Ixali Daily Quests

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General Information

Ixal daily quests1.jpg
Ixal daily quests2.jpg

Ixali Daily Quests are Beast Tribe Quests for the Ixal race. Players can find the Ixal quest-givers and vendors at North Shroud (x24,y22). Unlike other Beast Tribes quests, players will craft items, not battle enemies, in order to complete the Ixali quests. Players will also obtain a special currency, named Ixali Oaknots.

In order to craft the items required for Ixali quests, players must make use of special crafting facilities. After obtaining the required materials in the course of the quest, the player must then present them to the workshop supervisor before using their crafting facilities. After preparing the workspace, the supervisor will then furnish you with the exact amount of materials required for your task, and you will be granted access to the facility for a limited amount of time as indicated by the effect placed on your character. This effect also limits your crafting capacities to some degree, usually by lowering your CP.

  • If time runs out in the middle of synthesis, that attempt will be deemed a failure.

In addition to the special crafting facilities, players must also equip a pair of Ehcatl Wristgloves, which can be acquired early in the course of the main quests as well as purchased from the vendor. With the Ehcatl wrist gloves equipped, select the recipe designated by your quest from the Beast Tribe section under Special Recipes in your crafting log to begin synthesis.

  • In the event you run out of time, your synthesis fails, or the item quality is not that requested by the quest giver, speak with the workshop supervisor to receive additional materials and resume your crafting attempt.


To unlock Ixali Daily Quests, talk to Scarlet in New Gridania (x9,y11) to begin the quest titled A Bad Bladder. Players must have previous completed the main story quest Main Scenario QuestIn Pursuit of the Past.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
A Bad Bladder  Feature quest 1 Scarlet
Reaching for Cloud Nine Feature quest 1 Sezul Totoloc
A Designer Job Feature quest 3 Sezul Totoloc
The Boy from Gridania Feature quest 6 Tataramu
Lathe to the Party Feature quest 10 Sezul Totoloc
Standing at the Helm Feature quest 15 Tataramu
Never Be Royal Feature quest 16 Sezul Totoloc
Spread Your Wings and Soar Feature quest 18 Sezul Totoloc

Daily Quests

Delivery Quests

In additional to normal daily quests, players can deliver items requested by the Ixal as part of Daily QuestDeliverance (Quest). Players gain quota points for every item handed in, as well as crafting experience in the respective category. Only by gaining sufficient points will the player meet their quota and finish the quest. The quota changes based on your reputation level with the Ixal, with every rank adding higher level items to the list that reward more quota points. Handing in high-quality items gives double experience, but does not give any additional quota points. Once the quota is reached or exceeded, no further items can be handed in. The list of items requested can be seen under Timers even without accepting the quest, but only while the quest is available or in progress.

  • Player can complete Daily QuestDeliverance (Quest) once per day. The quest counts towards the 12 allowances of daily quests. If the player abandons Daily QuestDeliverance (Quest), they cannot accept it again until the next day.

Level 1 Quests / Neutral Reputation

Obtained from Yazel Ahuatan the Able. Rewards 20 Reputation points per quest.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Trust, but Verify Daily quest 1 Yazel Ahuatan the Able
Misdirected Woo Daily quest 1 Yazel Ahuatan the Able
Keeping Up Appearances Daily quest 1 Yazel Ahuatan the Able
Blow, Ye Winds Daily quest 1 Yazel Ahuatan the Able

Level 3 Quests / Recognized Reputation

Obtained from Methuli Cattlan the Hard. Rewards 24 Reputation points per quest.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Gyrodriven Daily quest 3 Methuli Cattlan the Hard
Of Rodents and Rigging Daily quest 3 Methuli Cattlan the Hard
What Evil Lurks in the Hearts of Golems Daily quest 3 Methuli Cattlan the Hard
One Ixal's Buzzard Daily quest 3 Methuli Cattlan the Hard
The Right Tool for the Tools Daily quest 3 Methuli Cattlan the Hard

Level 6 Quests / Friendly Reputation

Obtained from Rozol Cattlan the Prudent. Rewards 29 Reputation points per quest.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
And Thanks for All the Fish Daily quest 6 Rozol Cattlan the Prudent
An Empty Sack Cannot Hang Downright Daily quest 6 Rozol Cattlan the Prudent
Hot Cross Buns Daily quest 6 Rozol Cattlan the Prudent
Simply the Biast Daily quest 6 Rozol Cattlan the Prudent
A Long Way to the Top Daily quest 6 Rozol Cattlan the Prudent

Level 10 Quests / Trusted Reputation

Obtained from Tazel Meyean the Lettered. Rewards 35 Reputation points per quest.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Reach for the Starboard Daily quest 10 Tazel Meyean the Lettered
Larboard and Lodging Daily quest 10 Tazel Meyean the Lettered
Right-wing Aeronautics Daily quest 10 Tazel Meyean the Lettered
Left-wing Aeronautics Daily quest 10 Tazel Meyean the Lettered
Getting into Gear Daily quest 10 Tazel Meyean the Lettered
Hells-vent on the Heavens Daily quest 10 Tazel Meyean the Lettered

Level 15 Quests / Respected Reputation

Obtained from Duzal Meyean the Steady. Rewards 42 Reputation points per quest.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Crazy Like the Pox Daily quest 15 Duzal Meyean the Steady
A Hard Knock Life Daily quest 15 Duzal Meyean the Steady
Manual Labor Daily quest 15 Duzal Meyean the Steady
Leave Nothing to Waste Daily quest 15 Duzal Meyean the Steady
Tanks for Nothing Daily quest 15 Duzal Meyean the Steady
Never Steer You Wrong Daily quest 15 Duzal Meyean the Steady

Level 16 Quests / Honored Reputation

Obtained from Jezul Ahuatan the Second. Rewards 50 Reputation points per quest.

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
West for Fishing Daily quest 16 Jezul Ahuatan the Second
Your Gil's No Good Here Daily quest 16 Jezul Ahuatan the Second
Mining for Compliments Daily quest 16 Jezul Ahuatan the Second
A High Wind in Ishgard Daily quest 16 Jezul Ahuatan the Second
Bring Your Own Ectoplasm Daily quest 16 Jezul Ahuatan the Second
In Case of Emergency Daily quest 16 Jezul Ahuatan the Second
We Fly High (Squawkin') Daily quest 16 Jezul Ahuatan the Second


Rank Rep Required
Neutral 150
Recognized 360
Friendly 510
Trusted 720
Respected 990
Honored 1320
Sworn --
Allied 1950

'Sworn' is the maximum rank attainable through Ixali missions. 'Allied' is unlocked by completing the Allied Beast Tribe Quests, after having attained the maximum rank for the five ARR Beast Tribes.



Reward Icon Reputation Cost
Ehcatl Wristgloves Ehcatl wristgloves icon1.png Neutral 145
Maple Lumber Maple lumber icon1.png Neutral 9
Maple Branch Maple branch icon1.png Neutral 6
Ash Lumber Ash lumber icon1.png Neutral 43
Ash Branch Ash branch icon1.png Neutral 33
Elm Lumber Elm lumber icon1.png Neutral 78
Yew Lumber Yew lumber icon1.png Neutral 108
Yew Branch Yew branch icon1.png Neutral 60
Walnut Lumber Walnut lumber icon1.png Friendly 219
Oak Lumber Oak lumber icon1.png Friendly 470
Oak Branch Oak branch icon1.png Friendly 238
Hunter Green Dye Hunter green dye icon1.png Friendly 216
Morbol Green Dye Morbol green dye icon1.png Friendly 216
Royal Blue Dye Royal blue dye icon1.png Friendly 216
Snow White Dye Snow white dye icon1.png Respected 216
Soot Black Dye Soot black dye icon1.png Respected 216
Glamour Dispeller Glamour dispeller icon1.png Sworn 500
Wind-up Ixal Wind-up ixal icon1.png Sworn 25,000
Ixali Shelter Ixali shelter icon1.png Sworn 26,136
Ixali Banner Ixali banner icon1.png Sworn 21,780
Direwolf Whistle Direwolf whistle icon1.png Sworn 120,000
Wind-up Dezul Qualan Wind-up dezul qualan icon1.png Allied 25,000

Ixali Oaknots


Reward Icon Reputation Cost
Cooking Sherry 20 Cooking sherry icon1.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Filtered Water 20 Filtered water icon1.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Voidsent Blood 20 Voidsent blood icon1.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Coke 2 Coke icon1.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Animal Fat 2 Animal fat icon1.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Hardened Sap 2 Hardened sap icon1.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Potash 2 Potash icon1.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Lime Sulphur 2 Lime sulphur icon1.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Aqueous Whetstone 2 Aqueous whetstone icon1.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Peacock Ore 2 Peacock ore icon1.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Minium 2 Minium icon1.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Petrified Log Petrified log icon1.png Sworn 7 Ixali Oaknot
Scheelite Scheelite icon1.png Sworn 7 Ixali Oaknot
Raziqsand Raziqsand icon1.png Sworn 7 Ixali Oaknot
Saurian Skin Saurian skin icon1.png Sworn 7 Ixali Oaknot
Cashmere Fleece Cashmere fleece icon1.png Sworn 7 Ixali Oaknot
Emery Emery icon1.png Sworn 7 Ixali Oaknot
Tawny Latex Tawny latex icon1.png Sworn 2 Ixali Oaknot
Star Anise x10 Star anise icon1.png Sworn 1 Ixali Oaknot
Dalamud Popoto x10 Dalamud popoto icon1.png Sworn 1 Ixali Oaknot
Royal Kukuru Bean x10 Royal kukuru bean icon1.png Sworn 1 Ixali Oaknot
Canard Breast x10 Canard breast icon1.png Sworn 1 Ixali Oaknot
Ehcatl Smithing Gloves Ehcatl smithing gloves icon1.png Sworn 10 Ixali Oaknot
Ehcatl Sealant Ehcatl sealant icon1.png Sworn 8 Ixali Oaknot
Xelphatol Spring Water Xelphatol spring water icon1.png Sworn 4 Ixali Oaknot


Reward Icon Reputation Cost
Gatherer's Guerdon Materia I 5 Gatherers guerdon materia i icon1.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Gatherer's Guerdon Materia II 3 Gatherers guerdon materia ii icon1.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Gatherer's Guerdon Materia III Gatherers guerdon materia iii icon1.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Gatherer's Guile Materia I 5 Gatherers guile materia i icon1.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Gatherer's Guile Materia II 3 Gatherers guile materia ii icon1.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Gatherer's Guile Materia III Gatherers guile materia iii icon1.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Gatherer's Grasp Materia I 5 Gatherers grasp materia i icon1.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Gatherer's Grasp Materia II 3 Gatherers grasp materia ii icon1.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Gatherer's Grasp Materia III Gatherers grasp materia iii icon1.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Craftsman's Competence Materia I 5 Craftsman's Competence Materia I.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Craftsman's Competence Materia II 3 Craftsman's Competence Materia II.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Craftsman's Competence Materia III Craftsman's Competence Materia III.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Craftsman's Cunning Materia I 5 Craftsman's Cunning Materia I.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Craftsman's Cunning Materia II 3 Craftsman's Cunning Materia II.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Craftsman's Cunning Materia III Craftsman's Cunning Materia III.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Craftsman's Command Materia I 5 Craftsman's Command Materia I.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Craftsman's Command Materia II 3 Craftsman's Command Materia II.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png
Craftsman's Command Materia III Craftsman's Command Materia III.png Respected 1 Ixali oaknot icon1.png