Eden's Gate: Resurrection
Revision as of 11:03, 11 August 2019 by Whitenorth (talk | contribs)
Eden's Gate: Resurrection
- Level
- 80 (Sync: ?"?" is not a number.)
- Item Level
- 425 (Sync: ?"?" is not a number.)
- Difficulty
- Normal
- Party size
- Full Party
8 man • 22
- Unsyncing
- Allowed
- Time limit
- 90 minutes
- Req. quest
Deploy the Core
- Entrance
- The Core (X:23.4, Y:23.2)
- Patch
- 5.01
“Ryne's discovery of a vast concentration of Light prompts an expedition into the barren wastelands left in the wake of the Flood known as the Empty. There, you encounter the immense and enigmatic Eden, the very first sin eater and the progenitor of the destruction that all but consumed the world. Rather than seeking to end this threat once and for all, Ryne hopes to use its limitless power to restore the aetherial balance of the Empty and breathe life into the planet. However, she must first gain control of Eden's core, which is likely to have countermeasures for repelling intruders.
— In-game description
Eden's Gate: Resurrection is a level 80 raid introduced in patch 5.01 with Shadowbringers.
Eden Prime
- Note: The edges of the room will kill players on contact.
Phase 1
- Spear of Paradise: Two tankbusters in quick succession.
- Eden's Gravity: Heavy damage to the entire party.
- Vice and Virtue: One of the following attacks
- Player-targeted circle AoEs on four random players that leave behind damaging puddles. Spread to avoid overlapping.
- Tethers on both tanks with a Line attack in their directions.
- Eden's Flare: Ring AoE with the safe zone in melee range of Eden Prime.
- Pure Light: Eden Prime will teleport to one of the corners of the room and face toward the center. Deals lethal damage to all players standing in front of Eden Prime when the cast finishes.
- Delta Attack: Eden will move to the center of the room and perform three attacks at the same time.
- Eden's Thunder III: Two Line AoEs, one across the arena in the direction Eden Prime is facing, and the second across the entire arena perpendicular to the first Line.
- Eden's Blizzard III: Circle AoE centered on Eden Prime.
- Eden's Fire III: Player-targeted Circle on all players. Spread to avoid overlap.
- Dimensional Shift: Heavy damage to the entire party, and causes several white orbs to appear around the arena, along with recoloring the arena. A second cast will return the arena to normal.
- Pure Beam: Orbs around the room will fire a series of Line AoEs, while players will occasionally have Circle AoEs appear beneath them.
- Fragor Maximus: Heavy damage to the entire party. After the attack, Eden Prime will leave the arena, becoming untargetable.
Phase 2
- Guardian of Paradise: Two Guardians of Paradise adds will spawn off-platform and use Paradisal Dive.
- Paradisal Dive: Two proximity markers appear on the platform. In addition to dealing damage, the Guardians of Paradise will appear at the impact locations and become targetable.
- Mana Burst: Moderate damage to the entire party. Both Guardians will cast this ability simultaneously, resulting in more damage if both are alive.
- If the party is unable to defeat the Guardians quickly enough, they will use a slower-casting Unto Dust attack that will wipe the party.
- Eternal Breath: After the Guardians are defeated, Eden will use Eternal Breath to deal heavy damage to the entire party. Eden Prime will then return to the arena and repeat Phase 1 until defeated.