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Cities are special safe zones in which you don't find hostile creatures, FATEs, and other combat-oriented activity. You can teleport throughout a city using the Aethernet – an interconected system of smaller attuning crystals. Cities are occasionally decorated for special events such as Halloween and Gold Saucer.

List of cities

Main cities

The character starts at Limsa Lominsa, Gridania, or Ul'dah and develops their classes and jobs, as well as unlocking various systems, by traveling to each of the cities. The main scenario quest will take players to all of the cities at different steps, and usually requires revisiting the main cities every so often. Large portion of every character's story plays in the capital cities.

With Heavensward, players may travel north to Coerthas, where the story continues.

With Stormblood, players may travel to the far east to Doma which is in a new region where the story continues.

Special areas

There are a few other special zones. They work similarly to cities, but they serve as the staging points for specific game modes or activities.