Revision as of 14:46, 16 August 2019 by Whitenorth (talk | contribs)
“Continuously restores 8% of pet's HP.
Duration: 9s— In-game description
Sustain is an action unlocked at level 18. It is available for Arcanist / Summoner.
Related actions
Heals 8% of summon's max HP every server tick (3 second spaced).
If server ticks at x seconds after being applied:
- From 0-1s (33% chance): it will heal a total of 32% (8% 4 ticks) of the summon's max HP before heal expires.
- From 2-3s (66% chance): it will heal a total of 24% (8% 3 ticks) of the summon's max HP before heal expires.