Dragon Gauge

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Dragon Gauge is Dragoon's Job Gauge.

Dragon Gauge in PvE

Upon learning the action Blood of the Dragon the Dragon Gauge will be displayed. While Blood of the Dragon is active, the potency of High Jump and Spineshatter Dive is increased.

Dragon gauge pve1.png

Upon learning the trait Life of the Dragon, the weaponskill Mirage Dive will attract the gaze of the first brood, increasing the Dragon Gauge. The icon on the left of the Dragon Gauge indicates the strength of the gaze, up to a maximum of two units.

Dragon gauge pve2.png

When the gaze is strongest, you can execute Geirskogul, which changes the gauge from blue to red and grants Life of the Dragon in place of Blood of the Dragon. While under the effect of Life of the Dragon, you can execute Nastrond (acquired at level 70) and Stardiver (acquired at level 80).

Dragon gauge pve3.png

Simple Mode

Dragon gauge pve simple mode1.png Blood of the Dragon

Dragon gauge pve simple mode2.png Life of the Dragon

Dragon Gauge in PvP