Tales from the Tidus Slayer

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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Tales from the Tidus Slayer

Tales from the Tidus Slayer Image.png
Quest giver
Lower La Noscea (X:35, Y:15)
Quest line
Seventh Umbral Era
Experience 14,820
Gil 0
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestWrath of the Titan
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestHungry Hungry Goobbues

Trachtoum is eager to regale you with stories of his glory days.

— In-game description


In addition to the above, choose one of the following options:


  • Destroy the rats' nest.


  • Although Trachtoum claims to have battled a dread primal known as "Tidus," you cannot help but question his account. He quickly recognizes your doubt, and refuses to reveal the Company's secret strategy -- that is, unless you destroy a nest of wild rats by one of the windmills outside. If you wish to defeat Titan, then you have no choice but to acquiesce to his demands.
  • You effortlessly slay the vermin and destroy their nest. Return to Trachtoum and tell him the deed is done.
  • It would appear that Trachtoum used you to handle work he himself had been tasked to do. In spite of this irritating revelation, you must swallow your pride and press him for more information.