A Bridge Too Full

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A Bridge Too Full 

Quest giver
Lower La Noscea (X:23.5, Y:28.0)
Experience 2,100
Gil 188

Captain Doesrael, stationed at Oschon's Embrace, needs you to track down a guard who has abandoned his duties.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:




  • Speak with Wyrstmaga.
  • /soothe the irate coachmen.
  • Speak with Wyrstmaga.
  • Speak with Doesrael.


  • Captain Doesrael, stationed at Oschon's Embrace, needs you to track down a guard who has abandoned his duties.
  • With the recent increase in deliveries being sent between the Moraby Drydocks and Limsa Lominsa, passage across Oschon's Embrace has slowed to a crawl. Find Wyrstmaga, the guard whose duty it is to ensure smooth travel across the bridge.
  • Wyrstmaga appears intimidated by the angry shouts of the drivers as they fume at the seemingly interminable delays. Do your best to /soothe the irate coachmen so that the harried guard might return to his post and perform his duties in relative peace.
  • You have managed to soothe the irate coachmen. Report your success to Wyrstmaga and have him return to his post.
  • Wyrstmaga has returned to his post on the bridge. Report your progress to Captain Doesrael at Oschon's Embrace.
  • The conflict preventing passage across Oschon's Embrace has been resolved. But with work on the Victory demanding ever more materials, you can only wonder how Wyrstmaga will cope with the steadily increasing traffic on the bridge.