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Sylph Daily Quests
Rescue trapped Sylphs by using an item on them. Can be annoying sometimes depending on location and if there are lots of aggressive monsters around.
In-game Description
Tonaxia fears for the fate of her fellow sylphs.
Touched sylphs have played a terrible trick on Tonaxia's friends, who now struggle trapped in the bellies of the fearsome leaf-eating gapemaw plants. To rescue them from a sticky fate, first make for Larkscall and collect sap from deepwood saplings.
You have secured three phials of sap, the sweet scent of which will cause the gapemaws' mouths to open. Rescue the trapped sylphs before the digestive process proceeds any further.
You have successfully freed the sylphs, who were drenched in a sticky secretion but fortunately undigested as yet. Inform Tonaxia that her friends are safe.
Tonaxia is beside herself in gratitude at your deed. It would seem that the sylphs are beginning to recognize you as a true friend to their kind.