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Eden's Gate: Descent

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Eden's Gate: Descent

80 (Sync: ?"?" is not a number.)
Item Level
425 (Sync: ?"?" is not a number.)
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Req. quest
Feature quest One Fell Swoop
The Core (X:23.4, Y:23.2)

Having finally overcome Eden in a battle of wills, Ryne is now in control of the enormous sin eater, which now drifts high above the Empty. Your celebrations are short-lived, however, as Ryne detects the presence of unknown enemies making their way towards Eden's core. While Thancred and Urianger rush to intercept a swarm of foes approaching from inside, you head to the upper reaches to face the threat from the above.

— In-game description

Eden's Gate: Descent is a level 80 raid introduced in patch 5.1 with Shadowbringers.

General Information




  • Note: It is possible to walk off or be pushed off the edge of the arena and die.

Doomvoid Guillotine - Line AOE the length of the arena, parallel to which way Voidwalker is facing. After the cast goes off, voidsent will emerge from the line and scatter to either side, inflicting stacks of Infirmity on contact.

Doomvoid Slicer - Donut AOE covering the room with a safe zone under Voidwalker. After the cast goes off, four voidsent will emerge from the edges of the room and converge on the spot that was the safe zone, inflicting stacks of Infirmity on contact.

Spell-in-Waiting - One of two, with the other one following the first. A purple or yellow gear symbol will appear over affected players' heads, with the corresponding attack going off after a significant delay.

  • Dark Fire III - Purple symbol; spread.
  • Unholy Darkness - Yellow symbol; stack.

Entropy - After this is cast, the Hand of Erebos will occasionally manifest on one side of the arena and yellow arrow indicators will move across the field away from the Hand. Move towards the side of the arena where the Hand is, or you will be pushed off the arena.

??? - Meteor-type spell requiring a party member to stand in each spot. Later in the fight it often happens alongside an appearance from the Hand of Erebos.

Shadoweye - One party member will be marked with the typical "look away" eye marker; other party members must be looking away from them when the cast goes off after a short delay. [confirm/deny if it inflicts terror?]