Megalotragus (Mount)
Revision as of 06:53, 15 October 2020 by BlueWarden (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Mount infobox | name = Megalotragus | icon = megalotragus (mount) icon1.png | image = megalotragus mount icon1.png | description = Preferring colder climes, this imposing he...")
“Preferring colder climes, this imposing herbivore left its original habitat in Abalathia's Spine and migrated to Coerthas, which had frozen over in the Calamity's wake. Its kind are a primitive species that has largely remained unchanged over time, with some known to awaken to magical powers.
"If you squint just the right way, it looks like it's got ears! Or is it horns...?" - Nashu Mhakaracca— In-game description
Megalotragus is a flight-capable terrestrial mount that can be summoned with a Megalotragus Horn. The Megalotragus Horn can be purchased from Enie in The Firmament for 8,400 Skybuilders' Scrips.