Feet/Level 61 - 70

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Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Gaganaskin Fringe Boots Gaganaskin fringe boots icon1.png 61 180 Disciple of Land 93 162 2 Vitality +12, Gathering +6, Perception +65
Gaganaskin Shoes Gaganaskin shoes icon1.png 61 180 Disciple of Hand 93 162 2 Craftsmanship +10, Control +66
Ghost Barque Boots of Aiming Ghost barque boots of aiming icon1.png 61 260 ARC, BRD, MCH 187 187 2 Dexterity +96, Vitality +107, Critical Hit +76, Determination +51
Ghost Barque Leggings of Fending Ghost barque leggings of fending icon1.png 61 260 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 340 340 2 Strength +96, Vitality +107, Critical Hit +76, Skill Speed +53
Ghost Barque Open-toed Boots of Scouting Ghost barque open-toed boots of scouting icon1.png 61 260 ROG, NIN 187 187 2 Dexterity +96, Vitality +107, Critical Hit +76, Direct Hit Rate +53
Ghost Barque Sandals of Healing Ghost barque sandals of healing icon1.png 61 260 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 136 238 2 Vitality +96, Mind +96, Spell Speed +76, Piety +54
Ghost Barque Sandals of Maiming Ghost barque sandals of maiming icon1.png 61 260 LNC, DRG 238 187 2 Strength +96, Vitality +107, Critical Hit +76, Direct Hit Rate +53
Ghost Barque Shoes of Casting Ghost barque shoes of casting icon1.png 61 260 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 136 238 2 Vitality +96, Intelligence +96, Spell Speed +53, Direct Hit Rate +76
Ghost Barque Sollerets of Striking Ghost barque sollerets of striking icon1.png 61 260 PGL, MNK, SAM 187 187 2 Strength +96, Vitality +107, Skill Speed +76, Direct Hit Rate +53
Gyuki Leather Boots of Aiming Gyuki leather boots of aiming icon1.png 62 265 ARC, BRD, MCH 169 169 2 Dexterity +90, Vitality +101, Critical Hit +49, Skill Speed +70
Gyuki Leather Boots of Healing Gyuki leather boots of healing icon1.png 62 265 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 123 215 2 Vitality +91, Mind +90, Critical Hit +49, Spell Speed +70
Gyuki Leather Highboots of Scouting Gyuki leather highboots of scouting icon1.png 62 265 ROG, NIN 169 169 2 Dexterity +90, Vitality +101, Critical Hit +70, Skill Speed +49
Gyuki Leather Highboots of Striking Gyuki leather highboots of striking icon1.png 62 265 PGL, MNK, SAM 169 169 2 Strength +90, Vitality +101, Critical Hit +70, Direct Hit Rate +49
Gyuki Leather Pattens Gyuki leather pattens icon1.png 62 265 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 123 215 2 Vitality +91, Intelligence +90, Determination +67, Direct Hit Rate +49
High Steel Sollerets of Fending High steel sollerets of fending icon1.png 62 265 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 307 307 2 Strength +90, Vitality +101, Skill Speed +49, Tenacity +70
High Steel Sollerets of Maiming High steel sollerets of maiming icon1.png 62 265 LNC, DRG 215 169 2 Strength +90, Vitality +101, Critical Hit +70, Determination +47
Gyuki Leather Boots of Gathering Gyuki leather boots of gathering icon1.png 63 200 Disciple of Land 109 191 2 Vitality +12, Gathering +7, Perception +74
Gyuki Leather Shoes Gyuki leather shoes icon1.png 63 200 Disciple of Hand 109 191 2 Craftsmanship +11, Control +75
Shisui Zori of Aiming Shisui zori of aiming icon1.png 63 270 ARC, BRD, MCH 189 189 2 Dexterity +104, Vitality +117, Critical Hit +79, Direct Hit Rate +55
Shisui Zori of Casting Shisui zori of casting icon1.png 63 270 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 137 240 2 Vitality +105, Intelligence +104, Critical Hit +55, Spell Speed +79
Shisui Zori of Fending Shisui zori of fending icon1.png 63 270 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 343 343 2 Strength +104, Vitality +117, Critical Hit +79, Tenacity +55
Shisui Zori of Healing Shisui zori of healing icon1.png 63 270 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 137 240 2 Vitality +105, Mind +104, Critical Hit +79, Spell Speed +55
Shisui Zori of Maiming Shisui zori of maiming icon1.png 63 270 LNC, DRG 240 189 2 Strength +104, Vitality +117, Critical Hit +55, Direct Hit Rate +79
Shisui Zori of Scouting Shisui zori of scouting icon1.png 63 270 ROG, NIN 189 189 2 Dexterity +104, Vitality +117, Critical Hit +55, Skill Speed +79
Shisui Zori of Striking Shisui zori of striking icon1.png 63 270 PGL, MNK, SAM 189 189 2 Strength +104, Vitality +117, Critical Hit +55, Skill Speed +79
Doman Iron Greaves of Fending Doman iron greaves of fending icon1.png 64 273 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 350 350 2 Strength +96, Vitality +108, Critical Hit +51, Determination +69
Doman Iron Greaves of Maiming Doman iron greaves of maiming icon1.png 64 273 LNC, DRG 245 193 2 Strength +96, Vitality +108, Critical Hit +72, Skill Speed +51
Tigerskin Jackboots of Casting Tigerskin jackboots of casting icon1.png 64 273 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 140 245 2 Vitality +97, Intelligence +96, Critical Hit +51, Spell Speed +72
Tigerskin Jackboots of Healing Tigerskin jackboots of healing icon1.png 64 273 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 140 245 2 Vitality +97, Mind +96, Determination +69, Spell Speed +51
Tigerskin Thighboots of Aiming Tigerskin thighboots of aiming icon1.png 64 273 ARC, BRD, MCH 193 193 2 Dexterity +96, Vitality +108, Critical Hit +72, Direct Hit Rate +51
Tigerskin Thighboots of Scouting Tigerskin thighboots of scouting icon1.png 64 273 ROG, NIN 193 193 2 Dexterity +96, Vitality +108, Critical Hit +51, Direct Hit Rate +72
Tigerskin Thighboots of Striking Tigerskin thighboots of striking icon1.png 64 273 PGL, MNK, SAM 193 193 2 Strength +96, Vitality +108, Critical Hit +72, Direct Hit Rate +51
Tigerskin Boots of Crafting Tigerskin boots of crafting icon1.png 65 220 Disciple of Hand 118 207 2 Craftsmanship +12, Control +79
Tigerskin Boots of Gathering Tigerskin boots of gathering icon1.png 65 220 Disciple of Land 118 207 2 Vitality +12, Gathering +8, Perception +79
Nomad's Boots of Aiming Nomads boots of aiming icon1.png 65 276 ARC, BRD, MCH 240 240 2 Dexterity +111, Vitality +122, Skill Speed +89, Direct Hit Rate +62
Nomad's Boots of Casting Nomads boots of casting icon1.png 65 276 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 174 305 2 Vitality +110, Intelligence +111, Determination +88, Direct Hit Rate +62
Nomad's Boots of Fending Nomads boots of fending icon1.png 65 276 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 435 435 2 Strength +111, Vitality +122, Determination +88, Skill Speed +62
Nomad's Boots of Healing Nomads boots of healing icon1.png 65 276 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 174 305 2 Vitality +110, Mind +111, Determination +61, Piety +89
Nomad's Boots of Maiming Nomads boots of maiming icon1.png 65 276 LNC, DRG 305 240 2 Strength +111, Vitality +122, Critical Hit +62, Skill Speed +89
Nomad's Boots of Scouting Nomads boots of scouting icon1.png 65 276 ROG, NIN 240 240 2 Dexterity +111, Vitality +122, Determination +88, Direct Hit Rate +62
Nomad's Boots of Striking Nomads boots of striking icon1.png 65 276 PGL, MNK, SAM 240 240 2 Strength +111, Vitality +122, Critical Hit +89, Determination +61
Doman Steel Greaves of Fending Doman steel greaves of fending icon1.png 66 279 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 433 433 2 Strength +103, Vitality +110, Critical Hit +87, Determination +61
Doman Steel Greaves of Maiming Doman steel greaves of maiming icon1.png 66 279 LNC, DRG 303 238 2 Strength +103, Vitality +110, Critical Hit +61, Direct Hit Rate +87
Doman Steel Greaves of Scouting Doman steel greaves of scouting icon1.png 66 279 ROG, NIN 238 238 2 Dexterity +103, Vitality +110, Critical Hit +61, Skill Speed +87
Doman Steel Greaves of Striking Doman steel greaves of striking icon1.png 66 279 PGL, MNK, SAM 238 238 2 Strength +103, Vitality +110, Critical Hit +61, Skill Speed +87
Marid Leather Boots of Aiming Marid leather boots of aiming icon1.png 66 279 ARC, BRD, MCH 238 238 2 Dexterity +103, Vitality +110, Determination +61, Direct Hit Rate +87
Marid Leather Boots of Casting Marid leather boots of casting icon1.png 66 279 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 173 303 2 Vitality +99, Intelligence +103, Critical Hit +61, Direct Hit Rate +87
Marid Leather Boots of Healing Marid leather boots of healing icon1.png 66 279 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 173 303 2 Vitality +99, Mind +103, Critical Hit +61, Determination +87
Yanxian Kyahan of Casting Yanxian kyahan of casting icon1.png 67 282 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 211 369 2 Vitality +111, Intelligence +117, Critical Hit +106, Determination +74
Yanxian Kyahan of Healing Yanxian kyahan of healing icon1.png 67 282 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 211 369 2 Vitality +111, Mind +117, Critical Hit +106, Piety +74
Yanxian Sune-ate of Aiming Yanxian sune-ate of aiming icon1.png 67 282 ARC, BRD, MCH 290 290 2 Dexterity +117, Vitality +123, Skill Speed +106, Direct Hit Rate +74
Yanxian Sune-ate of Fending Yanxian sune-ate of fending icon1.png 67 282 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 528 528 2 Strength +117, Vitality +123, Critical Hit +74, Tenacity +106
Yanxian Sune-ate of Maiming Yanxian sune-ate of maiming icon1.png 67 282 LNC, DRG 369 290 2 Strength +117, Vitality +123, Critical Hit +74, Direct Hit Rate +106
Yanxian Sune-ate of Scouting Yanxian sune-ate of scouting icon1.png 67 282 ROG, NIN 290 290 2 Dexterity +117, Vitality +123, Critical Hit +106, Skill Speed +74
Yanxian Sune-ate of Striking Yanxian sune-ate of striking icon1.png 67 282 PGL, MNK, SAM 290 290 2 Strength +117, Vitality +123, Determination +106, Direct Hit Rate +74
Marid Leather Babouches of Crafting Marid leather babouches of crafting icon1.png 68 260 Disciple of Hand 122 214 2 Craftsmanship +13, Control +88
Marid Leather Babouches of Gathering Marid leather babouches of gathering icon1.png 68 260 Disciple of Land 122 214 2 Vitality +13, Gathering +8, Perception +83
Gazelleskin Boots of Aiming Gazelleskin boots of aiming icon1.png 68 285 ARC, BRD, MCH 284 284 2 Dexterity +109, Vitality +112, Determination +104, Direct Hit Rate +73
Gazelleskin Boots of Casting Gazelleskin boots of casting icon1.png 68 285 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 207 362 2 Vitality +101, Intelligence +109, Critical Hit +104, Spell Speed +73
Gazelleskin Boots of Healing Gazelleskin boots of healing icon1.png 68 285 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 207 362 2 Vitality +101, Mind +109, Critical Hit +104, Piety +73
Gazelleskin Open-toe Boots of Maiming Gazelleskin open-toe boots of maiming icon1.png 68 285 LNC, DRG 362 284 2 Strength +109, Vitality +112, Determination +104, Direct Hit Rate +73
Gazelleskin Open-toe Boots of Scouting Gazelleskin open-toe boots of scouting icon1.png 68 285 ROG, NIN 284 284 2 Dexterity +109, Vitality +112, Determination +73, Direct Hit Rate +104
Gazelleskin Open-toe Boots of Striking Gazelleskin open-toe boots of striking icon1.png 68 285 PGL, MNK, SAM 284 284 2 Strength +109, Vitality +112, Critical Hit +73, Direct Hit Rate +104
Molybdenum Greaves of Fending Molybdenum greaves of fending icon1.png 68 285 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 517 517 2 Strength +109, Vitality +112, Determination +104, Tenacity +73
Valerian Archer's Boots Valerian archers boots icon1.png 69 288 ARC, BRD, MCH 341 341 2 Dexterity +124, Vitality +126, Critical Hit +89, Direct Hit Rate +127
Valerian Brawler's Thighboots Valerian brawlers thighboots icon1.png 69 288 PGL, MNK, SAM 341 341 2 Strength +124, Vitality +126, Determination +89, Direct Hit Rate +127
Valerian Dark Priest's Boots Valerian dark priests boots icon1.png 69 288 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 248 434 2 Vitality +114, Intelligence +124, Critical Hit +89, Direct Hit Rate +127
Valerian Priest's Boots Valerian priests boots icon1.png 69 288 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 248 434 2 Vitality +114, Mind +124, Critical Hit +89, Spell Speed +127
Valerian Rune Fencer's Thighboots Valerian rune fencers thighboots icon1.png 69 288 LNC, DRG 434 341 2 Strength +124, Vitality +126, Critical Hit +127, Direct Hit Rate +89
Valerian Vedette's Thighboots Valerian vedettes thighboots icon1.png 69 288 ROG, NIN 341 341 2 Dexterity +124, Vitality +126, Determination +127, Direct Hit Rate +89
Xenobian Sollerets Xenobian sollerets icon1.png 69 288 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 620 620 2 Strength +124, Vitality +126, Critical Hit +89, Tenacity +127
Antiquated Abyss Sollerets Antiquated abyss sollerets icon1.png 70 290 DRK 651 651 2 Strength +127, Vitality +128, Skill Speed +97, Tenacity +138
Antiquated Brutal Sollerets Antiquated brutal sollerets icon1.png 70 290 WAR 651 651 2 Strength +127, Vitality +128, Critical Hit +138, Determination +97
Antiquated Channeler's Boots Antiquated channelers boots icon1.png 70 290 SMN 260 456 2 Vitality +116, Intelligence +127, Critical Hit +138, Spell Speed +97
Antiquated Chivalrous Sollerets Antiquated chivalrous sollerets icon1.png 70 290 PLD 651 651 2 Strength +127, Vitality +128, Critical Hit +138, Skill Speed +97
Antiquated Constellation Sandals Antiquated constellation sandals icon1.png 70 290 AST 260 456 2 Vitality +116, Mind +127, Determination +138, Piety +97
Antiquated Duelist's Thighboots Antiquated duelists thighboots icon1.png 70 290 RDM 260 456 2 Vitality +116, Intelligence +127, Critical Hit +97, Direct Hit Rate +138
Antiquated Gunner's Thighboots Antiquated gunners thighboots icon1.png 70 290 MCH 358 358 2 Dexterity +127, Vitality +128, Critical Hit +138, Skill Speed +97
Antiquated Kage-kakushi Kyahan Antiquated kage-kakushi kyahan icon1.png 70 290 NIN 358 358 2 Dexterity +127, Vitality +128, Critical Hit +97, Determination +138
Antiquated Myochin Geta Antiquated myochin geta icon1.png 70 290 SAM 358 358 2 Strength +127, Vitality +128, Skill Speed +97, Direct Hit Rate +138
Antiquated Orator's Shoes Antiquated orators shoes icon1.png 70 290 SCH 260 456 2 Vitality +116, Mind +127, Determination +138, Spell Speed +97
Antiquated Pacifist's Boots Antiquated pacifists boots icon1.png 70 290 MNK 358 358 2 Strength +127, Vitality +128, Skill Speed +97, Direct Hit Rate +138
Antiquated Seventh Heaven Thighboots Antiquated seventh heaven thighboots icon1.png 70 290 WHM 260 456 2 Vitality +116, Mind +127, Critical Hit +138, Determination +97
Antiquated Seventh Hell Thighboots Antiquated seventh hell thighboots icon1.png 70 290 BLM 260 456 2 Vitality +116, Intelligence +127, Critical Hit +97, Direct Hit Rate +138
Antiquated Storyteller's Boots Antiquated storytellers boots icon1.png 70 290 BRD 358 358 2 Dexterity +127, Vitality +128, Critical Hit +138, Determination +97
Antiquated Trueblood Greaves Antiquated trueblood greaves icon1.png 70 290 DRG 456 358 2 Strength +127, Vitality +128, Critical Hit +97, Determination +138
Fur-lined Gazelleskin Boots Fur-lined gazelleskin boots icon1.png 70 290 Disciple of Land 234 410 2 Vitality +14, Gathering +9, Perception +86
Gazelleskin Shoes Gazelleskin shoes icon1.png 70 290 Disciple of Hand 234 410 2 Craftsmanship +14, Control +96
Arhat Kyahan of Aiming Arhat kyahan of aiming icon1.png 70 300 ARC, BRD, MCH 373 373 2 Dexterity +136, Vitality +139, Critical Hit +100, Skill Speed +143
Arhat Kyahan of Casting Arhat kyahan of casting icon1.png 70 300 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 271 475 2 Vitality +125, Intelligence +136, Spell Speed +143, Direct Hit Rate +100
Arhat Kyahan of Fending Arhat kyahan of fending icon1.png 70 300 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 678 678 2 Strength +136, Vitality +139, Critical Hit +100, Tenacity +143
Arhat Kyahan of Healing Arhat kyahan of healing icon1.png 70 300 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 271 475 2 Vitality +125, Mind +136, Critical Hit +143, Spell Speed +100
Arhat Kyahan of Maiming Arhat kyahan of maiming icon1.png 70 300 LNC, DRG 475 373 2 Strength +136, Vitality +139, Determination +143, Skill Speed +100
Arhat Kyahan of Scouting Arhat kyahan of scouting icon1.png 70 300 ROG, NIN 373 373 2 Dexterity +136, Vitality +139, Critical Hit +143, Skill Speed +100
Arhat Kyahan of Striking Arhat kyahan of striking icon1.png 70 300 PGL, MNK, SAM 373 373 2 Strength +136, Vitality +139, Critical Hit +100, Skill Speed +143
Boltking's Boots Boltkings boots icon1.png 70 300 WVR 271 475 0 Craftsmanship +17, Control +116
Cauldronking's Boots Cauldronkings boots icon1.png 70 300 ALC 271 475 0 Craftsmanship +17, Control +116
Fieldking's Shoes Fieldkings shoes icon1.png 70 300 BTN 271 475 0 Vitality +16, Gathering +11, Perception +106
Forgeking's Boots Forgekings boots icon1.png 70 300 BSM 271 475 0 Craftsmanship +17, Control +116
Galleyking's Shoes Galleykings shoes icon1.png 70 300 CUL 271 475 0 Craftsmanship +17, Control +116
Gemking's Boots Gemkings boots icon1.png 70 300 GSM 271 475 0 Craftsmanship +17, Control +116
Hammerking's Boots Hammerkings boots icon1.png 70 300 ARM 271 475 0 Craftsmanship +17, Control +116
Hideking's Thighboots Hidekings thighboots icon1.png 70 300 LTW 271 475 0 Craftsmanship +17, Control +116
Millking's Boots Millkings boots icon1.png 70 300 CRP 271 475 0 Craftsmanship +17, Control +116
Mineking's Workboots Minekings workboots icon1.png 70 300 MIN 271 475 0 Vitality +16, Gathering +11, Perception +106
Tackleking's Sandals Tacklekings sandals icon1.png 70 300 FSH 271 475 0 Vitality +16, Gathering +11, Perception +106
Ala Mhigan Calligae of Aiming Ala mhigan calligae of aiming icon1.png 70 310 ARC, BRD, MCH 388 388 2 Dexterity +145, Vitality +150, Determination +148, Direct Hit Rate +103
Ala Mhigan Calligae of Casting Ala mhigan calligae of casting icon1.png 70 310 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 282 494 2 Vitality +135, Intelligence +145, Critical Hit +103, Spell Speed +148
Ala Mhigan Calligae of Fending Ala mhigan calligae of fending icon1.png 70 310 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 705 705 2 Strength +145, Vitality +150, Critical Hit +148, Determination +103
Ala Mhigan Calligae of Maiming Ala mhigan calligae of maiming icon1.png 70 310 LNC, DRG 494 388 2 Strength +145, Vitality +150, Determination +148, Skill Speed +103
Ala Mhigan Calligae of Striking Ala mhigan calligae of striking icon1.png 70 310 PGL, MNK, SAM 388 388 2 Strength +145, Vitality +150, Critical Hit +103, Determination +148
Ala Mhigan Sandals of Healing Ala mhigan sandals of healing icon1.png 70 310 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 282 494 2 Vitality +135, Mind +145, Determination +103, Piety +148
Ala Mhigan Sandals of Scouting Ala mhigan sandals of scouting icon1.png 70 310 ROG, NIN 388 388 2 Dexterity +145, Vitality +150, Determination +103, Skill Speed +148
Skallic Boots of Fending Skallic boots of fending icon1.png 70 315 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 714 714 2 Strength +149, Vitality +155, Skill Speed +149, Tenacity +104
Skallic Boots of Maiming Skallic boots of maiming icon1.png 70 315 LNC, DRG 500 393 2 Strength +149, Vitality +155, Critical Hit +149, Determination +104
Skallic Shoes of Aiming Skallic shoes of aiming icon1.png 70 315 ARC, BRD, MCH 393 393 2 Dexterity +149, Vitality +155, Critical Hit +149, Determination +104
Skallic Shoes of Casting Skallic shoes of casting icon1.png 70 315 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 286 500 2 Vitality +139, Intelligence +149, Determination +149, Spell Speed +104
Skallic Shoes of Healing Skallic shoes of healing icon1.png 70 315 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 286 500 2 Vitality +139, Mind +149, Critical Hit +104, Spell Speed +149
Skallic Shoes of Scouting Skallic shoes of scouting icon1.png 70 315 ROG, NIN 393 393 2 Dexterity +149, Vitality +155, Determination +104, Direct Hit Rate +149
Skallic Shoes of Striking Skallic shoes of striking icon1.png 70 315 PGL, MNK, SAM 393 393 2 Strength +149, Vitality +155, Determination +104, Skill Speed +149
Ala Mhigan Shoes of Crafting Ala mhigan shoes of crafting icon1.png 70 320 Disciple of Hand 260 456 2 Craftsmanship +17, Control +115
Ala Mhigan Shoes of Gathering Ala mhigan shoes of gathering icon1.png 70 320 Disciple of Land 260 456 2 Vitality +14, Gathering +11, Perception +109
Augmented Ala Mhigan Shoes of Crafting Augmented ala mhigan shoes of crafting icon1.png 70 320 Disciple of Hand 260 456 5 Craftsmanship +17, Control +115
Augmented Ala Mhigan Shoes of Gathering Augmented ala mhigan shoes of gathering icon1.png 70 320 Disciple of Land 260 456 5 Vitality +14, Gathering +11, Perception +109
Chromite Greaves of Maiming Chromite greaves of maiming icon1.png 70 320 LNC, DRG 456 358 2 Strength +138, Vitality +144, Critical Hit +135, Determination +95
Chromite Sabatons of Fending Chromite sabatons of fending icon1.png 70 320 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 651 651 2 Strength +138, Vitality +144, Determination +95, Tenacity +135
Genta Sune-ate of Aiming Genta sune-ate of aiming icon1.png 70 320 ARC, BRD, MCH 398 398 2 Dexterity +153, Vitality +160, Critical Hit +105, Determination +150
Genta Sune-ate of Casting Genta sune-ate of casting icon1.png 70 320 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 289 506 2 Vitality +144, Intelligence +153, Determination +105, Direct Hit Rate +150
Genta Sune-ate of Fending Genta sune-ate of fending icon1.png 70 320 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 723 723 2 Strength +153, Vitality +160, Critical Hit +150, Determination +105
Genta Sune-ate of Healing Genta sune-ate of healing icon1.png 70 320 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 289 506 2 Vitality +144, Mind +153, Critical Hit +105, Piety +150
Genta Sune-ate of Maiming Genta sune-ate of maiming icon1.png 70 320 LNC, DRG 506 398 2 Strength +153, Vitality +160, Skill Speed +105, Direct Hit Rate +150
Genta Sune-ate of Scouting Genta sune-ate of scouting icon1.png 70 320 ROG, NIN 398 398 2 Dexterity +153, Vitality +160, Skill Speed +150, Direct Hit Rate +105
Genta Sune-ate of Striking Genta sune-ate of striking icon1.png 70 320 PGL, MNK, SAM 398 398 2 Strength +153, Vitality +160, Skill Speed +150, Direct Hit Rate +105
True Griffin Boots of Aiming True griffin boots of aiming icon1.png 70 320 ARC, BRD, MCH 358 358 2 Dexterity +138, Vitality +144, Determination +95, Skill Speed +135
True Griffin Caligae of Scouting True griffin caligae of scouting icon1.png 70 320 ROG, NIN 358 358 2 Dexterity +138, Vitality +144, Critical Hit +135, Skill Speed +95
True Griffin Caligae of Striking True griffin caligae of striking icon1.png 70 320 PGL, MNK, SAM 358 358 2 Strength +138, Vitality +144, Critical Hit +95, Determination +135
True Griffin Sandals of Casting True griffin sandals of casting icon1.png 70 320 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 260 456 2 Vitality +130, Intelligence +138, Critical Hit +135, Determination +95
True Griffin Sandals of Healing True griffin sandals of healing icon1.png 70 320 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 260 456 2 Vitality +130, Mind +138, Determination +135, Spell Speed +95
Farlander Boots of Aiming Farlander boots of aiming icon1.png 70 325 ARC, BRD, MCH 403 403 2 Dexterity +158, Vitality +165, Critical Hit +106, Direct Hit Rate +152
Farlander Boots of Casting Farlander boots of casting icon1.png 70 325 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 293 513 2 Vitality +149, Intelligence +158, Critical Hit +106, Direct Hit Rate +152
Farlander Boots of Healing Farlander boots of healing icon1.png 70 325 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 293 513 2 Vitality +149, Mind +158, Critical Hit +106, Spell Speed +152
Farlander Boots of Scouting Farlander boots of scouting icon1.png 70 325 ROG, NIN 403 403 2 Dexterity +158, Vitality +165, Determination +152, Direct Hit Rate +106
Farlander Sollerets of Maiming Farlander sollerets of maiming icon1.png 70 325 LNC, DRG 513 403 2 Strength +158, Vitality +165, Critical Hit +152, Direct Hit Rate +106
Farlander Sollerets of Striking Farlander sollerets of striking icon1.png 70 325 PGL, MNK, SAM 403 403 2 Strength +158, Vitality +165, Determination +106, Direct Hit Rate +152
Farlander Thighboots of Fending Farlander thighboots of fending icon1.png 70 325 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 732 732 2 Strength +158, Vitality +165, Critical Hit +106, Tenacity +152
Augmented Boltking's Boots Augmented boltkings boots icon1.png 70 330 WVR 297 519 0 Craftsmanship +29, Control +138
Augmented Cauldronking's Boots Augmented cauldronkings boots icon1.png 70 330 ALC 297 519 0 Craftsmanship +29, Control +138
Augmented Fieldking's Shoes Augmented fieldkings shoes icon1.png 70 330 BTN 297 519 0 Vitality +16, Gathering +13, Perception +132
Augmented Forgeking's Boots Augmented forgekings boots icon1.png 70 330 BSM 297 519 0 Craftsmanship +29, Control +138
Augmented Galleyking's Shoes Augmented galleykings shoes icon1.png 70 330 CUL 297 519 0 Craftsmanship +29, Control +138
Augmented Gemking's Boots Augmented gemkings boots icon1.png 70 330 GSM 297 519 0 Craftsmanship +29, Control +138
Augmented Hammerking's Boots Augmented hammerkings boots icon1.png 70 330 ARM 297 519 0 Craftsmanship +29, Control +138
Augmented Hideking's Thighboots Augmented hidekings thighboots icon1.png 70 330 LTW 297 519 0 Craftsmanship +29, Control +138
Augmented Millking's Boots Augmented millkings boots icon1.png 70 330 CRP 297 519 0 Craftsmanship +29, Control +138
Augmented Mineking's Workboots Augmented minekings workboots icon1.png 70 330 MIN 297 519 0 Vitality +16, Gathering +13, Perception +132
Augmented Tackleking's Sandals Augmented tacklekings sandals icon1.png 70 330 FSH 297 519 0 Vitality +16, Gathering +13, Perception +132
Ivalician Astrologer's Boots Ivalician astrologers boots icon1.png 70 330 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 297 519 2 Vitality +154, Mind +162, Determination +107, Spell Speed +153
Ivalician Enchanter's Boots Ivalician enchanters boots icon1.png 70 330 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 297 519 2 Vitality +154, Intelligence +162, Critical Hit +153, Spell Speed +107
Ivalician Fusilier's Boots Ivalician fusiliers boots icon1.png 70 330 ARC, BRD, MCH 408 408 2 Dexterity +162, Vitality +171, Critical Hit +153, Direct Hit Rate +107
Ivalician Lancer's Thighboots Ivalician lancers thighboots icon1.png 70 330 LNC, DRG 519 408 2 Strength +162, Vitality +171, Skill Speed +107, Direct Hit Rate +153
Ivalician Martialist's Kyahan Ivalician martialists kyahan icon1.png 70 330 ROG, NIN 408 408 2 Dexterity +162, Vitality +171, Determination +153, Skill Speed +107
Ivalician Samurai's Kyahan Ivalician samurais kyahan icon1.png 70 330 PGL, MNK, SAM 408 408 2 Strength +162, Vitality +171, Critical Hit +153, Skill Speed +107
Ivalician Squire's Thighboots Ivalician squires thighboots icon1.png 70 330 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 741 741 2 Strength +162, Vitality +171, Skill Speed +153, Tenacity +107
Lost Allagan Sabatons of Casting Lost allagan sabatons of casting icon1.png 70 330 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 297 519 2 Vitality +154, Intelligence +162, Critical Hit +107, Determination +153
Lost Allagan Sabatons of Fending Lost allagan sabatons of fending icon1.png 70 330 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 741 741 2 Strength +162, Vitality +171, Critical Hit +107, Determination +153
Lost Allagan Sabatons of Healing Lost allagan sabatons of healing icon1.png 70 330 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 297 519 2 Vitality +154, Mind +162, Critical Hit +153, Piety +107
Lost Allagan Sabatons of Maiming Lost allagan sabatons of maiming icon1.png 70 330 LNC, DRG 519 408 2 Strength +162, Vitality +171, Critical Hit +107, Determination +153
Lost Allagan Sabatons of Scouting Lost allagan sabatons of scouting icon1.png 70 330 ROG, NIN 408 408 2 Dexterity +162, Vitality +171, Critical Hit +107, Determination +153
Lost Allagan Thighboots of Aiming Lost allagan thighboots of aiming icon1.png 70 330 ARC, BRD, MCH 408 408 2 Dexterity +162, Vitality +171, Skill Speed +153, Direct Hit Rate +107
Lost Allagan Thighboots of Striking Lost allagan thighboots of striking icon1.png 70 330 PGL, MNK, SAM 408 408 2 Strength +162, Vitality +171, Critical Hit +153, Determination +107
Abyss Sollerets Abyss sollerets icon1.png 70 335 DRK 750 750 2 Strength +167, Vitality +176, Determination +108, Tenacity +155
Brutal Sollerets Brutal sollerets icon1.png 70 335 WAR 750 750 2 Strength +167, Vitality +176, Determination +108, Tenacity +155
Channeler's Boots Channelers boots icon1.png 70 335 SMN 300 525 2 Vitality +159, Intelligence +167, Critical Hit +108, Spell Speed +155
Chivalrous Sollerets Chivalrous sollerets icon1.png 70 335 PLD 750 750 2 Strength +167, Vitality +176, Determination +108, Tenacity +155
Constellation Sandals Constellation sandals icon1.png 70 335 AST 300 525 2 Vitality +159, Mind +167, Critical Hit +155, Spell Speed +108
Duelist's Thighboots Duelists thighboots icon1.png 70 335 RDM 300 525 2 Vitality +159, Intelligence +167, Critical Hit +108, Spell Speed +155
Gunner's Thighboots Gunners thighboots icon1.png 70 335 MCH 413 413 2 Dexterity +167, Vitality +176, Determination +108, Direct Hit Rate +155
Kage-kakushi Kyahan Kage-kakushi kyahan icon1.png 70 335 NIN 413 413 2 Dexterity +167, Vitality +176, Skill Speed +108, Direct Hit Rate +155
Myochin Geta Myochin geta icon1.png 70 335 SAM 413 413 2 Strength +167, Vitality +176, Determination +155, Skill Speed +108
Orator's Shoes Orators shoes icon1.png 70 335 SCH 300 525 2 Vitality +159, Mind +167, Critical Hit +155, Spell Speed +108
Pacifist's Boots Pacifists boots icon1.png 70 335 MNK 413 413 2 Strength +167, Vitality +176, Determination +155, Skill Speed +108
Seventh Heaven Thighboots Seventh heaven thighboots icon1.png 70 335 WHM 300 525 2 Vitality +159, Mind +167, Critical Hit +155, Spell Speed +108
Seventh Hell Thighboots Seventh hell thighboots icon1.png 70 335 BLM 300 525 2 Vitality +159, Intelligence +167, Critical Hit +108, Spell Speed +155
Storyteller's Boots Storytellers boots icon1.png 70 335 BRD 413 413 2 Dexterity +167, Vitality +176, Determination +108, Direct Hit Rate +155
Trueblood Greaves Trueblood greaves icon1.png 70 335 DRG 525 413 2 Strength +167, Vitality +176, Critical Hit +108, Direct Hit Rate +155
Abyss Sollerets 1 Abyss sollerets +1 icon1.png 70 340 DRK 759 759 2 Strength +172, Vitality +182, Determination +109, Tenacity +156
Augmented Lost Allagan Sabatons of Casting Augmented lost allagan sabatons of casting icon1.png 70 340 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 304 532 2 Vitality +164, Intelligence +172, Critical Hit +109, Determination +156
Augmented Lost Allagan Sabatons of Fending Augmented lost allagan sabatons of fending icon1.png 70 340 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 759 759 2 Strength +172, Vitality +182, Critical Hit +109, Determination +156
Augmented Lost Allagan Sabatons of Healing Augmented lost allagan sabatons of healing icon1.png 70 340 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 304 532 2 Vitality +164, Mind +172, Critical Hit +156, Piety +109
Augmented Lost Allagan Sabatons of Maiming Augmented lost allagan sabatons of maiming icon1.png 70 340 LNC, DRG 532 418 2 Strength +172, Vitality +182, Critical Hit +109, Determination +156
Augmented Lost Allagan Sabatons of Scouting Augmented lost allagan sabatons of scouting icon1.png 70 340 ROG, NIN 418 418 2 Dexterity +172, Vitality +182, Critical Hit +109, Determination +156
Augmented Lost Allagan Thighboots of Aiming Augmented lost allagan thighboots of aiming icon1.png 70 340 ARC, BRD, MCH 418 418 2 Dexterity +172, Vitality +182, Skill Speed +156, Direct Hit Rate +109
Augmented Lost Allagan Thighboots of Striking Augmented lost allagan thighboots of striking icon1.png 70 340 PGL, MNK, SAM 418 418 2 Strength +172, Vitality +182, Critical Hit +156, Determination +109
Brutal Sollerets 1 Brutal sollerets +1 icon1.png 70 340 WAR 759 759 2 Strength +172, Vitality +182, Determination +109, Tenacity +156
Channeler's Boots 1 Channelers boots +1 icon1.png 70 340 SMN 304 532 2 Vitality +164, Intelligence +172, Critical Hit +109, Spell Speed +156
Chivalrous Sollerets 1 Chivalrous sollerets +1 icon1.png 70 340 PLD 759 759 2 Strength +172, Vitality +182, Determination +109, Tenacity +156
Constellation Sandals 1 Constellation sandals +1 icon1.png 70 340 AST 304 532 2 Vitality +164, Mind +172, Critical Hit +156, Spell Speed +109
Duelist's Thighboots 1 Duelists thighboots +1 icon1.png 70 340 RDM 304 532 2 Vitality +164, Intelligence +172, Critical Hit +109, Spell Speed +156
Genji Sune-ate of Aiming Genji sune-ate of aiming icon1.png 70 340 ARC, BRD, MCH 418 418 2 Dexterity +172, Vitality +182, Critical Hit +109, Determination +156
Genji Sune-ate of Casting Genji sune-ate of casting icon1.png 70 340 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 304 532 2 Vitality +164, Intelligence +172, Critical Hit +156, Direct Hit Rate +109
Genji Sune-ate of Fending Genji sune-ate of fending icon1.png 70 340 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 759 759 2 Strength +172, Vitality +182, Determination +156, Skill Speed +109
Genji Sune-ate of Healing Genji sune-ate of healing icon1.png 70 340 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 304 532 2 Vitality +164, Mind +172, Determination +109, Spell Speed +156
Genji Sune-ate of Maiming Genji sune-ate of maiming icon1.png 70 340 LNC, DRG 532 418 2 Strength +172, Vitality +182, Critical Hit +156, Direct Hit Rate +109
Genji Sune-ate of Scouting Genji sune-ate of scouting icon1.png 70 340 ROG, NIN 418 418 2 Dexterity +172, Vitality +182, Critical Hit +109, Direct Hit Rate +156
Genji Sune-ate of Striking Genji sune-ate of striking icon1.png 70 340 PGL, MNK, SAM 418 418 2 Strength +172, Vitality +182, Determination +156, Skill Speed +109
Gunner's Thighboots 1 Gunners thighboots +1 icon1.png 70 340 MCH 418 418 2 Dexterity +172, Vitality +182, Determination +109, Direct Hit Rate +156
Kage-kakushi Kyahan 1 Kage-kakushi kyahan +1 icon1.png 70 340 NIN 418 418 2 Dexterity +172, Vitality +182, Skill Speed +109, Direct Hit Rate +156
Myochin Geta 1 Myochin geta +1 icon1.png 70 340 SAM 418 418 2 Strength +172, Vitality +182, Determination +156, Skill Speed +109
Onishi Zori Onishi zori icon1.png 70 340 Disciple of Hand 273 478 2 Craftsmanship +19, Control +128
Orator's Shoes 1 Orators shoes +1 icon1.png 70 340 SCH 304 532 2 Vitality +164, Mind +172, Critical Hit +156, Spell Speed +109
Ornate Onishi Zori Ornate onishi zori icon1.png 70 340 Disciple of Hand 273 478 5 Craftsmanship +19, Control +128
Ornate Yamashi Zori Ornate yamashi zori icon1.png 70 340 Disciple of Land 273 478 5 Vitality +14, Gathering +12, Perception +124
Pacifist's Boots 1 Pacifists boots +1 icon1.png 70 340 MNK 418 418 2 Strength +172, Vitality +182, Determination +156, Skill Speed +109
Seventh Heaven Thighboots 1 Seventh heaven thighboots +1 icon1.png 70 340 WHM 304 532 2 Vitality +164, Mind +172, Critical Hit +156, Spell Speed +109
Seventh Hell Thighboots 1 Seventh hell thighboots +1 icon1.png 70 340 BLM 304 532 2 Vitality +164, Intelligence +172, Critical Hit +109, Spell Speed +156
Storyteller's Boots 1 Storytellers boots +1 icon1.png 70 340 BRD 418 418 2 Dexterity +172, Vitality +182, Determination +109, Direct Hit Rate +156
Trueblood Greaves 1 Trueblood greaves +1 icon1.png 70 340 DRG 532 418 2 Strength +172, Vitality +182, Critical Hit +109, Direct Hit Rate +156
Yamashi Zori Yamashi zori icon1.png 70 340 Disciple of Land 273 478 2 Vitality +14, Gathering +12, Perception +124
Abyss Sollerets 2 Abyss sollerets +2 icon1.png 70 345 DRK 769 769 2 Strength +176, Vitality +188, Determination +112, Tenacity +160
Bonewicca Protector's Sabatons Bonewicca protectors sabatons icon1.png 70 345 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 769 769 2 Strength +176, Vitality +188, Critical Hit +160, Skill Speed +112
Bonewicca Shadow's Sabatons Bonewicca shadows sabatons icon1.png 70 345 ROG, NIN 423 423 2 Dexterity +176, Vitality +188, Critical Hit +112, Determination +160
Bonewicca Skinner's Sabatons Bonewicca skinners sabatons icon1.png 70 345 LNC, DRG 538 423 2 Strength +176, Vitality +188, Determination +160, Skill Speed +112
Bonewicca Soother's Sabatons Bonewicca soothers sabatons icon1.png 70 345 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 308 538 2 Vitality +169, Mind +176, Determination +112, Piety +160
Bonewicca Tracker's Sabatons Bonewicca trackers sabatons icon1.png 70 345 ARC, BRD, MCH 423 423 2 Dexterity +176, Vitality +188, Critical Hit +160, Skill Speed +112
Bonewicca Whisperer's Greaves Bonewicca whisperers greaves icon1.png 70 345 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 308 538 2 Vitality +169, Intelligence +176, Determination +112, Direct Hit Rate +160
Bonewicca Wildling's Greaves Bonewicca wildlings greaves icon1.png 70 345 PGL, MNK, SAM 423 423 2 Strength +176, Vitality +188, Skill Speed +160, Direct Hit Rate +112
Brutal Sollerets 2 Brutal sollerets +2 icon1.png 70 345 WAR 769 769 2 Strength +176, Vitality +188, Determination +112, Tenacity +160
Channeler's Boots 2 Channelers boots +2 icon1.png 70 345 SMN 308 538 2 Vitality +169, Intelligence +176, Critical Hit +112, Spell Speed +160
Chivalrous Sollerets 2 Chivalrous sollerets +2 icon1.png 70 345 PLD 769 769 2 Strength +176, Vitality +188, Determination +112, Tenacity +160
Constellation Sandals 2 Constellation sandals +2 icon1.png 70 345 AST 308 538 2 Vitality +169, Mind +176, Critical Hit +160, Spell Speed +112
Duelist's Thighboots 2 Duelists thighboots +2 icon1.png 70 345 RDM 308 538 2 Vitality +169, Intelligence +176, Critical Hit +112, Spell Speed +160
Gunner's Thighboots 2 Gunners thighboots +2 icon1.png 70 345 MCH 423 423 2 Dexterity +176, Vitality +188, Determination +112, Direct Hit Rate +160
Kage-kakushi Kyahan 2 Kage-kakushi kyahan +2 icon1.png 70 345 NIN 423 423 2 Dexterity +176, Vitality +188, Skill Speed +112, Direct Hit Rate +160
Myochin Geta 2 Myochin geta +2 icon1.png 70 345 SAM 423 423 2 Strength +176, Vitality +188, Determination +160, Skill Speed +112
Orator's Shoes 2 Orators shoes +2 icon1.png 70 345 SCH 308 538 2 Vitality +169, Mind +176, Critical Hit +160, Spell Speed +112
Pacifist's Boots 2 Pacifists boots +2 icon1.png 70 345 MNK 423 423 2 Strength +176, Vitality +188, Determination +160, Skill Speed +112
Seventh Heaven Thighboots 2 Seventh heaven thighboots +2 icon1.png 70 345 WHM 308 538 2 Vitality +169, Mind +176, Critical Hit +160, Spell Speed +112
Seventh Hell Thighboots 2 Seventh hell thighboots +2 icon1.png 70 345 BLM 308 538 2 Vitality +169, Intelligence +176, Critical Hit +112, Spell Speed +160
Storyteller's Boots 2 Storytellers boots +2 icon1.png 70 345 BRD 423 423 2 Dexterity +176, Vitality +188, Determination +112, Direct Hit Rate +160
Trueblood Greaves 2 Trueblood greaves +2 icon1.png 70 345 DRG 538 423 2 Strength +176, Vitality +188, Critical Hit +112, Direct Hit Rate +160
Anemos Abyss Sollerets Anemos abyss sollerets icon1.png 70 350 DRK 778 778 5 Strength +180, Vitality +193, Determination +114, Tenacity +163
Anemos Brutal Sollerets Anemos brutal sollerets icon1.png 70 350 WAR 778 778 5 Strength +180, Vitality +193, Determination +114, Tenacity +163
Anemos Channeler's Boots Anemos channelers boots icon1.png 70 350 SMN 311 544 5 Vitality +174, Intelligence +180, Critical Hit +114, Spell Speed +163
Anemos Chivalrous Sollerets Anemos chivalrous sollerets icon1.png 70 350 PLD 778 778 5 Strength +180, Vitality +193, Determination +114, Tenacity +163
Anemos Constellation Sandals Anemos constellation sandals icon1.png 70 350 AST 311 544 5 Vitality +174, Mind +180, Critical Hit +163, Spell Speed +114
Anemos Duelist's Thighboots Anemos duelists thighboots icon1.png 70 350 RDM 311 544 5 Vitality +174, Intelligence +180, Critical Hit +114, Spell Speed +163
Anemos Gunner's Thighboots Anemos gunners thighboots icon1.png 70 350 MCH 428 428 5 Dexterity +180, Vitality +193, Determination +114, Direct Hit Rate +163
Anemos Kage-kakushi Kyahan Anemos kage-kakushi kyahan icon1.png 70 350 NIN 428 428 5 Dexterity +180, Vitality +193, Skill Speed +114, Direct Hit Rate +163
Anemos Myochin Geta Anemos myochin geta icon1.png 70 350 SAM 428 428 5 Strength +180, Vitality +193, Determination +163, Skill Speed +114
Anemos Orator's Shoes Anemos orators shoes icon1.png 70 350 SCH 311 544 5 Vitality +174, Mind +180, Critical Hit +163, Spell Speed +114
Anemos Pacifist's Boots Anemos pacifists boots icon1.png 70 350 MNK 428 428 5 Strength +180, Vitality +193, Determination +163, Skill Speed +114
Anemos Seventh Heaven Thighboots Anemos seventh heaven thighboots icon1.png 70 350 WHM 311 544 5 Vitality +174, Mind +180, Critical Hit +163, Spell Speed +114
Anemos Seventh Hell Thighboots Anemos seventh hell thighboots icon1.png 70 350 BLM 311 544 5 Vitality +174, Intelligence +180, Critical Hit +114, Spell Speed +163
Anemos Storyteller's Boots Anemos storytellers boots icon1.png 70 350 BRD 428 428 5 Dexterity +180, Vitality +193, Determination +114, Direct Hit Rate +163
Anemos Trueblood Greaves Anemos trueblood greaves icon1.png 70 350 DRG 544 428 5 Strength +180, Vitality +193, Critical Hit +114, Direct Hit Rate +163
Carborundum Boots of Aiming Carborundum boots of aiming icon1.png 70 350 ARC, BRD, MCH 428 428 2 Dexterity +180, Vitality +193, Determination +163, Skill Speed +114
Carborundum Boots of Casting Carborundum boots of casting icon1.png 70 350 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 311 544 2 Vitality +174, Intelligence +180, Critical Hit +114, Direct Hit Rate +163
Carborundum Boots of Healing Carborundum boots of healing icon1.png 70 350 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 311 544 2 Vitality +174, Mind +180, Critical Hit +114, Determination +163
Carborundum Boots of Scouting Carborundum boots of scouting icon1.png 70 350 ROG, NIN 428 428 2 Dexterity +180, Vitality +193, Determination +163, Skill Speed +114
Carborundum Boots of Striking Carborundum boots of striking icon1.png 70 350 PGL, MNK, SAM 428 428 2 Strength +180, Vitality +193, Critical Hit +114, Skill Speed +163
Carborundum Greaves of Fending Carborundum greaves of fending icon1.png 70 350 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 778 778 2 Strength +180, Vitality +193, Determination +163, Skill Speed +114
Carborundum Greaves of Maiming Carborundum greaves of maiming icon1.png 70 350 LNC, DRG 544 428 2 Strength +180, Vitality +193, Critical Hit +114, Skill Speed +163
Handking's Shoes Handkings shoes icon1.png 70 350 Disciple of Hand 311 544 0 Craftsmanship +23, Control +152
Landking's Shoes Landkings shoes icon1.png 70 350 Disciple of Land 311 544 0 Vitality +16, Gathering +15, Perception +149
Nightsteel Greaves of Maiming Nightsteel greaves of maiming icon1.png 70 350 LNC, DRG 490 385 2 Strength +162, Vitality +174, Determination +147, Skill Speed +103
Nightsteel Sabatons of Fending Nightsteel sabatons of fending icon1.png 70 350 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 700 700 2 Strength +162, Vitality +174, Critical Hit +147, Tenacity +103
Slothskin Boots of Aiming Slothskin boots of aiming icon1.png 70 350 ARC, BRD, MCH 385 385 2 Dexterity +162, Vitality +174, Critical Hit +103, Skill Speed +147
Slothskin Boots of Casting Slothskin boots of casting icon1.png 70 350 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 280 490 2 Vitality +156, Intelligence +162, Determination +147, Spell Speed +103
Slothskin Boots of Healing Slothskin boots of healing icon1.png 70 350 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 280 490 2 Vitality +156, Mind +162, Spell Speed +147, Piety +103
Slothskin Boots of Striking Slothskin boots of striking icon1.png 70 350 PGL, MNK, SAM 385 385 2 Strength +162, Vitality +174, Determination +147, Direct Hit Rate +103
Slothskin Thighboots of Scouting Slothskin thighboots of scouting icon1.png 70 350 ROG, NIN 385 385 2 Dexterity +162, Vitality +174, Critical Hit +147, Direct Hit Rate +103
Royal Volunteer's Boots of Casting Royal volunteers boots of casting icon1.png 70 355 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 315 551 2 Vitality +179, Intelligence +185, Critical Hit +167, Determination +117
Royal Volunteer's Boots of Scouting Royal volunteers boots of scouting icon1.png 70 355 ROG, NIN 433 433 2 Dexterity +185, Vitality +199, Critical Hit +167, Skill Speed +117
Royal Volunteer's Boots of Striking Royal volunteers boots of striking icon1.png 70 355 PGL, MNK, SAM 433 433 2 Strength +185, Vitality +199, Critical Hit +167, Determination +117
Royal Volunteer's Heavy Boots of Fending Royal volunteers heavy boots of fending icon1.png 70 355 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 787 787 2 Strength +185, Vitality +199, Skill Speed +167, Tenacity +117
Royal Volunteer's Heavy Boots of Maiming Royal volunteers heavy boots of maiming icon1.png 70 355 LNC, DRG 551 433 2 Strength +185, Vitality +199, Determination +167, Direct Hit Rate +117
Royal Volunteer's Thighboots of Aiming Royal volunteers thighboots of aiming icon1.png 70 355 ARC, BRD, MCH 433 433 2 Dexterity +185, Vitality +199, Critical Hit +117, Direct Hit Rate +167
Royal Volunteer's Thighboots of Healing Royal volunteers thighboots of healing icon1.png 70 355 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 315 551 2 Vitality +179, Mind +185, Determination +117, Piety +167
Augmented Nightsteel Greaves of Maiming Augmented nightsteel greaves of maiming icon1.png 70 360 LNC, DRG 501 394 2 Strength +170, Vitality +184, Determination +154, Skill Speed +107
Augmented Nightsteel Sabatons of Fending Augmented nightsteel sabatons of fending icon1.png 70 360 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 716 716 2 Strength +170, Vitality +184, Critical Hit +154, Tenacity +107
Augmented Slothskin Boots of Aiming Augmented slothskin boots of aiming icon1.png 70 360 ARC, BRD, MCH 394 394 2 Dexterity +170, Vitality +184, Critical Hit +107, Skill Speed +154
Augmented Slothskin Boots of Casting Augmented slothskin boots of casting icon1.png 70 360 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 286 501 2 Vitality +166, Intelligence +170, Determination +154, Spell Speed +107
Augmented Slothskin Boots of Healing Augmented slothskin boots of healing icon1.png 70 360 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 286 501 2 Vitality +166, Mind +170, Spell Speed +154, Piety +107
Augmented Slothskin Boots of Striking Augmented slothskin boots of striking icon1.png 70 360 PGL, MNK, SAM 394 394 2 Strength +170, Vitality +184, Determination +154, Direct Hit Rate +107
Augmented Slothskin Thighboots of Scouting Augmented slothskin thighboots of scouting icon1.png 70 360 ROG, NIN 394 394 2 Dexterity +170, Vitality +184, Critical Hit +154, Direct Hit Rate +107
Ivalician Archer's Boots Ivalician archers boots icon1.png 70 360 ARC, BRD, MCH 438 438 2 Dexterity +189, Vitality +205, Skill Speed +119, Direct Hit Rate +171
Ivalician Arithmetician's Shoes Ivalician arithmeticians shoes icon1.png 70 360 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 318 557 2 Vitality +184, Intelligence +189, Critical Hit +171, Direct Hit Rate +119
Ivalician Ark Knight's Greaves Ivalician ark knights greaves icon1.png 70 360 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 796 796 2 Strength +189, Vitality +205, Determination +171, Skill Speed +119
Ivalician Chemist's Shoes Ivalician chemists shoes icon1.png 70 360 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 318 557 2 Vitality +184, Mind +189, Critical Hit +119, Determination +171
Ivalician Shikari's Greaves Ivalician shikaris greaves icon1.png 70 360 PGL, MNK, SAM 438 438 2 Strength +189, Vitality +205, Critical Hit +119, Direct Hit Rate +171
Ivalician Thief's Boots Ivalician thiefs boots icon1.png 70 360 ROG, NIN 438 438 2 Dexterity +189, Vitality +205, Determination +119, Skill Speed +171
Ivalician Uhlan's Greaves Ivalician uhlans greaves icon1.png 70 360 LNC, DRG 557 438 2 Strength +189, Vitality +205, Critical Hit +119, Determination +171
Ryumyaku Choka of Casting Ryumyaku choka of casting icon1.png 70 360 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 318 557 2 Vitality +184, Intelligence +189, Determination +171, Direct Hit Rate +119
Ryumyaku Choka of Healing Ryumyaku choka of healing icon1.png 70 360 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 318 557 2 Vitality +184, Mind +189, Critical Hit +171, Piety +119
Ryumyaku Sune-ate of Aiming Ryumyaku sune-ate of aiming icon1.png 70 360 ARC, BRD, MCH 438 438 2 Dexterity +189, Vitality +205, Critical Hit +171, Skill Speed +119
Ryumyaku Sune-ate of Fending Ryumyaku sune-ate of fending icon1.png 70 360 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 796 796 2 Strength +189, Vitality +205, Critical Hit +119, Determination +171
Ryumyaku Sune-ate of Maiming Ryumyaku sune-ate of maiming icon1.png 70 360 LNC, DRG 557 438 2 Strength +189, Vitality +205, Determination +119, Skill Speed +171
Ryumyaku Sune-ate of Scouting Ryumyaku sune-ate of scouting icon1.png 70 360 ROG, NIN 438 438 2 Dexterity +189, Vitality +205, Determination +171, Direct Hit Rate +119
Ryumyaku Sune-ate of Striking Ryumyaku sune-ate of striking icon1.png 70 360 PGL, MNK, SAM 438 438 2 Strength +189, Vitality +205, Skill Speed +171, Direct Hit Rate +119
Dai-ryumyaku Choka of Casting Dai-ryumyaku choka of casting icon1.png 70 370 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 326 570 2 Vitality +195, Intelligence +198, Determination +178, Direct Hit Rate +125
Dai-ryumyaku Choka of Healing Dai-ryumyaku choka of healing icon1.png 70 370 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 326 570 2 Vitality +195, Mind +198, Critical Hit +178, Piety +125
Dai-ryumyaku Sune-ate of Aiming Dai-ryumyaku sune-ate of aiming icon1.png 70 370 ARC, BRD, MCH 448 448 2 Dexterity +198, Vitality +217, Critical Hit +178, Skill Speed +125
Dai-ryumyaku Sune-ate of Fending Dai-ryumyaku sune-ate of fending icon1.png 70 370 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 814 814 2 Strength +198, Vitality +217, Critical Hit +125, Determination +178
Dai-ryumyaku Sune-ate of Maiming Dai-ryumyaku sune-ate of maiming icon1.png 70 370 LNC, DRG 570 448 2 Strength +198, Vitality +217, Determination +125, Skill Speed +178
Dai-ryumyaku Sune-ate of Scouting Dai-ryumyaku sune-ate of scouting icon1.png 70 370 ROG, NIN 448 448 2 Dexterity +198, Vitality +217, Determination +178, Direct Hit Rate +125
Dai-ryumyaku Sune-ate of Striking Dai-ryumyaku sune-ate of striking icon1.png 70 370 PGL, MNK, SAM 448 448 2 Strength +198, Vitality +217, Skill Speed +178, Direct Hit Rate +125
Diamond Boots of Aiming Diamond boots of aiming icon1.png 70 370 ARC, BRD, MCH 448 448 2 Dexterity +198, Vitality +217, Determination +125, Direct Hit Rate +178
Diamond Boots of Casting Diamond boots of casting icon1.png 70 370 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 326 570 2 Vitality +195, Intelligence +198, Critical Hit +178, Spell Speed +125
Diamond Boots of Healing Diamond boots of healing icon1.png 70 370 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 326 570 2 Vitality +195, Mind +198, Determination +125, Spell Speed +178
Diamond Boots of Scouting Diamond boots of scouting icon1.png 70 370 ROG, NIN 448 448 2 Dexterity +198, Vitality +217, Critical Hit +125, Skill Speed +178
Diamond Boots of Striking Diamond boots of striking icon1.png 70 370 PGL, MNK, SAM 448 448 2 Strength +198, Vitality +217, Determination +125, Direct Hit Rate +178
Diamond Greaves of Fending Diamond greaves of fending icon1.png 70 370 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 814 814 2 Strength +198, Vitality +217, Skill Speed +125, Tenacity +178
Diamond Greaves of Maiming Diamond greaves of maiming icon1.png 70 370 LNC, DRG 570 448 2 Strength +198, Vitality +217, Critical Hit +178, Direct Hit Rate +125
Alliance Boots of Casting Alliance boots of casting icon1.png 70 375 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 329 576 2 Vitality +201, Intelligence +203, Determination +127, Spell Speed +182
Alliance Boots of Fending Alliance boots of fending icon1.png 70 375 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 823 823 2 Strength +203, Vitality +223, Critical Hit +182, Skill Speed +127
Alliance Boots of Healing Alliance boots of healing icon1.png 70 375 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 329 576 2 Vitality +201, Mind +203, Critical Hit +182, Determination +127
Alliance Boots of Maiming Alliance boots of maiming icon1.png 70 375 LNC, DRG 576 453 2 Strength +203, Vitality +223, Critical Hit +127, Skill Speed +182
Alliance Shoes of Aiming Alliance shoes of aiming icon1.png 70 375 ARC, BRD, MCH 453 453 2 Dexterity +203, Vitality +223, Critical Hit +127, Skill Speed +182
Alliance Shoes of Scouting Alliance shoes of scouting icon1.png 70 375 ROG, NIN 453 453 2 Dexterity +203, Vitality +223, Critical Hit +182, Skill Speed +127
Alliance Shoes of Striking Alliance shoes of striking icon1.png 70 375 PGL, MNK, SAM 453 453 2 Strength +203, Vitality +223, Critical Hit +182, Determination +127
Elemental Boots of Aiming Elemental boots of aiming icon1.png 70 380 ARC, BRD, MCH 458 458 5 Dexterity +208, Vitality +230, Critical Hit +130, Skill Speed +185
Elemental Boots of Scouting Elemental boots of scouting icon1.png 70 380 ROG, NIN 458 458 5 Dexterity +208, Vitality +230, Skill Speed +185, Direct Hit Rate +130
Elemental Boots of Striking Elemental boots of striking icon1.png 70 380 PGL, MNK, SAM 458 458 5 Strength +208, Vitality +230, Critical Hit +130, Determination +185
Elemental Shoes of Casting Elemental shoes of casting icon1.png 70 380 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 333 582 5 Vitality +207, Intelligence +208, Determination +130, Direct Hit Rate +185
Elemental Shoes of Fending Elemental shoes of fending icon1.png 70 380 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 832 832 5 Strength +208, Vitality +230, Determination +130, Tenacity +185
Elemental Shoes of Healing Elemental shoes of healing icon1.png 70 380 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 333 582 5 Vitality +207, Mind +208, Critical Hit +185, Determination +130
Elemental Shoes of Maiming Elemental shoes of maiming icon1.png 70 380 LNC, DRG 582 458 5 Strength +208, Vitality +230, Skill Speed +185, Direct Hit Rate +130
Omicron Boots of Aiming Omicron boots of aiming icon1.png 70 380 ARC, BRD, MCH 458 458 2 Dexterity +208, Vitality +230, Determination +185, Skill Speed +130
Omicron Boots of Scouting Omicron boots of scouting icon1.png 70 380 ROG, NIN 458 458 2 Dexterity +208, Vitality +230, Determination +130, Direct Hit Rate +185
Omicron Shoes of Casting Omicron shoes of casting icon1.png 70 380 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 333 582 2 Vitality +207, Intelligence +208, Determination +185, Spell Speed +130
Omicron Shoes of Fending Omicron shoes of fending icon1.png 70 380 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 832 832 2 Strength +208, Vitality +230, Critical Hit +185, Determination +130
Omicron Shoes of Healing Omicron shoes of healing icon1.png 70 380 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 333 582 2 Vitality +207, Mind +208, Determination +130, Spell Speed +185
Omicron Shoes of Maiming Omicron shoes of maiming icon1.png 70 380 LNC, DRG 582 458 2 Strength +208, Vitality +230, Determination +185, Skill Speed +130
Omicron Shoes of Striking Omicron shoes of striking icon1.png 70 380 PGL, MNK, SAM 458 458 2 Strength +208, Vitality +230, Determination +185, Skill Speed +130
Rakshasa Sune-ate of Fending Rakshasa sune-ate of fending icon1.png 70 380 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 749 749 2 Strength +187, Vitality +207, Critical Hit +117, Skill Speed +167
Rakshasa Sune-ate of Maiming Rakshasa sune-ate of maiming icon1.png 70 380 LNC, DRG 524 412 2 Strength +187, Vitality +207, Critical Hit +117, Direct Hit Rate +167
Rakshasa Zori of Aiming Rakshasa zori of aiming icon1.png 70 380 ARC, BRD, MCH 412 412 2 Dexterity +187, Vitality +207, Determination +117, Direct Hit Rate +167
Rakshasa Zori of Casting Rakshasa zori of casting icon1.png 70 380 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 299 524 2 Vitality +186, Intelligence +187, Critical Hit +167, Direct Hit Rate +117
Rakshasa Zori of Healing Rakshasa zori of healing icon1.png 70 380 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 299 524 2 Vitality +186, Mind +187, Spell Speed +117, Piety +167
Rakshasa Zori of Scouting Rakshasa zori of scouting icon1.png 70 380 ROG, NIN 412 412 2 Dexterity +187, Vitality +207, Determination +167, Skill Speed +117
Rakshasa Zori of Striking Rakshasa zori of striking icon1.png 70 380 PGL, MNK, SAM 412 412 2 Strength +187, Vitality +207, Skill Speed +117, Direct Hit Rate +167
Ivalician Brave's Greaves Ivalician braves greaves icon1.png 70 390 PGL, MNK, SAM 467 467 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +193, Determination +135
Ivalician Holy Knight's Boots Ivalician holy knights boots icon1.png 70 390 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 850 850 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +193, Determination +135
Ivalician Mercenary's Greaves Ivalician mercenarys greaves icon1.png 70 390 ROG, NIN 467 467 2 Dexterity +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +193, Skill Speed +135
Ivalician Mystic's Shoes Ivalician mystics shoes icon1.png 70 390 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 340 595 2 Vitality +219, Mind +218, Critical Hit +135, Piety +193
Ivalician Oracle's Shoes Ivalician oracles shoes icon1.png 70 390 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 340 595 2 Vitality +219, Intelligence +218, Determination +193, Spell Speed +135
Ivalician Royal Knight's Boots Ivalician royal knights boots icon1.png 70 390 LNC, DRG 595 467 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +193, Skill Speed +135
Ivalician Sky Pirate's Shoes Ivalician sky pirates shoes icon1.png 70 390 ARC, BRD, MCH 467 467 2 Dexterity +218, Vitality +244, Determination +135, Skill Speed +193
Scaevan Greaves of Aiming Scaevan greaves of aiming icon1.png 70 390 ARC, BRD, MCH 467 467 2 Dexterity +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +193, Direct Hit Rate +135
Scaevan Greaves of Fending Scaevan greaves of fending icon1.png 70 390 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 850 850 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Determination +135, Skill Speed +193
Scaevan Greaves of Maiming Scaevan greaves of maiming icon1.png 70 390 LNC, DRG 595 467 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Determination +193, Direct Hit Rate +135
Scaevan Greaves of Scouting Scaevan greaves of scouting icon1.png 70 390 ROG, NIN 467 467 2 Dexterity +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +135, Determination +193
Scaevan Greaves of Striking Scaevan greaves of striking icon1.png 70 390 PGL, MNK, SAM 467 467 2 Strength +218, Vitality +244, Critical Hit +135, Direct Hit Rate +193
Scaevan Shoes of Casting Scaevan shoes of casting icon1.png 70 390 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 340 595 2 Vitality +219, Intelligence +218, Critical Hit +193, Determination +135
Scaevan Shoes of Healing Scaevan shoes of healing icon1.png 70 390 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 340 595 2 Vitality +219, Mind +218, Critical Hit +135, Determination +193
Yama Sune-Ate of Fending Yama sune-ate of fending icon1.png 70 390 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 765 765 2 Strength +196, Vitality +219, Critical Hit +121, Skill Speed +173
Yama Sune-Ate of Maiming Yama sune-ate of maiming icon1.png 70 390 LNC, DRG 535 421 2 Strength +196, Vitality +219, Critical Hit +121, Direct Hit Rate +173
Yama Zori of Aiming Yama zori of aiming icon1.png 70 390 ARC, BRD, MCH 421 421 2 Dexterity +196, Vitality +219, Determination +121, Direct Hit Rate +173
Yama Zori of Casting Yama zori of casting icon1.png 70 390 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 306 535 2 Vitality +197, Intelligence +196, Critical Hit +173, Direct Hit Rate +121
Yama Zori of Healing Yama zori of healing icon1.png 70 390 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 306 535 2 Vitality +197, Mind +196, Spell Speed +121, Piety +173
Yama Zori of Scouting Yama zori of scouting icon1.png 70 390 ROG, NIN 421 421 2 Dexterity +196, Vitality +219, Determination +173, Skill Speed +121
Yama Zori of Striking Yama zori of striking icon1.png 70 390 PGL, MNK, SAM 421 421 2 Strength +196, Vitality +219, Skill Speed +121, Direct Hit Rate +173
Augmented Scaevan Greaves of Aiming Augmented scaevan greaves of aiming icon1.png 70 400 ARC, BRD, MCH 477 477 2 Dexterity +228, Vitality +258, Critical Hit +200, Direct Hit Rate +140
Augmented Scaevan Greaves of Fending Augmented scaevan greaves of fending icon1.png 70 400 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 868 868 2 Strength +228, Vitality +258, Determination +140, Skill Speed +200
Augmented Scaevan Greaves of Maiming Augmented scaevan greaves of maiming icon1.png 70 400 LNC, DRG 608 477 2 Strength +228, Vitality +258, Determination +200, Direct Hit Rate +140
Augmented Scaevan Greaves of Scouting Augmented scaevan greaves of scouting icon1.png 70 400 ROG, NIN 477 477 2 Dexterity +228, Vitality +258, Critical Hit +140, Determination +200
Augmented Scaevan Greaves of Striking Augmented scaevan greaves of striking icon1.png 70 400 PGL, MNK, SAM 477 477 2 Strength +228, Vitality +258, Critical Hit +140, Direct Hit Rate +200
Augmented Scaevan Shoes of Casting Augmented scaevan shoes of casting icon1.png 70 400 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 347 608 2 Vitality +232, Intelligence +228, Critical Hit +200, Determination +140
Augmented Scaevan Shoes of Healing Augmented scaevan shoes of healing icon1.png 70 400 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 347 608 2 Vitality +232, Mind +228, Critical Hit +140, Determination +200
Omega Boots of Aiming Omega boots of aiming icon1.png 70 400 ARC, BRD, MCH 477 477 2 Dexterity +228, Vitality +258, Skill Speed +200, Direct Hit Rate +140
Omega Boots of Scouting Omega boots of scouting icon1.png 70 400 ROG, NIN 477 477 2 Dexterity +228, Vitality +258, Determination +200, Direct Hit Rate +140
Omega Shoes of Casting Omega shoes of casting icon1.png 70 400 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN, RDM, BLU 347 608 2 Vitality +232, Intelligence +228, Critical Hit +200, Spell Speed +140
Omega Shoes of Fending Omega shoes of fending icon1.png 70 400 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK 868 868 2 Strength +228, Vitality +258, Determination +200, Tenacity +140
Omega Shoes of Healing Omega shoes of healing icon1.png 70 400 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST 347 608 2 Vitality +232, Mind +228, Determination +140, Spell Speed +200
Omega Shoes of Maiming Omega shoes of maiming icon1.png 70 400 LNC, DRG 608 477 2 Strength +228, Vitality +258, Determination +200, Skill Speed +140
Omega Shoes of Striking Omega shoes of striking icon1.png 70 400 PGL, MNK, SAM 477 477 2 Strength +228, Vitality +258, Determination +200, Skill Speed +140