Aromatic Aspirations
Botanist Class Quest
Level 24 Harvesting from Lush Vegetation Patch in Upper La Noscea, Memeroon's Trading Post X:14.6 Y:23.9
- Deliver 15 sprigs of chamomile (HQ) to Sandre.
- Fufucha has a mind to assign you a large order.
- As Gridania continues along the path to recovery, so too does trade flourish with her neighbors. Her premise thus established, Fufucha tells you that an order has arrived from Ul'dah for no fewer than two thousand sprigs of chamomile. The herb is known to grow around the remains of Thalaos in upper La Noscea. Harvest fifteen high-quality sprigs by way of your contribution to the group effort, and deliver them to Sandre.
- You deliver the chamomile to Sandre, who is bemused by the notion that Ul'dahns could have any appreciation for the herb. Trade may flourish between nations, but it would seem that old prejudices die hard.