Chysahl Greens
Chysahl Greens
- Item type
- Material
- Material type
- Ingredient
- Crafting
- Rarity
- Basic
- Vendor Value
“Though nearly identical in shape and color to gysahl greens, chysahl greens have a deeper, earthier flavor that chocobos (and man) seem to prefer.
— In-game description
Chysahl Greens is a Ingredient used to craft various meals by the culinarian.
Obtained By
Level 60 Harvesting
Coerthas Western Highlands (Twinpools) (X9, Y10)
UNSPOILED 8 AM - 10 AM, 8 PM - 10 PM
Purchased From
Dropped By
Used For
Crafting Ingredient
- Stuffed Chysahl (Level 60 Culinarian)