Apkallu 7
Fauna Ayu 3
Fauna Bat 3
Fauna Beak 4
Fauna Bec 3
Fauna Beetle 6
Fauna Blood 5
Fauna Bonheur 7
Fauna Bone 4
Fauna Camail 6
Fauna Chanfrein 9
Fauna Claw 4
Fauna Condor 6
Fauna Coursier 8
Fauna Crête 5
Fauna Daune 5
Fauna Destrier 8
Fauna Devil 5
Fauna Dobbin 6
Fauna Dodo 4
Fauna Draconique 10
Fauna Dragon 6
Fauna Duvet 5
Fauna Eagle 5
Fauna Eye 3
Fauna Face 4
Fauna Fairy 5
Fauna Feather 7
Fauna Feder 5
Fauna Flaum 5
Fauna Fledgling 9
Fauna Foot 4
Fauna Fox 3
Fauna Fuchs 5
Fauna Fenet 5
Fauna Ghost 5
Fauna Goose 5
Fauna Hatchling 9
Fauna Hayabusa 8
Fauna Heart 5
Fauna Hengst 6
Fauna Hiryu 5
Fauna Jarret 6
Fauna Jay 3
Fauna Küken 5
Fauna Leg 3
Fauna Licorne 7
Fauna Manticore 9
Fauna Minotaur 8
Fauna Mustang 7
Fauna Orochi 6
Fauna Palefroi 8
Fauna Patte 5
Fauna Pâturon 7
Fauna Pegasus 7
Fauna Pelican 7
Fauna Penne 5
Fauna Phénix 6
Fauna Phoenix 7
Fauna Phurble 7
Fauna Piaf 4
Fauna Plumage 7
Fauna Plume 5
Fauna Pony 4
Fauna Poulet 6
Fauna Poussin 7
Fauna Poussinet 9
Fauna Ramage 6
Fauna Raven 5
Fauna Rémige 6
Fauna Robin 5
Fauna Roussin 7
Fauna Schnabel 8
Fauna Schweif 7
Fauna Schwinge 8
Fauna Serpent 7
Fauna Serre 5
Fauna Stallion 8
Fauna Steed 5
Fauna Stute 5
Fauna Sumpter 7
Fauna Tail 4
Fauna Talon 5
Fauna Trotter 7
Fauna Unicorn 7
Fauna Vogel 5
Fauna Volatile 8
Fauna Vulture 7
Fauna Wing 4
Fauna Zu 2
Land & Sky Céleste 7
Land & Sky Comet 5
Land & Sky Comète 6
Land & Sky Crag 4
Land & Sky Desert 6
Land & Sky Désert 6
Land & Sky East 4
Land & Sky Eclipse 7
Land & Sky Éclipse 7
Land & Sky Étoile 6
Land & Sky Flood 5
Land & Sky Forest 6
Land & Sky Galaxie 7
Land & Sky Galaxy 6
Land & Sky Gekko 5
Land & Sky Highland 8
Land & Sky Himmel 6
Land & Sky Jungle 6
Land & Sky Jupiter 7
Land & Sky Komet 5
Land & Sky Luna 4
Land & Sky Lunar 5
Land & Sky Lune 4
Land & Sky Mars 4
Land & Sky Mercure 7
Land & Sky Mercury 7
Land & Sky Méridional 10
Land & Sky Méridionale 11
Land & Sky Meteor 6
Land & Sky Mond 4
Land & Sky Moon 4
Land & Sky Nebula 6
Land & Sky Nebulous 8
Land & Sky Neptune 7
Land & Sky Nether 6
Land & Sky North 5
Land & Sky Nova 4
Land & Sky Occidental 10
Land & Sky Occidentale 11
Land & Sky Oriental 8
Land & Sky Orientale 9
Land & Sky Pluto 5
Land & Sky Pluton 6
Land & Sky Quasar 6
Land & Sky Road 4
Land & Sky Saturn 6
Land & Sky Saturne 7
Land & Sky Sea 3
Land & Sky Septentrional 13
Land & Sky Septentrionale 14
Land & Sky Solar 5
Land & Sky Soleil 6
Land & Sky South 5
Land & Sky Star 4
Land & Sky Stardust 8
Land & Sky Stern 5
Land & Sky Stream 6
Land & Sky Sun 3
Land & Sky Titan 5
Land & Sky Univers 7
Land & Sky Universe 8
Land & Sky Uranus 6
Land & Sky Ushio 5
Land & Sky Vega 4
Land & Sky Véga 4
Land & Sky Venus 5
Land & Sky Vénus 5
Land & Sky West 4
Weather Air 3
Weather Akatsuki 8
Weather Aki 3
Weather Arashi 6
Weather Arc-en-ciel 11
Weather Automne 7
Weather Autumn 6
Weather Blizzard 8
Weather Bourrasque 10
Weather Breeze 6
Weather Brise 5
Weather Ciel 4
Weather Cloud 5
Weather Cyclone 7
Weather Donner 6
Weather Echo 4
Weather Éclair 6
Weather Été 3
Weather Flurry 6
Weather Fog 3
Weather Frost 5
Weather Fubuki 6
Weather Fuyu 4
Weather Gale 4
Weather Gloom 5
Weather Gust 4
Weather Hanakaze 8
Weather Haru 4
Weather Hiver 5
Weather Hurricane 9
Weather Ikazuchi 8
Weather Inazuma 7
Weather Kasumi 6
Weather Lightning 9
Weather Luft 4
Weather Mirage 6
Weather Mistral 7
Weather Murasame 8
Weather Natsu 5
Weather Nature 6
Weather Night 5
Weather Nuage 5
Weather Nuit 4
Weather Oboro 5
Weather Orage 5
Weather Orageuse 8
Weather Orageux 7
Weather Orkan 5
Weather Ouragan 7
Weather Pluie 5
Weather Printemps 9
Weather Quake 5
Weather Fafale 6
Weather Raiden 6
Weather Rain 4
Weather Rainbow 7
Weather Regenbogen 10
Weather Samidare 8
Weather Sandstorm 9
Weather Shigure 7
Weather Shiranui 8
Weather Sky 3
Weather Snow 4
Weather Snowstorm 9
Weather Souffle 7
Weather Spring 6
Weather Storm 5
Weather Sturm 5
Weather Summer 6
Weather Tailwind 8
Weather Tempest 7
Weather Tempête 7
Weather Thunder 7
Weather Tonnerre 8
Weather Tornade 7
Weather Tornado 7
Weather Tourbillon 10
Weather Typhoon 7
Weather Urara 5
Weather Vent 4
Weather Wave 4
Weather Whirlwind 9
Weather Wind 4
Weather Winter 6
Weather Wirbelwind 10
Weather Wolke 5
Weather Yukikaze 8
Weather Zephyr 6
Weather Zéphyr 6
Phenomena Blaze 5
Phenomena Braise 6
Phenomena Braisier 8
Phenomena Burst 5
Phenomena Écho 4
Phenomena Feu 3
Phenomena Feuer 5
Phenomena Fire 4
Phenomena Flamboyant 10
Phenomena Flamboyante 11
Phenomena Flamme 6
Phenomena Flare 5
Phenomena Freeze 6
Phenomena Funke 5
Phenomena Glace 5
Phenomena Hikari 6
Phenomena Ice 3
Phenomena Impact 6
Phenomena Impulse 7
Phenomena Inferno 7
Phenomena Kodama 6
Phenomena Light 5
Phenomena Maelstrom 9
Phenomena Ombre 5
Phenomena Quantum 7
Phenomena Ray 3
Phenomena Shadow 6
Phenomena Spark 5
Phenomena Vortex 6
Battle Ace 3
Battle Admiral 7
Battle Amiral 6
Battle Amirale 7
Battle Archer 6
Battle Archère 7
Battle Arrow 5
Battle Attaquant 9
Battle Attaquante 10
Battle Audace 6
Battle Avenger 7
Battle Axe 3
Battle Battle 6
Battle Blade 5
Battle Blitz 5
Battle Blitzer 7
Battle Capitaine 9
Battle Captain 7
Battle Centurion 9
Battle Charger 7
Battle Chasseur 8
Battle Chasseuse 9
Battle Commander 9
Battle Crusader 8
Battle Dagger 6
Battle Decurion 8
Battle Décurion 8
Battle Défenseur 9
Battle Destroyer 9
Battle Exterminator 12
Battle Fighter 7
Battle Firecracker 11
Battle Fléche 6
Battle General 7
Battle Geschoss 8
Battle Jäger 5
Battle Jägerin 7
Battle Javelin 7
Battle Knife 5
Battle Lancer 6
Battle Legatus 7
Battle Lieutenant 10
Battle Marshal 7
Battle Monstre 7
Battle Ninja 5
Battle Outlaw 6
Battle Pfeil 5
Battle Private 7
Battle Samurai 7
Battle Sergeant 8
Battle Sergent 7
Battle Shield 6
Battle Shooter 7
Battle Spear 5
Battle Strike 6
Battle Sword 5
Battle Torpedo 7
Battle Torpille 8
Battle Trêve 5
Battle Trooper 7
Battle Vaillant 8
Battle Vaillante 9
Battle Vengeur 7
Battle Vengeuse 8
Battle War 3
Battle Warrior 7
Racing Atout 5
Racing Ballistic 9
Racing Battant 7
Racing Battante 8
Racing Bolide 6
Racing Cart 4
Racing Challenger 10
Racing Champion 8
Racing Championne 10
Racing Chance 6
Racing Chariot 7
Racing Clipper 7
Racing Coureur 7
Racing Coureuse 8
Racing Crown 5
Racing Défi 4
Racing Drafter 7
Racing Express 7
Racing Flight 6
Racing Flinke 6
Racing Flinker 7
Racing Flinkes 7
Racing Flyer 5
Racing Gagnant 7
Racing Gagnante 8
Racing Galloper 8
Racing Galop 5
Racing Galopant 8
Racing Galopante 9
Racing Galopeur 8
Racing Galopeuse 9
Racing Gloire 6
Racing Glorie 6
Racing Glory 5
Racing Goer 4
Racing Idaten 6
Racing Jet 3
Racing Lahme 5
Racing Lahmer 6
Racing Lahmes 6
Racing Leaper 6
Racing Motion 6
Racing Passer 6
Racing Pelter 6
Racing Power 5
Racing Prancer 7
Racing Puissant 8
Racing Puissante 9
Racing Rapide 6
Racing Roadster 8
Racing Runner 6
Racing Sautant 7
Racing Sautante 8
Racing Sieger 6
Racing Speed 5
Racing Speedster 9
Racing Sprinter 8
Racing Triumph 7
Racing Trot 4
Racing Trotteur 8
Racing Trotteuse 9
Racing Turbo 5
Racing Véloce 6
Racing Victoire 8
Racing Victor 6
Racing Victory 7
Racing Walker 6
Racing Winner 6
Titles Altesse 7
Titles Artiste 7
Titles Baron 5
Titles Baroness 8
Titles Baronne 7
Titles Boy 3
Titles Chéri 5
Titles Chérie 6
Titles Comte 5
Titles Comtesse 8
Titles Count 5
Titles Countess 8
Titles Courrier 8
Titles Dame 4
Titles Dancer 6
Titles Demoiselle 10
Titles Dray 4
Titles Duc 3
Titles Duchess 7
Titles Duchesse 8
Titles Duke 4
Titles Empereur 8
Titles Emperor 7
Titles Empress 7
Titles Esquire 7
Titles Friend 6
Titles Girl 4
Titles Haoh 4
Titles Held 4
Titles Heldin 6
Titles Héritier 8
Titles Héritière 9
Titles Hero 4
Titles Heroine 7
Titles Herold 6
Titles Herzog 6
Titles Idol 4
Titles Impératrice 11
Titles Jack 4
Titles Kaiser 6
Titles Kaiserin 8
Titles King 4
Titles Lady 4
Titles Lord 4
Titles Madame 6
Titles Maestro 7
Titles Maharaja 8
Titles Maître 6
Titles Maîtresse 9
Titles Majesté 7
Titles Majesty 7
Titles Mama 4
Titles Marquis 7
Titles Marquise 8
Titles Master 6
Titles Ménestrel 9
Titles Miss 4
Titles Mister 6
Titles Monsieur 8
Titles Nana 4
Titles Neddy 5
Titles Papa 4
Titles Partner 7
Titles Pendragon 9
Titles Picker 6
Titles Prince 6
Titles Princess 8
Titles Princesse 9
Titles Prinz 5
Titles Prinzessin 10
Titles Queen 5
Titles Rattler 7
Titles Reine 5
Titles Roi 3
Titles Roughie 7
Titles Sage 4
Titles Schnaufer 9
Titles Scion 5
Titles Seigneur 8
Titles Selene 6
Titles Signore 7
Titles Sultan 6
Titles Sultana 7
Titles Traveler 8
Titles Tristan 7
Titles Tycoon 6
Titles Wuschel 7
Titles Zeppelin 8
Numbers Großer 6
Numbers Großes 6
Numbers I 1
Numbers II 2
Numbers III 3
Numbers Infinity 8
Numbers IV 2
Numbers IX 2
Numbers Letzte 6
Numbers Letzter 7
Numbers Letztes 7
Numbers Maximal 7
Numbers Maximale 8
Numbers Millénium 9
Numbers Millennium 10
Numbers Million 7
Numbers One 3
Numbers Quatorzième 11
Numbers Ten 3
Numbers V 1
Numbers VI 2
Numbers VII 3
Numbers VIII 4
Numbers X 1
Numbers XI 2
Numbers XII 3
Numbers XIII 4
Numbers XIV 3
Numbers Zero 4
Numbers Zéro 4
Numbers Zillion 7
Proper Nouns Asuka 5
Proper Nouns Brian 5
Proper Nouns Bucephalus 10
Proper Nouns César 5
Proper Nouns Diana 5
Proper Nouns Diane 5
Proper Nouns Digga 5
Proper Nouns Goemon 6
Proper Nouns Gonzales 8
Proper Nouns Helidor 7
Proper Nouns Hermes 6
Proper Nouns Hermès 6
Proper Nouns Hyperion 8
Proper Nouns Hypérion 8
Proper Nouns Ikezuki 7
Proper Nouns Izumo 5
Proper Nouns Komachi 7
Proper Nouns Luzie 5
Proper Nouns Mataemon 8
Proper Nouns Musashi 7
Proper Nouns Nemesis 7
Proper Nouns Némésis 7
Proper Nouns Odyssée 7
Proper Nouns Olympe 6
Proper Nouns Rosinante 9
Proper Nouns Sekito 6
Proper Nouns Séléné 6
Proper Nouns Senden 6
Proper Nouns Shiden 6
Proper Nouns Shinpu 6
Proper Nouns Sui 3
Proper Nouns Surusumi 8
Proper Nouns Tekiro 6
Proper Nouns Valentine 9
Proper Nouns Xanthe 6
Proper Nouns Yamato 6
Proper Nouns Zetsuei 7
Eorzea Cieldalaes 10
Eorzea der Bruderschaft 16
Eorzea der Ixal 8
Eorzea der Legion 10
Eorzea des Mahlstroms 14
Eorzea Eorzean 7
Eorzea Garlean 7
Eorzea Gridanian 9
Eorzea Gridanien 9
Eorzea Gridanienne 11
Eorzea Gridanische 11
Eorzea Gridanischer 12
Eorzea Gridanisches 12
Eorzea Gysahl 6
Eorzea Ishgardais 10
Eorzea Ishgardaise 11
Eorzea Ishgarder 9
Eorzea Ishgardian 10
Eorzea Ixali 5
Eorzea Limséen 7
Eorzea Limséenne 9
Eorzea Limser 6
Eorzea Lominsan 8
Eorzea Mhigois 7
Eorzea Mhigoise 8
Eorzea Sharlayan 9
Eorzea Sharlayaner 11
Eorzea Thavnairian 11
Eorzea Twelveswood 11
Eorzea Ul'dahn 7
Eorzea Ul'dahner 9
Eorzea Uldien 6
Eorzea Uldienne 8
Others Alpha 5
Others Amatsukaze 10
Others Balzane 7
Others Biscuit 7
Others Bonbon 6
Others Butin 5
Others Cap 3
Others Caramel 7
Others Chocolat 8
Others Clochette 9
Others Craft 5
Others Cry 3
Others Dancer 6
Others Danseur 7
Others Danseuse 8
Others Emblem 6
Others Flocke 6
Others Fresser 7
Others G 1
Others Hayate 6
Others Hibiki 6
Others Hiden 5
Others Hiten 5
Others Ichimonji 9
Others Jinpu 5
Others Koloss 6
Others Kugel 5
Others Kweh 4
Others Lady 4
Others Le 2
Others Licol 5
Others Line 4
Others Ma 2
Others Martingale 10
Others Matsukaze 9
Others Mélodie 7
Others Melody 6
Others Miel 4
Others Monsieur 8
Others Monture 7
Others Omega 5
Others Point 5
Others Quadrille 9
Others Reppu 5
Others Rhapsody 8
Others Saddle 6
Others Schatz 6
Others Shinden 7
Others Sweep 5
Others The 3
Others Ticket 6
Others Trésor 6
Others Wark 4
Others Whisper 7
Others Whorl 5
Others Z 1