A Coblyn Catastrophe
Kobold Daily Quests
In-game Description
789th Order Dustman Bo Bu would see the tunnels freed from the terror of a heinous holy man and his horrific experiments.
Allying himself with the hated Zo Ga, a depraved bedesman has given life to a horde of alchemically augmented coblyns with a proclivity for feeding upon work-shy kobolds. Rightfully fearing for the safety of his dig, Bo Bu would see the holy man and his frightful creations sent hom. Oblige this request by participating in the FATE "Full Metal Alchemist" in U'Ghamaro and bringing back proof of your triumph.
Bo Bu rejoices upon seeing the Titan steelshield-recompense for the bedesman's from Zo Ga-knowing that he and his digmates will not be devoured by the ravenous creatures. Eager to do his part to lead his order to a new era of respectability, the dustman will no doubt have need of your services again...