The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3

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Turn 8 Video Guide
See also: The Second Coil of Bahamut

The Avatar is the boss of the 8th turn of coil.

The Avatar Abilities

All Phases

Diffusion Ray - large cone AOE that applies a DoT. This DoT ticks for 600 and can be cleansed with esuna and leeches.

Gaseous Bomb - marks a player with a non-transferable "satellite-like" icon. The target will be hit with an AOE for huge damage. Damage is split between all targets hit.

Homing Missile - draws a line between The Avatar and a random player (not MT). This line can be transferred by having another player intercept the line. The target will be hit with an AoE for a few thousand damage.

Phase 2

Brain Jack - causes MT to attack the nearest ally for x seconds. Brain Jack is casted every 30 seconds. Diffusion Ray always follows this move. (To prevent the boss from turning around, place a DPS within melee range of the tank. The DPS should not be in the front of The Avatar, at risk of being hit with Diffusion Ray).

Ballistic Missile - binds 2 players in place, and summons a large or small circle around each. After a delay, 2 people must be in the small circle(s) and 3 people must be in the large circle(s). Otherwise everybody in the circles will die. (Assuming that everybody stacks behind the boss, there are 3 different possibilities).

Phase 3

Allagan Field - debuffs a player for 30 seconds. Time is 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off, repeat. If the player takes 100 damage during the debuff, the raid will be hit with 200 damage when the debuff wears off. If the player takes 500 damage, the raid is hit with 1000 damage. (Maintain Stoneskin and Adloquium on the debuffed target to minimize damage taken.) (If desired, activate Defensive Reaction towers when Allgan Field is not active).


Biotowers are located at North, East, South, and West areas of the room. They activate in scripted sets of 2 or 3. They start with 1 charge and gain one charge every 15 seconds. After gaining 4 charges, the next charge will activate their special ability.

If two towers charge at the same time with the same frequency, The Avatar gains a stack of 2 buffs. The buffs will (a) increase defense and (b) increase damage output.

If towers are pushed/rushed properly, the boss will gain 0 stacks of these buffs.

If two or more towers charge to maximum, Avatar will wipe the party.

If a player steps into a tower, the tower gains one charge and the player is debuffed. This debuff increases the damage a player takes from a tower, and does not increase damage from other sources. It is not recommended that a player reach 2 stacks of the debuff. Debuff lasts for 90 seconds.

There is a 20 second period between the last tower's natural activation (nobody running in to charge it) and when the next set of towers spawn. It's always 20 seconds, whether there are two or three towers.

During two tower phases, it is an 80 second cycle (4x15s between natural charges + 20s before next towers spawn). The debuff you get for charging a tower manually lasts 90 seconds, so you have to plan accordingly.

During three tower phases, it is a 100 seconds cycle (4x20s between natural charges + 20s before next towers spawn). Because it's longer than the 90s debuff, you can have the same people activate the towers.

Special abilities of the towers:

North - summon 1 clockwork dreadnaught (Dread has conal aoe swipe, and will enrage if not killed fast enough, causing a wipe).

East - spawn 3 landmines in random areas, but not near towers and not under the boss (Touching a mine causes knockback and ~2000 AOE damage. If any mine remains after 15 seconds, the raid will wipe).

South - Defensive Reaction (Raidwide AOE damage).

West - Defensive Reaction (Raidwide AOE damage).

The Avatar Strategy

This fight has a 11m hard enrage timer. After 11 minutes The Avatar will wipe the raid. The Avatar stays in the center of the boss room. When the Main Tank moves out of the melee range of The Avatar, it will use heavy hitting lasers instead of auto-attacks. Fighting in the northeast corner of the boss (the back-left corner as you enter the room) is recommended because this gives you access to the two more important biotowers, and gives easy vision of the AOE biotowers to the healers.

Phase 1: 0s - 2m40s

Set 1 (Dread + West Tower): rush dread tower (send 2 DPS to dread tower). Tank grabs dread, and uses all cooldowns to survive.

Set 2 (Mines + West Tower): rush mines tower. Assign 3 DPS for landmines, one for each landmine. Alternate strategy.

Phase 2: 2m40s - 7m or 45% HP

With enough dps (pushing to 45% health), you can skip the Ballistic Missiles after the 5th tower set.

If you push to 45% before ~6:00, Allagan Field comes early and the 5th set of towers doesn't appear. In other words, very high DPS allows you to skip as much as Phase 2 as you'd like.

The Avatar always does Homing Missiles immediately after Brainjack ends. It makes sense for the same person to be responsible for tanking Brainjacks duty and Homing Missiles. IMO, Bard is the perfect candidate for this job since it comes at no compromise to their DPS output.

The Avatar gains Brain Jack and Ballistic Missile abilities.

Set 3 (Dread + West Tower): see above, for set 1.

Set 4 (Mines + West Tower): see above, for set 2.

Set 5 (Dread + Mines Tower): you can choose to rush dread or mines. Picking dread, you must deal with Ballistic Missile and mines at the same time. Picking mines, you must deal with Ballistic Missile and the dread at the same time.

Phase 3: 7m - 11m or 45% to 0% HP

3 towers now activate per wave. 3 players must push towers now. These people should not be debuffed; healers and tank(s) might need to get involved.

The tower's automatic charge rate is now 20 seconds, instead of 15 seconds.

The player with Allagan Field should not be pushing towers or hitting mines, period.

The Avatar always casts Homing Missiles right after Allagan Field in this phase.

The Avatar can no longer cast Brain Jack or Ballistic Missile.

The Avatar gains the Allagan Field ability.

Set 6 (Mines + West + South Tower): send 2 players to mines and 1 player to south. (Flexible strategy, based on group preference).

Set 7 (Mines + Dread + South Tower): send 2 players to dread and 1 player to mines. (Flexible strategy, based on group preference).

Set 8 (Mines + West + South Tower): see above, for set 6.

Strategies for Tower-Pushing

Strategies for above

  • Set 1: 2 dreadnaught
  • Set 2: 2 mines
  • Set 3: 2 dreadnaught
  • Set 4: 2 mines
  • Set 5: 2 mines
  • Set 6: 2 mines, 1 AOE (can send tank to AOE if desired)
  • Set 7: 2 dreadnaught, 1 mines
  • Set 8: 2 mines, 1 AOE (can send tank to AOE if desired)

Alternate 1

  • Set 1: 1 to AoE, 0 to Dread
  • Set 2: 2 to Mines, 0 to AoE
  • Set 3: 2 to AoE, 0 to Dread
  • Set 4: 2 to Mines, 0 to AoE
  • Set 5: 2 to Mines, 0 for Dread
  • Set 6: 2 to AoE*, 1 to AoE, 0 to Mines. Tank triggers AoE early, when there is no active Allagan Field.
  • Set 7: 2 to AoE, 1 to Mines, 0 to Dread. Kill boss before Dread spawns.

Alternate 2

  • Set 1: 2 to dreadnaught
  • Set 2: 2 to mines
  • Set 3: 2 to dreadnaught
  • Set 4: 2 to mines
  • Set 5: 2 to mines
  • Set 6: 2 to AOE, 1 to AOE (push AOE during Allgan Field downtime)
  • Set 7: 2 to dreadnaught, 1 to mines
  • Set 8: 2 to AOE, 1 to AOE (push AOE during Allgan Field downtime)


Main article: The Second Coil of Bahamut Turn 3 Loot


The avatar1.jpg


Your party activates the coil's lift-like mechanism, and, at a depth of 3256 yalms, arrives within the interior of the internment hulk proper. The great cavern where the elder primal Bahamut dreams is yet many thousands of yalms distant. Explore the labyrinthine passages of the Ragnarok-class starship, and secure a route into the lowest levels of the hulk.