In the Name of the Light
In the Name of the Light
- Quest giver
- Manager of Suites
- Location
- The Pendants (X:12.5, Y:16.2)
- Quest line
- Post-Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 80
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Echoes of a Fallen Star
- Next quest
Heroic Dreams
- Patch
- 5.3
“The manager of suites is looking a little anxious.
— In-game description
- Speak with Moren.
- Speak with Riqi-Tio.
- Speak with Chessamile.
- Speak with Gracine.
- Obtain bunches of undersized grapes.
- Deliver the bunches of undersized grapes to Riqi-Tio.
- Speak with Chessamile.
- As you converse with the manager of suites in the Pendants, Moren arrives to thank you for revealing the truth about Ardbert and his comrades to the people. While on the subject, you take the opportunity to ask him what he knows of Warriors of Light, and he seems all too eager to enlighten you─when suitably prepared. The librarian duly heads back to the Cabinet of Curiosity to gather up materials, and bids you join him there at your earliest convenience.
- Reporting for your lesson at the Cabinet, you are soon joined by Alphinaud, Alisaie, and Ryne, who chanced to be there on separate errands. His class duly assembled, Moren proceeds to explain that, despite sharing no apparent connection, many individuals have been hailed as Warriors of Light throughout Vrandtic history, and that in time the title came to be a synonym for hero. Intrigued, Alphinaud observes that the pithet is similarly used in the Source, and posits that Hydaelyn is likely the common thread. As you ponder what this might imply, you are interrupted by a little girl's excited boice followed by the rumble of tumbling tomes. You turn towards the commotion to find three Crystarium younglings, a shame-faced Riqi-Tio and her friends Arkil and Eirwel, whom Moren wastes no time chastising for their lack of care. Upon realizing she is in the presence of the great Warrior of Darkness, however, Riqi-Tio's chagrin reverts to excitement, and she can barely contain herself as she asks you what she must do to become a hero─or "Warrior of Light."
Accepting the Quest
Manager of Suites: Ah, [Player]. Will you be venturing forth today? Do be sure to take care if so. Though they say the starshower was harmless, one can never be too careful...But I concede it is not for me to tell the Warrior of Darkness how to look after him/herself. Old habits, you understand.
???: Ah, [Player]! How very opportune!
Moren: Greetings, my friend. Do you perchance have a moment to spare?
Moren: Wonderful, wonderful! I wanted to thank you, you see. For revealing to us the truth of the Warriors of Light. After all these years, your tale set the record straight. Finally, the people see them as the great heroes they were. Or the great hero he is in the case of Ardbert. You too were surprised to see him, I think?
Moren: At the time, I was not certain what to make of it all, but I could see the effect his words had on those around me. And then the stars rained down from the sky, and...well, you know the rest. When the commotion died down, you were nowhere to be seen, but I was determined to express my gratitude. And so here I am. Thank you, [Player]─for giving voice to the truth, and restoring the Warriors of Light to their rightful place in history.
Moren: Should you, perhaps, wish to have your account of these matters committed to writing, I would be more than willing to serve as your scribe. Indeed, if there is anything I can do to help─anything at all─you need only say the word.
Player: What can you tell me about the Warriors of Light? / Very well. Tell me what the situation is like in the city.
Moren: I beg your pardon? You wish to ask me about the Warriors of Light? Forgive me, but I daresay you already know more about them than any living soul─save for Ardbert himself, of course. refer to the Warriors of Light more broadly? If so, I may yet be able to assist you in some small way. Excellent! I shall return to the Cabinet at once and look up the relevant texts. Pray join me at your earliest convenience.
Manager of Suites: No rest for the righteous, it would seem. Do not let me keep you. I bid you a pleasant day.
At the Cabinet of Curiosity
Moren: Ah, [Player], excellent timing. I have but this moment finished gathering the materials for our lesson. As a great many works make reference to the Warriors of Light, I shall─with your permission─focus only upon the details that seem most relevant.
Alphinaud: The Warriors of Light, you say? Forgive us, but we couldn't help overhearing.
Alisaie: We've been out keeping watch over the Crystarium, but it appears to be business as usual. So I thought I'd spend some time brushing up my knowledge of familiars and Alphinaud volunteered to help.
Ryne: I...actually came on a different errand, but I'd be interested in hearing about the Warriors of Light as well. May I join you?
Moren: Of course, of course! The more the merrier! If you would care to find a table below, I shall be down with the books in a moment.
Moren: Were one to pore over the annals of Vrandtic history, one would note the comparatively frequent recurrence of individuals hailed as "Warriors of Light." Ardbert and his comrades require no introduction, but many others bore the epithet long before them.
Moren: To name but a few, there was Tolthewil, legendary first king of Lakeland, Roddfort and Saulard, the fabled Drahn and Galdjent duo of Voeburt...And no list of Vrandtic heroes would be complete without the archmage Tiuna of Ronka. In older texts, she too was called a Warrior of Light.
Alisaie: It did surprise me how ready people were to forget the negative associations of the title. But it makes sense if it's been around for centuries.
Moren: Verily. In ages past, it was simply a synonym for "hero." In the wake of the Flood, however, Light came to be regarded with fear; the title used not to exalt, but to revile. A far cry from its beginnings...
Moren: This, my friends, is Norvrandt's oldest epic. The original tale of the struggle between good and evil. In a time when all lay shrouded in Darkness, a prophesied hero rose to deliver the world from its doom. Fighting in the name of the Light, the hero styled himself its foot soldier. And thus did he come to be known as "The Warrior of Light." Curiously, in the centuries that followed, other heroes appeared who claimed the selfsame epithet, despite sharing no discernible connection with their predecessors. And in time, Warrior of Light came to be a name accorded to all men and women of uncommon skill and valor.
Alphinaud: Well, well...The plot thickens. As you know, the title of Warrior of Light is also used in the Source. Though the manners in which individuals have earned it are many and varied, heroes have been honored thus since antiquity. Nor does the custom show any sign of dying out─as you can well attest.
Ryne: It makes you wonder, doesn't it...It surely can't be a coincidence.
Alphinaud: Indeed not. Let us imagine a man who has awakened to the Echo and is able to hear Hydaelyn's voice. As She styles him, so too does he style himself─a Warrior of Light. Of course, being blessed with the Echo does not in itself make one a hero. And conversely, there will have been no few heroes who were not blessed with it. But such distinctions are immaterial to the masses, and over time they came to use the title "Warrior of Light" and the word "hero" interchangeably.
Alisaie: Sounds about right. It would be interesting to see if the theory holds true in the other worlds─if crossing the rift were that easy.
Player: Hydaelyn did call me a Warrior Light. / What's in a name? It doesn't change anything. / And there I was thinking I was special...
Ryne: She did? I've never heard Her voice myself. But I can feel Her presence. Perhaps through Minfilia.
Alisaie: At any rate, assuming all of this is true, and there's a common thread behind the epithet, I doubt the Ascians will have been amused. To have the world at large associate Light, and by extension Hydaelyn, with "good" must have added insult to injury.
Moren: Ahem. While this discussion is undeniably fascinating, I wonder...should I be privy to it? Mayhap it would be better if I excused myself...?
Alphinaud: Oh! No need for that, my friend! Pray accept our apologies. Your lesson on the Warriors of Light has given us much to ponder...
Little Girl's Voice: Ooh, ooh! Did someone say Warriors of Light!? Uwaahh!!
Moren: Riqi-Tio! Are you all right!? Ahhh, my precious tomes...<sigh> Did I not say you must take care in the Cabinet? You too, Arkil! Eirwel!
Arkil: We're sorry, Master Moren...<gasp> Aren't you...?
Riqi-Tio: ...The Warrior of Darkness!? M-My name's Riqi-Tio, and...and I want to help everyone! Please, tell me what I have to do to be a hero─to be a Warrior of Light!