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Thaumaturge Attributes


Attributes determine your character's statistics in combat, gathering, and crafting. Different races start off with different base attributes.


Strength is the primary damage dealing stat for melee jobs; Dragoon, Monk, Warrior, Paladin, Dark Knight, Samurai. Higher strength equals higher Attack Power for these melee classes. Strength also increases the amount of damage you mitigate when you block or parry an enemy attack.


Dexterity is the primary damage dealing stat for Bard, Ninja, and Machinist. Dexterity also increases the rate of your block and parry. The higher your dexterity is, the more likely you are to block or parry an enemy attack.


Vitality is the primary defensive stat for tanking classes and jobs such as gladiator and marauder. Higher vitality equals higher HP. As of Patch 3.2, vitality is used in the calculation of Attack Power for tank jobs.


Intelligence is the primary offensive stat for spell casting classes and jobs such as Black Mage, Summoner, and Red Mage. Higher intelligence corresponds to higher Attack Magic Potency and more magic damage your spells will do.


Mind is the primary stat for healers such as White Mage, Scholar, and Astrologian. Higher Mind means higher Healing Magic Potency and more healing your spells will do. Mind also means higher Attack Magic Potency and more damage a your spells will do.



HP are your health points. As you take damage, your HP will decrease. You die when your HP reach 0. After you die, you must be resurrected by raise or return to your Home Point.


MP, or magic points, are required to cast spells. If the MP cost of a spell is greater than your remaining MP, you cannot cast that spell. MP slowly regenerates over time in and out of combat. MP can be regenerated by using items such as Ethers, or with abilities that grant Refresh.


TP, or tactical points, are required to use weaponskills. If the TP cost of a weaponskill is greater than your remaining TP, you cannot use that weaponskill. TP slowly regenerates over time in and out of combat. As of patch 5.0, TP no longer exists. Weaponskills now have no cost.


CP, or crafting points, are required to use some of your crafting actions. When you have a crafting class equipped, CP bar replaces your MP bar. CP regenerates to full after you complete a craft, but does not regenerate during crafting actions.


GP, or gathering points, are required to use some of your gathering actions. While you have a gathering class equipped, GP bar replaces your MP bar. GP slowly regenerates when outside of gathering actions, but does not regenerate during gathering actions.

Offensive Properties

Critical Hit Rate

Critical Hit Rate increases the chance of an attack doing critical damage, and also increases the damage of the critical hit.


Determination increases the amount of damage dealt by all attacks including auto-attacks, weaponskills and spells. It also increases the amount of HP recovered by spells.

Direct Hit

Direct Hit increases the chance of an attack hitting the enemy directly.

Defensive Properties


Defense determines the amount of damage you take from physical attacks. Higher defense means less damage taken from physical attacks.

Magic Defense

Magic Defense determines the amount of damage you take from magical attacks. Higher magic defense equals less damage taken from enemy spells.


Tenacity determines damage dealt, damage taken, and HP restored by tanks. The higher the value, the more damage dealt, the more HP restored, and the less damage taken.

Physical Properties

Attack Power

Attack Power is the amount of damage you deal through physical attacks. Strength increases attack power for melee physical classes such as gladiator, marauder, pugilist and lancer. Dexterity increases attack power for other physical classes like archer and rogue.

Skill Speed

Skill Speed reduces the cast time and cooldown of weaponskills. Higher skill speed means lower weaponskill casting time and cooldown. It also increases DoT's damage per tick.

Mental Properties

Attack Magic Potency

Attack Magic Potency determines the amount of damage you do with your spells. Higher intelligence equals higher attack magic potency.

Healing Magic Potency

Healing Magic Potency determines the amount of healing you do with your healing spells such as Cure and Cure II. Higher mind corresponds to higher healing magic potency.


Higher Piety corresponds to higher MP. More MP allows you to cast more spells during combat. It is a useful stat for Disciples of Magic classes and spell-casting jobs. In the latest expanion (4.0 Stormblood) Piety is no longer a Primary Attribute but a Secondary Attribute (Mental Property).

Spell Speed

Spell Speed reduces the cast time and cooldown of your spells. Higher spell speed means lower spell cast time and cooldown. It also increases DoT and HoT's damage/healing per tick.



Craftsmanship increases the amount of progress you generate while using crafting actions such as Basic Synthesis and Standard Synthesis.


Control increases the amount of quality you generate while using crafting actions such as Basic Touch, Standard Touch and Advanced Touch.



Gathering increases your likelihood of receiving an item while gathering.


Perception increases the probability of the item you receive to be high quality while gathering.

PvP Properties


Morale increases item levels of PvP gear in The Wolves' Den only. Does not work in Frontlines.