Allagan Tomestone of Poetics

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See also: Allagan Tomestones

Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Allagan Tomestone of Poetics are the Allagan Tomestones introduced in patch 2.4. They are used to purchase augmented equipment sets, crafting reagents, minions, and Orchestrion Rolls after each expansions final MSQ quest.

Augmented Equipment Sets include;

  1. Level 50 Augmented Ironworks Armor, Accessories, and Weapons (Item level 130) from Auriana in Mor Dhona (x22,y6) and from Sundry Splendors Representatives in Limsa Lominsa, Gridania, and Ul'dah.
  2. Level 60 Augmented Shire Armor, Accessories, and Weapons (Item level 270) from Hismena in Idyllshire (x5.8,y5.3) and from Sundry Splendors Representatives in Ishgard.
  3. Level 70 Augmented Scaevan Armor, Accessories,and Weapons (Item level 390) from Enna in Rhalgr's Reach (x13.8,y11.6) and from Sundry Splendors Representatives in Kugane.


Prior to patch 5.3 some of these items were used to purchase weapons and upgrade equipment to the Augmented versions. If you still posess an unaugmented item these are no longer required, the upgrade now only costs 100 poetics.

Item Icon Type Price
Demicrystal Demicrystal icon1.png Other Poetics icon1.png 25
Unidentifiable Bone Unidentifiable bone icon1.png Miscellany Poetics icon1.png 150
Unidentifiable Shell Unidentifiable shell icon1.png Miscellany Poetics icon1.png 150
Unidentifiable Ore Unidentifiable ore icon1.png Miscellany Poetics icon1.png 150
Unidentifiable Seeds Unidentifiable seeds icon1.png Miscellany Poetics icon1.png 150
Gobcraft Resin Gobcraft resin icon1.png Reagent Poetics icon1.png 5
Goblacquer Goblacquer icon1.png Reagent Poetics icon1.png 10
Superior Enchanted Ink Superior enchanted ink icon1.png Reagent Poetics icon1.png 25
Thavnairian Mist Thavnairian mist icon1.png Reagent Poetics icon1.png 20
Radz-at-Han Quenching Oil Radz-at-han quenching oil icon1.png Reagent Poetics icon1.png 15
Invisible Silk Invisible silk icon1.png Cloth Poetics icon1.png 10
Eikon HIde Eikon hide icon1.png Leather Poetics icon1.png 5
Hemicyon Hide Hemicyon hide icon1.png Leather Poetics icon1.png 10
Eikon Mythrite Eikon mythrite icon1.png Metal Poetics icon1.png 5
Eikon Metal Eikon metal icon1.png Metal Poetics icon1.png 5
Titanium Carbide Titanium carbide icon1.png Metal Poetics icon1.png 10
Scintillant Nugget Scintillant nugget icon1.png Metal Poetics icon1.png 10
Wide-eyed Fawn Wide-eyed fawn1.png Minion Poetics icon1.png 3
Dust Bunny Dust bunny1.png Minion Poetics icon1.png 3
Fledgling Dodo Fledgling dodo1.png Minion Poetics icon1.png 3
Reflections Orchestrion Roll Reflections orchestrion roll icon1.png Orchestrion Roll Poetics icon1.png 500
Frontiers Within Orchestrion Roll Frontiers within orchestrion roll icon1.png Orchestrion Roll Poetics icon1.png 500
Faded Copy of Another Round Faded copy of another round icon1.png Orchestrion Roll Poetics icon1.png 500


Item Icon Type Price
Encrypted Tomestone Encrypted tomestone icon1.png Other Poetics icon1.png 100
High-Capacity Tomestones High-capacity tomestone icon1.png Other Poetics icon1.png 100
Micro Tomestone Micro tomestone icon1.png Other Poetics icon1.png 100
Carbontwine Carbontwine icon1.png Other Poetics icon1.png 100
Carboncoat Carboncoat icon1.png Other Poetics icon1.png 100
Illuminati Deep Gobdip Illuminati deep gobdip icon1.png Other Poetics icon1.png 100
Illuminati Taut Gobtwine Illuminati taut gobtwine icon1.png Other Poetics icon1.png 100
Illuminati Dark Gobcoat Illuminati dark gobcoat icon1.png Other Poetics icon1.png 100
Rowena's Token (Poetics) Rowenas token (poetics) icon1.png Miscellany Poetics icon1.png 40
Rowena's Token (Soldiery) Rowenas token (soldiery) icon1.png Miscellany Poetics icon1.png 40
Rowena's Token (Lore) Rowenas token (lore) icon1.png Miscellany Poetics icon1.png 40

Augmented Ironworks Equipment

Augmented Ironworks Armor

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Augmented Ironworks Helm of Fending Augmented ironworks helm of fending icon1.png 50 130 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Head 140 140 0 Strength +33 Vitality +35 Critical Hit +31 Direct Hit Rate +22 
Augmented Ironworks Visor of Maiming Augmented ironworks visor of maiming icon1.png 50 130 LNC DRG RPR Head 98 77 0 Strength +33 Vitality +35 Critical Hit +22 Direct Hit Rate +31 
Augmented Ironworks Visor of Striking Augmented ironworks visor of striking icon1.png 50 130 PGL MNK SAM Head 77 77 0 Strength +33 Vitality +35 Critical Hit +22 Direct Hit Rate +31 
Augmented Ironworks Mask of Scouting Augmented ironworks mask of scouting icon1.png 50 130 ROG NIN VPR Head 77 77 0 Dexterity +33 Vitality +35 Direct Hit Rate +31 Skill Speed +22 
Augmented Ironworks Mask of Aiming Augmented ironworks mask of aiming icon1.png 50 130 ARC BRD MCH DNC Head 77 77 0 Dexterity +33 Vitality +35 Determination +22 Direct Hit Rate +31 
Augmented Ironworks Hood of Casting Augmented ironworks hood of casting icon1.png 50 130 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Head 56 98 0 Intelligence +33 Vitality +32 Determination +22 Spell Speed +31 
Augmented Ironworks Optics of Healing Augmented ironworks optics of healing icon1.png 50 130 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Head 56 98 0 Mind +33 Vitality +32 Critical Hit +22 Direct Hit Rate +6 Piety +31 
Augmented Ironworks Armor of Fending Augmented ironworks armor of fending icon1.png 50 130 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Body 188 188 0 Strength +52 Vitality +56 Direct Hit Rate +34 Tenacity +49 
Augmented Ironworks Cuirass of Maiming Augmented ironworks cuirass of maiming icon1.png 50 130 LNC DRG RPR Body 132 103 0 Strength +52 Vitality +56 Determination +34 Direct Hit Rate +49 
Augmented Ironworks Cuirass of Striking Augmented ironworks cuirass of striking icon1.png 50 130 PGL MNK SAM Body 103 103 0 Strength +52 Vitality +56 Critical Hit +34 Determination +49 
Augmented Ironworks Corselet of Scouting Augmented ironworks corselet of scouting icon1.png 50 130 ROG NIN VPR Body 103 103 0 Dexterity +52 Vitality +56 Determination +49 Direct Hit Rate +34 
Augmented Ironworks Corselet of Aiming Augmented ironworks corselet of aiming icon1.png 50 130 ARC BRD MCH DNC Body 103 103 0 Dexterity +52 Vitality +56 Direct Hit Rate +34 Skill Speed +49 
Augmented Ironworks Doublet of Casting Augmented ironworks doublet of casting icon1.png 50 130 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Body 75 132 0 Intelligence +52 Vitality +50 Critical Hit +49 Spell Speed +34 
Augmented Ironworks Robe of Healing Augmented ironworks robe of healing icon1.png 50 130 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Body 75 132 0 Mind +52 Vitality +50 Determination +34 Direct Hit Rate +10 Piety +49 
Augmented Ironworks Gauntlets of Fending Augmented ironworks gauntlets of fending icon1.png 50 130 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 140 140 0 Strength +33 Vitality +35 Determination +22 Tenacity +31 
Augmented Ironworks Armguards of Maiming Augmented ironworks armguards of maiming icon1.png 50 130 LNC DRG RPR Hands 98 77 0 Strength +33 Vitality +35 Critical Hit +22 Skill Speed +31 
Augmented Ironworks Armguards of Striking Augmented ironworks armguards of striking icon1.png 50 130 PGL MNK SAM Hands 77 77 0 Strength +33 Vitality +35 Critical Hit +31 Skill Speed +22 
Augmented Ironworks Vambraces of Scouting Augmented ironworks vambraces of scouting icon1.png 50 130 ROG NIN VPR Hands 77 77 0 Dexterity +33 Vitality +35 Critical Hit +31 Skill Speed +22 
Augmented Ironworks Vambraces of Aiming Augmented ironworks vambraces of aiming icon1.png 50 130 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 77 77 0 Dexterity +33 Vitality +35 Critical Hit +22 Determination +31 
Augmented Ironworks Gloves of Casting Augmented ironworks gloves of casting icon1.png 50 130 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 56 98 0 Intelligence +33 Vitality +32 Determination +22 Direct Hit Rate +31 
Augmented Ironworks Gloves of Healing Augmented ironworks gloves of healing icon1.png 50 130 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 56 98 0 Mind +33 Vitality +32 Determination +22 Direct Hit Rate +6 Spell Speed +31 
Augmented Ironworks Trousers of Fending Augmented ironworks trousers of fending icon1.png 50 130 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 188 188 0 Strength +52 Vitality +56 Direct Hit Rate +49 Tenacity +34 
Augmented Ironworks Hose of Maiming Augmented ironworks hose of maiming icon1.png 50 130 LNC DRG RPR Legs 132 103 0 Strength +52 Vitality +56 Critical Hit +34 Determination +49 
Augmented Ironworks Hose of Striking Augmented ironworks hose of striking icon1.png 50 130 PGL MNK SAM Legs 103 103 0 Strength +52 Vitality +56 Determination +34 Direct Hit Rate +49 
Augmented Ironworks Brais of Scouting Augmented ironworks brais of scouting icon1.png 50 130 ROG NIN VPR Legs 103 103 0 Dexterity +52 Vitality +56 Critical Hit +34 Determination +49 
Augmented Ironworks Brais of Aiming Augmented ironworks brais of aiming icon1.png 50 130 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 103 103 0 Dexterity +52 Vitality +56 Direct Hit Rate +49 Skill Speed +34 
Augmented Ironworks Breeches of Casting Augmented ironworks breeches of casting icon1.png 50 130 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Legs 75 132 0 Intelligence +52 Vitality +50 Determination +34 Direct Hit Rate +49 
Augmented Ironworks Slops of Healing Augmented ironworks slops of healing icon1.png 50 130 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 75 132 0 Mind +52 Vitality +50 Determination +49 Direct Hit Rate +10 Spell Speed +34 
Augmented Ironworks Sabatons of Fending Augmented ironworks sabatons of fending icon1.png 50 130 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Feet 140 140 0 Strength +33 Vitality +35 Determination +22 Direct Hit Rate +31 
Augmented Ironworks Sollerets of Maiming Augmented ironworks sollerets of maiming icon1.png 50 130 LNC DRG RPR Feet 98 77 0 Strength +33 Vitality +35 Critical Hit +31 Determination +22 
Augmented Ironworks Sollerets of Striking Augmented ironworks sollerets of striking icon1.png 50 130 PGL MNK SAM Feet 77 77 0 Strength +33 Vitality +35 Critical Hit +31 Skill Speed +22 
Augmented Ironworks Leg Guards of Scouting Augmented ironworks leg guards of scouting icon1.png 50 130 ROG NIN VPR Feet 77 77 0 Dexterity +33 Vitality +35 Determination +22 Direct Hit Rate +31 
Augmented Ironworks Leg Guards of Aiming Augmented ironworks leg guards of aiming icon1.png 50 130 ARC BRD MCH DNC Feet 77 77 0 Dexterity +33 Vitality +35 Critical Hit +31 Direct Hit Rate +22 
Augmented Ironworks Boots of Casting Augmented ironworks boots of casting icon1.png 50 130 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Feet 56 98 0 Intelligence +33 Vitality +32 Direct Hit Rate +22 Spell Speed +31 
Augmented Ironworks Thighboots of Healing Augmented ironworks thighboots of healing icon1.png 50 130 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Feet 56 98 0 Mind +33 Vitality +32 Critical Hit +22 Direct Hit Rate +6 Piety +31 

Augmented Ironworks Accessories

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Augmented Ironworks Earrings of Fending Augmented ironworks earrings of fending icon1.png 50 130 Any class Earrings 1 1 0 Strength +26 Vitality +28 Direct Hit Rate +17 Tenacity +24 
Augmented Ironworks Earrings of Slaying Augmented ironworks earrings of slaying icon1.png 50 130 Any class Earrings 1 1 0 Strength +26 Vitality +28 Critical Hit +17 Direct Hit Rate +24 
Augmented Ironworks Earrings of Aiming Augmented ironworks earrings of aiming icon1.png 50 130 Any class Earrings 1 1 0 Dexterity +26 Vitality +28 Direct Hit Rate +24 Skill Speed +17 
Augmented Ironworks Earrings of Casting Augmented ironworks earrings of casting icon1.png 50 130 Any class Earrings 1 1 0 Intelligence +26 Vitality +25 Direct Hit Rate +17 Spell Speed +24 
Augmented Ironworks Earrings of Healing Augmented ironworks earrings of healing icon1.png 50 130 Any class Earrings 1 1 0 Mind +26 Vitality +25 Direct Hit Rate +5 Spell Speed +24 Piety +17 
Augmented Ironworks Choker of Fending Augmented ironworks choker of fending icon1.png 50 130 Any class Necklace 1 1 0 Strength +26 Vitality +28 Skill Speed +17 Tenacity +24 
Augmented Ironworks Choker of Slaying Augmented ironworks choker of slaying icon1.png 50 130 Any class Necklace 1 1 0 Strength +26 Vitality +28 Direct Hit Rate +17 Skill Speed +24 
Augmented Ironworks Choker of Aiming Augmented ironworks choker of aiming icon1.png 50 130 Any class Necklace 1 1 0 Dexterity +26 Vitality +28 Determination +24 Direct Hit Rate +17 
Augmented Ironworks Choker of Casting Augmented ironworks choker of casting icon1.png 50 130 Any class Necklace 1 1 0 Intelligence +26 Vitality +25 Determination +24 Spell Speed +17 
Augmented Ironworks Choker of Healing Augmented ironworks choker of healing icon1.png 50 130 Any class Necklace 1 1 0 Mind +26 Vitality +25 Direct Hit Rate +5 Spell Speed +17 Piety +24 
Augmented Ironworks Bracelet of Fending Augmented ironworks bracelet of fending icon1.png 50 130 Any class Bracelets 1 1 0 Strength +26 Vitality +28 Direct Hit Rate +24 Tenacity +17 
Augmented Ironworks Bracelet of Slaying Augmented ironworks bracelet of slaying icon1.png 50 130 Any class Bracelets 1 1 0 Strength +26 Vitality +28 Determination +17 Direct Hit Rate +24 
Augmented Ironworks Bracelet of Aiming Augmented ironworks bracelet of aiming icon1.png 50 130 Any class Bracelets 1 1 0 Dexterity +26 Vitality +28 Direct Hit Rate +24 Skill Speed +17 
Augmented Ironworks Bracelet of Casting Augmented ironworks bracelet of casting icon1.png 50 130 Any class Bracelets 1 1 0 Intelligence +26 Vitality +25 Critical Hit +24 Direct Hit Rate +17 
Augmented Ironworks Bracelet of Healing Augmented ironworks bracelet of healing icon1.png 50 130 Any class Bracelets 1 1 0 Mind +26 Vitality +25 Critical Hit +24 Determination +17 Direct Hit Rate +5 
Augmented Ironworks Ring of Fending Augmented ironworks ring of fending icon1.png 50 130 Any class Ring 1 1 0 Strength +26 Vitality +28 Determination +17 Tenacity +24 
Augmented Ironworks Ring of Slaying Augmented ironworks ring of slaying icon1.png 50 130 Any class Ring 1 1 0 Strength +26 Vitality +28 Critical Hit +17 Direct Hit Rate +24 
Augmented Ironworks Ring of Aiming Augmented ironworks ring of aiming icon1.png 50 130 Any class Ring 1 1 0 Dexterity +26 Vitality +28 Critical Hit +17 Direct Hit Rate +24 
Augmented Ironworks Ring of Casting Augmented ironworks ring of casting icon1.png 50 130 Any class Ring 1 1 0 Intelligence +26 Vitality +25 Determination +17 Direct Hit Rate +24 
Augmented Ironworks Ring of Healing Augmented ironworks ring of healing icon1.png 50 130 Any class Ring 1 1 0 Mind +26 Vitality +25 Determination +17 Direct Hit Rate +5 Piety +24 

Augmented Ironworks Magitek Weapons

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Augmented Ironworks Magitek Sword Augmented ironworks magitek sword icon1.png 50 130 GLA PLD 65 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +39 Vitality +41 Determination +36 Direct Hit Rate +25 
Augmented Ironworks Magitek Axe Augmented ironworks magitek axe icon1.png 50 130 MRD WAR 65 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +54 Vitality +58 Critical Hit +36 Direct Hit Rate +51 
Augmented Ironworks Magitek Claymore Augmented ironworks magitek claymore icon1.png 50 130 DRK 65 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +54 Vitality +58 Determination +51 Tenacity +36 
Augmented Ironworks Magitek Spear Augmented ironworks magitek spear icon1.png 50 130 LNC DRG 65 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +54 Vitality +58 Determination +36 Direct Hit Rate +51 
Augmented Ironworks Magitek Jamadhars Augmented ironworks magitek jamadhars icon1.png 50 130 PGL MNK 65 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +54 Vitality +58 Determination +51 Direct Hit Rate +36 
Augmented Ironworks Magitek Samurai Blade Augmented ironworks magitek samurai blade icon1.png 50 130 SAM 65 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +54 Vitality +58 Direct Hit Rate +51 Skill Speed +36 
Augmented Ironworks Magitek Daggers Augmented ironworks magitek daggers icon1.png 50 130 ROG NIN 65 Physical Damage.png 0 Dexterity +54 Vitality +58 Critical Hit +51 Direct Hit Rate +36 
Augmented Ironworks Magitek Bow Augmented ironworks magitek bow icon1.png 50 130 ARC BRD 65 Physical Damage.png 0 Dexterity +54 Vitality +58 Determination +36 Skill Speed +51 
Augmented Ironworks Magitek Repeater Augmented ironworks magitek repeater icon1.png 50 130 MCH 65 Physical Damage.png 0 Dexterity +54 Vitality +58 Critical Hit +36 Determination +51 
Augmented Ironworks Magitek Rod Augmented ironworks magitek rod icon1.png 50 130 THM BLM 65 Magical Damage.png 0 Intelligence +54 Vitality +52 Critical Hit +51 Direct Hit Rate +36 
Augmented Ironworks Magitek Grimoire Augmented ironworks magitek grimoire icon1.png 50 130 ACN SMN 65 Magical Damage.png 0 Intelligence +54 Vitality +52 Direct Hit Rate +51 Spell Speed +36 
Augmented Ironworks Magitek Degen Augmented ironworks magitek degen icon1.png 50 130 RDM 65 Magical Damage.png 0 Intelligence +54 Vitality +52 Critical Hit +51 Direct Hit Rate +36 
Augmented Ironworks Magitek Cane Augmented ironworks magitek cane icon1.png 50 130 CNJ WHM 65 Magical Damage.png 0 Mind +54 Vitality +52 Critical Hit +51 Direct Hit Rate +10 Piety +36 
Augmented Ironworks Magitek Codex Augmented ironworks magitek codex icon1.png 50 130 SCH 65 Magical Damage.png 0 Mind +54 Vitality +52 Critical Hit +36 Direct Hit Rate +10 Spell Speed +51 
Augmented Ironworks Magitek Orrery Augmented ironworks magitek orrery icon1.png 50 130 AST 65 Magical Damage.png 0 Mind +54 Vitality +52 Critical Hit +36 Direct Hit Rate +10 Spell Speed +51 
Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Block Strength Block Rate Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Augmented Ironworks Magitek Shield Augmented ironworks magitek shield icon1.png 50 130 GLA PLD 227 227 0 Strength +15 Vitality +17 Direct Hit Rate +11 Tenacity +15 

Augmented Shire Equipment

Augmented Shire Armor

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Augmented Shire Custodian's Circlet Augmented shire custodians circlet icon1.png 60 270 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Head 282 282 2 Strength +60 Vitality +63 Critical Hit +58 Determination +41 
Augmented Shire Pathfinder's Circlet Augmented shire pathfinders circlet icon1.png 60 270 LNC DRG RPR Head 197 155 2 Strength +60 Vitality +63 Direct Hit Rate +41 Skill Speed +58 
Augmented Shire Pankratiast's Headband Augmented shire pankratiasts headband icon1.png 60 270 PGL MNK SAM Head 155 155 2 Strength +60 Vitality +63 Determination +58 Skill Speed +41 
Augmented Shire Emissary's Headband Augmented shire emissarys headband icon1.png 60 270 ROG NIN VPR Head 155 155 2 Dexterity +60 Vitality +63 Determination +58 Direct Hit Rate +41 
Augmented Shire Conservator's Hat Augmented shire conservators hat icon1.png 60 270 ARC BRD MCH DNC Head 155 155 2 Dexterity +60 Vitality +63 Direct Hit Rate +58 Skill Speed +41 
Augmented Shire Philosopher's Hat Augmented shire philosophers hat icon1.png 60 270 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Head 113 197 2 Intelligence +60 Vitality +57 Direct Hit Rate +41 Spell Speed +58 
Augmented Shire Preceptor's Hat Augmented shire preceptors hat icon1.png 60 270 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Head 113 197 2 Mind +60 Vitality +57 Determination +58 Piety +41 
Augmented Shire Custodian's Armor Augmented shire custodians armor icon1.png 60 270 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Body 378 378 2 Strength +95 Vitality +99 Direct Hit Rate +92 Skill Speed +64 
Augmented Shire Pathfinder's Armor Augmented shire pathfinders armor icon1.png 60 270 LNC DRG RPR Body 265 208 2 Strength +95 Vitality +99 Critical Hit +64 Determination +92 
Augmented Shire Pankratiast's Jacket Augmented shire pankratiasts jacket icon1.png 60 270 PGL MNK SAM Body 208 208 2 Strength +95 Vitality +99 Determination +64 Direct Hit Rate +92 
Augmented Shire Emissary's Jacket Augmented shire emissarys jacket icon1.png 60 270 ROG NIN VPR Body 208 208 2 Dexterity +95 Vitality +99 Critical Hit +64 Direct Hit Rate +92 
Augmented Shire Conservator's Coat Augmented shire conservators coat icon1.png 60 270 ARC BRD MCH DNC Body 208 208 2 Dexterity +95 Vitality +99 Critical Hit +92 Determination +64 
Augmented Shire Philosopher's Coat Augmented shire philosophers coat icon1.png 60 270 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Body 151 265 2 Intelligence +95 Vitality +89 Critical Hit +92 Determination +64 
Augmented Shire Preceptor's Coat Augmented shire preceptors coat icon1.png 60 270 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Body 151 265 2 Mind +95 Vitality +89 Spell Speed +64 Piety +92 
Augmented Shire Custodian's Gauntlets Augmented shire custodians gauntlets icon1.png 60 270 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 282 282 2 Strength +60 Vitality +63 Skill Speed +58 Tenacity +41 
Augmented Shire Pathfinder's Gauntlets Augmented shire pathfinders gauntlets icon1.png 60 270 LNC DRG RPR Hands 197 155 2 Strength +60 Vitality +63 Direct Hit Rate +58 Skill Speed +41 
Augmented Shire Pankratiast's Gloves Augmented shire pankratiasts gloves icon1.png 60 270 PGL MNK SAM Hands 155 155 2 Strength +60 Vitality +63 Critical Hit +41 Skill Speed +58 
Augmented Shire Emissary's Gloves Augmented shire emissarys gloves icon1.png 60 270 ROG NIN VPR Hands 155 155 2 Dexterity +60 Vitality +63 Direct Hit Rate +58 Skill Speed +41 
Augmented Shire Conservator's Gloves Augmented shire conservators gloves icon1.png 60 270 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 155 155 2 Dexterity +60 Vitality +63 Critical Hit +41 Skill Speed +58 
Augmented Shire Philosopher's Gloves Augmented shire philosophers gloves icon1.png 60 270 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 113 197 2 Intelligence +60 Vitality +57 Direct Hit Rate +58 Spell Speed +41 
Augmented Shire Preceptor's Gloves Augmented shire preceptors gloves icon1.png 60 270 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 113 197 2 Mind +60 Vitality +57 Spell Speed +58 Piety +41 
Augmented Shire Custodian's Hose Augmented shire custodians hose icon1.png 60 270 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 378 378 2 Strength +95 Vitality +99 Direct Hit Rate +64 Tenacity +92 
Augmented Shire Pathfinder's Hose Augmented shire pathfinders hose icon1.png 60 270 LNC DRG RPR Legs 265 208 2 Strength +95 Vitality +99 Determination +64 Direct Hit Rate +92 
Augmented Shire Pankratiast's Hose Augmented shire pankratiasts hose icon1.png 60 270 PGL MNK SAM Legs 208 208 2 Strength +95 Vitality +99 Critical Hit +64 Direct Hit Rate +92 
Augmented Shire Emissary's Hose Augmented shire emissarys hose icon1.png 60 270 ROG NIN VPR Legs 208 208 2 Dexterity +95 Vitality +99 Critical Hit +92 Skill Speed +64 
Augmented Shire Conservator's Hose Augmented shire conservators hose icon1.png 60 270 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 208 208 2 Dexterity +95 Vitality +99 Determination +92 Direct Hit Rate +64 
Augmented Shire Philosopher's Hose Augmented shire philosophers hose icon1.png 60 270 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Legs 151 265 2 Intelligence +95 Vitality +89 Critical Hit +64 Direct Hit Rate +92 
Augmented Shire Preceptor's Hose Augmented shire preceptors hose icon1.png 60 270 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 151 265 2 Mind +95 Vitality +89 Critical Hit +92 Determination +64 
Augmented Shire Custodian's Sollerets Augmented shire custodians sollerets icon1.png 60 270 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Feet 282 282 2 Strength +60 Vitality +63 Direct Hit Rate +58 Tenacity +41 
Augmented Shire Pathfinder's Sollerets Augmented shire pathfinders sollerets icon1.png 60 270 LNC DRG RPR Feet 197 155 2 Strength +60 Vitality +63 Critical Hit +58 Skill Speed +41 
Augmented Shire Pankratiast's Boots Augmented shire pankratiasts boots icon1.png 60 270 PGL MNK SAM Feet 155 155 2 Strength +60 Vitality +63 Critical Hit +58 Determination +41 
Augmented Shire Emissary's Thighboots Augmented shire emissarys thighboots icon1.png 60 270 ROG NIN VPR Feet 155 155 2 Dexterity +60 Vitality +63 Determination +41 Skill Speed +58 
Augmented Shire Conservator's Thighboots Augmented shire conservators thighboots icon1.png 60 270 ARC BRD MCH DNC Feet 155 155 2 Dexterity +60 Vitality +63 Direct Hit Rate +58 Skill Speed +41 
Augmented Shire Philosopher's Thighboots Augmented shire philosophers thighboots icon1.png 60 270 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Feet 113 197 2 Intelligence +60 Vitality +57 Determination +58 Spell Speed +41 
Augmented Shire Preceptor's Thighboots Augmented shire preceptors thighboots icon1.png 60 270 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Feet 113 197 2 Mind +60 Vitality +57 Determination +41 Piety +58 

Augmented Shire Accessories

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Augmented Shire Custodian's Earrings Augmented shire custodians earrings icon1.png 60 270 Any class Earrings 1 1 1 Strength +47 Vitality +49 Critical Hit +32 Direct Hit Rate +46 
Augmented Shire Pankratiast's Earring Augmented shire pankratiasts earring icon1.png 60 270 Any class Earrings 1 1 1 Strength +47 Vitality +49 Critical Hit +32 Determination +46 
Augmented Shire Conservator's Earrings Augmented shire conservators earrings icon1.png 60 270 Any class Earrings 1 1 1 Dexterity +47 Vitality +49 Direct Hit Rate +32 Skill Speed +46 
Augmented Shire Philosopher's Earring Augmented shire philosophers earring icon1.png 60 270 Any class Earrings 1 1 1 Intelligence +47 Vitality +44 Critical Hit +46 Determination +32 
Augmented Shire Preceptor's Earrings Augmented shire preceptors earrings icon1.png 60 270 Any class Earrings 1 1 1 Mind +47 Vitality +44 Critical Hit +32 Spell Speed +46 
Augmented Shire Custodian's Choker Augmented shire custodians choker icon1.png 60 270 Any class Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +47 Vitality +49 Determination +32 Skill Speed +46 
Augmented Shire Pankratiast's Choker Augmented shire pankratiasts choker icon1.png 60 270 Any class Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +47 Vitality +49 Direct Hit Rate +32 Skill Speed +46 
Augmented Shire Conservator's Choker Augmented shire conservators choker icon1.png 60 270 Any class Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +47 Vitality +49 Determination +46 Skill Speed +32 
Augmented Shire Philosopher's Choker Augmented shire philosophers choker icon1.png 60 270 Any class Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +47 Vitality +44 Direct Hit Rate +46 Spell Speed +32 
Augmented Shire Preceptor's Choker Augmented shire preceptors choker icon1.png 60 270 Any class Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +47 Vitality +44 Determination +32 Piety +46 
Augmented Shire Custodian's Bracelet Augmented shire custodians bracelet icon1.png 60 270 Any class Bracelets 1 1 1 Strength +47 Vitality +49 Critical Hit +46 Skill Speed +32 
Augmented Shire Pankratiast's Bracelets Augmented shire pankratiasts bracelets icon1.png 60 270 Any class Bracelets 1 1 1 Strength +47 Vitality +49 Determination +32 Direct Hit Rate +46 
Augmented Shire Conservator's Bracelet Augmented shire conservators bracelet icon1.png 60 270 Any class Bracelets 1 1 1 Dexterity +47 Vitality +49 Critical Hit +32 Direct Hit Rate +46 
Augmented Shire Philosopher's Bracelets Augmented shire philosophers bracelets icon1.png 60 270 Any class Bracelets 1 1 1 Intelligence +47 Vitality +44 Determination +32 Spell Speed +46 
Augmented Shire Preceptor's Bracelets Augmented shire preceptors bracelets icon1.png 60 270 Any class Bracelets 1 1 1 Mind +47 Vitality +44 Critical Hit +32 Piety +46 
Augmented Shire Custodian's Ring Augmented shire custodians ring icon1.png 60 270 Any class Ring 1 1 1 Strength +47 Vitality +49 Critical Hit +32 Tenacity +46 
Augmented Shire Pankratiast's Ring Augmented shire pankratiasts ring icon1.png 60 270 Any class Ring 1 1 1 Strength +47 Vitality +49 Determination +46 Skill Speed +32 
Augmented Shire Conservator's Ring Augmented shire conservators ring icon1.png 60 270 Any class Ring 1 1 1 Dexterity +47 Vitality +49 Critical Hit +46 Determination +32 
Augmented Shire Philosopher's Ring Augmented shire philosophers ring icon1.png 60 270 Any class Ring 1 1 1 Intelligence +47 Vitality +44 Critical Hit +32 Spell Speed +46 
Augmented Shire Preceptor's Ring Augmented shire preceptors ring icon1.png 60 270 Any class Ring 1 1 1 Mind +47 Vitality +44 Determination +46 Spell Speed +32 

Augmented Shire Weapons

See also: Level 60 Gear Guide, Augmented Shire Armor and Augmented Shire Accessories

These weapons are purchased from Hismena in Idyllshire (X:5.7, Y:5.2) or Rowena's Representative in Foundation (X:10.5, Y:11.8) for 600 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Allagan Tomestones of Poetics.

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Augmented Shire Sword Augmented shire sword icon1.png 60 270 GLA PLD 79 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +70 Vitality +74 Determination +69 Tenacity +48 
Augmented Shire Bhuj Augmented shire bhuj icon1.png 60 270 MRD WAR 79 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +98 Vitality +103 Skill Speed +96 Tenacity +67 
Augmented Shire Greatsword Augmented shire greatsword icon1.png 60 270 DRK 79 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +98 Vitality +103 Critical Hit +96 Determination +67 
Augmented Shire Bayonet Augmented shire bayonet icon1.png 60 270 GNB 79 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +98 Vitality +103 Determination +67 Skill Speed +96 
Augmented Shire Halberd Augmented shire halberd icon1.png 60 270 LNC DRG 79 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +98 Vitality +103 Critical Hit +96 Determination +67 
Augmented Shire Cesti Augmented shire cesti icon1.png 60 270 PGL MNK 79 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +98 Vitality +103 Critical Hit +96 Skill Speed +67 
Augmented Shire Katana Augmented shire katana icon1.png 60 270 SAM 79 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +98 Vitality +103 Direct Hit Rate +67 Skill Speed +96 
Augmented Shire Knives Augmented shire knives icon1.png 60 270 ROG NIN 79 Physical Damage.png 2 Dexterity +98 Vitality +103 Determination +67 Skill Speed +96 
Augmented Shire Longbow Augmented shire longbow icon1.png 60 270 ARC BRD 79 Physical Damage.png 2 Dexterity +98 Vitality +103 Critical Hit +96 Determination +67 
Augmented Shire Musketoon Augmented shire musketoon icon1.png 60 270 MCH 79 Physical Damage.png 2 Dexterity +98 Vitality +103 Determination +67 Skill Speed +96 
Augmented Shire Glaives Augmented shire glaives icon1.png 60 270 DNC 79 Physical Damage.png 2 Dexterity +98 Vitality +103 Critical Hit +96 Determination +67 
Augmented Shire Rod Augmented shire rod icon1.png 60 270 THM BLM 79 Magical Damage.png 2 Intelligence +98 Vitality +93 Critical Hit +67 Spell Speed +96 
Augmented Shire Grimoire Augmented shire grimoire icon1.png 60 270 ACN SMN 79 Magical Damage.png 2 Intelligence +98 Vitality +93 Critical Hit +96 Spell Speed +67 
Augmented Shire Rapier Augmented shire rapier icon1.png 60 270 RDM 79 Magical Damage.png 2 Intelligence +98 Vitality +93 Critical Hit +67 Direct Hit Rate +96 
Augmented Shire Crook Augmented shire crook icon1.png 60 270 CNJ WHM 79 Magical Damage.png 2 Mind +98 Vitality +93 Determination +67 Piety +96 
Augmented Shire Codex Augmented shire codex icon1.png 60 270 SCH 79 Magical Damage.png 2 Mind +98 Vitality +93 Spell Speed +67 Piety +96 
Augmented Shire Astrometer Augmented shire astrometer icon1.png 60 270 AST 79 Magical Damage.png 2 Mind +98 Vitality +93 Critical Hit +67 Piety +96 
Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Block Strength Block Rate Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Augmented Shire Shield Augmented shire shield icon1.png 60 270 GLA PLD 400 400 0 Strength +28 Vitality +29 Critical Hit +19 Skill Speed +27 

Augmented Scaevan Equipment

Augmented Scaevan Armor

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Augmented Scaevan Helm of Fending Augmented scaevan helm of fending icon1.png 70 400 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Head 422 422 2 Strength +90 Vitality +97 Critical Hit +61 Tenacity +87 
Augmented Scaevan Helm of Maiming Augmented scaevan helm of maiming icon1.png 70 400 LNC DRG RPR Head 295 232 2 Strength +90 Vitality +97 Determination +61 Skill Speed +87 
Augmented Scaevan Headgear of Striking Augmented scaevan headgear of striking icon1.png 70 400 PGL MNK SAM Head 232 232 2 Strength +90 Vitality +97 Critical Hit +61 Skill Speed +87 
Augmented Scaevan Visor of Scouting Augmented scaevan visor of scouting icon1.png 70 400 ROG NIN VPR Head 232 232 2 Dexterity +90 Vitality +97 Determination +61 Skill Speed +87 
Augmented Scaevan Headgear of Aiming Augmented scaevan headgear of aiming icon1.png 70 400 ARC BRD MCH DNC Head 232 232 2 Dexterity +90 Vitality +97 Critical Hit +87 Skill Speed +61 
Augmented Scaevan Mask of Casting Augmented scaevan mask of casting icon1.png 70 400 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Head 169 295 2 Intelligence +90 Vitality +87 Determination +61 Spell Speed +87 
Augmented Scaevan Mask of Healing Augmented scaevan mask of healing icon1.png 70 400 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Head 169 295 2 Mind +90 Vitality +87 Critical Hit +87 Spell Speed +61 
Augmented Scaevan Armor of Fending Augmented scaevan armor of fending icon1.png 70 400 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Body 566 566 2 Strength +142 Vitality +155 Critical Hit +139 Determination +97 
Augmented Scaevan Armor of Maiming Augmented scaevan armor of maiming icon1.png 70 400 LNC DRG RPR Body 396 311 2 Strength +142 Vitality +155 Critical Hit +139 Determination +97 
Augmented Scaevan Jacket of Striking Augmented scaevan jacket of striking icon1.png 70 400 PGL MNK SAM Body 311 311 2 Strength +142 Vitality +155 Determination +139 Skill Speed +97 
Augmented Scaevan Tabard of Scouting Augmented scaevan tabard of scouting icon1.png 70 400 ROG NIN VPR Body 311 311 2 Dexterity +142 Vitality +155 Critical Hit +97 Direct Hit Rate +139 
Augmented Scaevan Tabard of Aiming Augmented scaevan tabard of aiming icon1.png 70 400 ARC BRD MCH DNC Body 311 311 2 Dexterity +142 Vitality +155 Determination +139 Direct Hit Rate +97 
Augmented Scaevan Coat of Casting Augmented scaevan coat of casting icon1.png 70 400 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Body 226 396 2 Intelligence +142 Vitality +140 Determination +139 Direct Hit Rate +97 
Augmented Scaevan Coat of Healing Augmented scaevan coat of healing icon1.png 70 400 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Body 226 396 2 Mind +142 Vitality +140 Determination +139 Piety +97 
Augmented Scaevan Gauntlets of Fending Augmented scaevan gauntlets of fending icon1.png 70 400 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 422 422 2 Strength +90 Vitality +97 Skill Speed +87 Tenacity +61 
Augmented Scaevan Gauntlets of Maiming Augmented scaevan gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 70 400 LNC DRG RPR Hands 295 232 2 Strength +90 Vitality +97 Determination +87 Direct Hit Rate +61 
Augmented Scaevan Armguards of Striking Augmented scaevan armguards of striking icon1.png 70 400 PGL MNK SAM Hands 232 232 2 Strength +90 Vitality +97 Critical Hit +61 Direct Hit Rate +87 
Augmented Scaevan Gloves of Scouting Augmented scaevan gloves of scouting icon1.png 70 400 ROG NIN VPR Hands 232 232 2 Dexterity +90 Vitality +97 Critical Hit +87 Determination +61 
Augmented Scaevan Gloves of Aiming Augmented scaevan gloves of aiming icon1.png 70 400 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 232 232 2 Dexterity +90 Vitality +97 Critical Hit +87 Skill Speed +61 
Augmented Scaevan Gloves of Casting Augmented scaevan gloves of casting icon1.png 70 400 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 169 295 2 Intelligence +90 Vitality +87 Determination +61 Spell Speed +87 
Augmented Scaevan Gloves of Healing Augmented scaevan gloves of healing icon1.png 70 400 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 169 295 2 Mind +90 Vitality +87 Determination +61 Spell Speed +87 
Augmented Scaevan Trousers of Fending Augmented scaevan trousers of fending icon1.png 70 400 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 566 566 2 Strength +142 Vitality +155 Critical Hit +139 Skill Speed +97 
Augmented Scaevan Trousers of Maiming Augmented scaevan trousers of maiming icon1.png 70 400 LNC DRG RPR Legs 396 311 2 Strength +142 Vitality +155 Critical Hit +97 Skill Speed +139 
Augmented Scaevan Trousers of Striking Augmented scaevan trousers of striking icon1.png 70 400 PGL MNK SAM Legs 311 311 2 Strength +142 Vitality +155 Critical Hit +139 Skill Speed +97 
Augmented Scaevan Trousers of Scouting Augmented scaevan trousers of scouting icon1.png 70 400 ROG NIN VPR Legs 311 311 2 Dexterity +142 Vitality +155 Determination +139 Direct Hit Rate +97 
Augmented Scaevan Trousers of Aiming Augmented scaevan trousers of aiming icon1.png 70 400 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 311 311 2 Dexterity +142 Vitality +155 Critical Hit +97 Skill Speed +139 
Augmented Scaevan Trousers of Casting Augmented scaevan trousers of casting icon1.png 70 400 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Legs 226 396 2 Intelligence +142 Vitality +140 Critical Hit +97 Direct Hit Rate +139 
Augmented Scaevan Trousers of Healing Augmented scaevan trousers of healing icon1.png 70 400 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 226 396 2 Mind +142 Vitality +140 Spell Speed +139 Piety +97 
Augmented Scaevan Greaves of Fending Augmented scaevan greaves of fending icon1.png 70 400 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Feet 422 422 2 Strength +90 Vitality +97 Determination +61 Skill Speed +87 
Augmented Scaevan Greaves of Maiming Augmented scaevan greaves of maiming icon1.png 70 400 LNC DRG RPR Feet 295 232 2 Strength +90 Vitality +97 Determination +87 Direct Hit Rate +61 
Augmented Scaevan Greaves of Striking Augmented scaevan greaves of striking icon1.png 70 400 PGL MNK SAM Feet 232 232 2 Strength +90 Vitality +97 Critical Hit +61 Direct Hit Rate +87 
Augmented Scaevan Greaves of Scouting Augmented scaevan greaves of scouting icon1.png 70 400 ROG NIN VPR Feet 232 232 2 Dexterity +90 Vitality +97 Critical Hit +61 Determination +87 
Augmented Scaevan Greaves of Aiming Augmented scaevan greaves of aiming icon1.png 70 400 ARC BRD MCH DNC Feet 232 232 2 Dexterity +90 Vitality +97 Critical Hit +87 Direct Hit Rate +61 
Augmented Scaevan Shoes of Casting Augmented scaevan shoes of casting icon1.png 70 400 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Feet 169 295 2 Intelligence +90 Vitality +87 Critical Hit +87 Determination +61 
Augmented Scaevan Shoes of Healing Augmented scaevan shoes of healing icon1.png 70 400 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Feet 169 295 2 Mind +90 Vitality +87 Critical Hit +61 Determination +87 

Augmented Scaevan Accessories

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Augmented Scaevan Ear Cuff of Fending Augmented scaevan ear cuff of fending icon1.png 70 400 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Earrings 1 1 1 Strength +71 Vitality +77 Determination +69 Skill Speed +48 
Augmented Scaevan Ear Cuff of Slaying Augmented scaevan ear cuff of slaying icon1.png 70 400 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Earrings 1 1 1 Strength +71 Vitality +77 Critical Hit +48 Skill Speed +69 
Augmented Scaevan Ear Cuff of Aiming Augmented scaevan ear cuff of aiming icon1.png 70 400 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Earrings 1 1 1 Dexterity +71 Vitality +77 Critical Hit +69 Determination +48 
Augmented Scaevan Ear Cuff of Casting Augmented scaevan ear cuff of casting icon1.png 70 400 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Earrings 1 1 1 Intelligence +71 Vitality +69 Determination +69 Spell Speed +48 
Augmented Scaevan Ear Cuff of Healing Augmented scaevan ear cuff of healing icon1.png 70 400 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Earrings 1 1 1 Mind +71 Vitality +69 Critical Hit +69 Piety +48 
Augmented Scaevan Choker of Fending Augmented scaevan choker of fending icon1.png 70 400 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +71 Vitality +77 Skill Speed +69 Tenacity +48 
Augmented Scaevan Choker of Slaying Augmented scaevan choker of slaying icon1.png 70 400 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Necklace 1 1 1 Strength +71 Vitality +77 Determination +48 Direct Hit Rate +69 
Augmented Scaevan Choker of Aiming Augmented scaevan choker of aiming icon1.png 70 400 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Necklace 1 1 1 Dexterity +71 Vitality +77 Direct Hit Rate +48 Skill Speed +69 
Augmented Scaevan Choker of Casting Augmented scaevan choker of casting icon1.png 70 400 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Necklace 1 1 1 Intelligence +71 Vitality +69 Critical Hit +69 Direct Hit Rate +48 
Augmented Scaevan Choker of Healing Augmented scaevan choker of healing icon1.png 70 400 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Necklace 1 1 1 Mind +71 Vitality +69 Determination +69 Spell Speed +48 
Augmented Scaevan Bracelet of Fending Augmented scaevan bracelet of fending icon1.png 70 400 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Bracelets 1 1 1 Strength +71 Vitality +77 Critical Hit +48 Determination +69 
Augmented Scaevan Bracelet of Slaying Augmented scaevan bracelet of slaying icon1.png 70 400 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Bracelets 1 1 1 Strength +71 Vitality +77 Determination +48 Skill Speed +69 
Augmented Scaevan Bracelet of Aiming Augmented scaevan bracelet of aiming icon1.png 70 400 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Bracelets 1 1 1 Dexterity +71 Vitality +77 Determination +48 Skill Speed +69 
Augmented Scaevan Bracelet of Casting Augmented scaevan bracelet of casting icon1.png 70 400 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Bracelets 1 1 1 Intelligence +71 Vitality +69 Direct Hit Rate +48 Spell Speed +69 
Augmented Scaevan Bracelet of Healing Augmented scaevan bracelet of healing icon1.png 70 400 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Bracelets 1 1 1 Mind +71 Vitality +69 Critical Hit +48 Piety +69 
Augmented Scaevan Ring of Fending Augmented scaevan ring of fending icon1.png 70 400 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Ring 1 1 1 Strength +71 Vitality +77 Determination +48 Tenacity +69 
Augmented Scaevan Ring of Slaying Augmented scaevan ring of slaying icon1.png 70 400 PGL LNC MNK DRG SAM RPR Ring 1 1 1 Strength +71 Vitality +77 Critical Hit +69 Skill Speed +48 
Augmented Scaevan Ring of Aiming Augmented scaevan ring of aiming icon1.png 70 400 ARC ROG BRD NIN MCH DNC VPR Ring 1 1 1 Dexterity +71 Vitality +77 Critical Hit +69 Direct Hit Rate +48 
Augmented Scaevan Ring of Casting Augmented scaevan ring of casting icon1.png 70 400 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Ring 1 1 1 Intelligence +71 Vitality +69 Critical Hit +48 Determination +69 
Augmented Scaevan Ring of Healing Augmented scaevan ring of healing icon1.png 70 400 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Ring 1 1 1 Mind +71 Vitality +69 Determination +48 Spell Speed +69 

Augmented Scaevan Weapons

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Katzbalger Augmented scaevan magitek katzbalger icon1.png 70 400 GLA PLD 92 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +106 Vitality +115 Determination +103 Tenacity +72 
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Axe Augmented scaevan magitek axe icon1.png 70 400 MRD WAR 92 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +148 Vitality +161 Critical Hit +101 Tenacity +144 
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Greatsword Augmented scaevan magitek greatsword icon1.png 70 400 DRK 92 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +148 Vitality +161 Critical Hit +144 Skill Speed +101 
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Gunblade Augmented scaevan magitek gunblade icon1.png 70 400 GNB 92 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +148 Vitality +161 Critical Hit +101 Determination +144 
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Spear Augmented scaevan magitek spear icon1.png 70 400 LNC DRG 92 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +148 Vitality +161 Determination +101 Direct Hit Rate +144 
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Scythe Augmented scaevan magitek scythe icon1.png 70 400 RPR 92 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +148 Vitality +161 Critical Hit +101 Determination +144 
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Tonfa Augmented scaevan magitek tonfa icon1.png 70 400 PGL MNK 92 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +148 Vitality +161 Critical Hit +144 Skill Speed +101 
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Samurai Blade Augmented scaevan magitek samurai blade icon1.png 70 400 SAM 92 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +148 Vitality +161 Direct Hit Rate +101 Skill Speed +144 
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Daggers Augmented scaevan magitek daggers icon1.png 70 400 ROG NIN 92 Physical Damage.png 2 Dexterity +148 Vitality +161 Critical Hit +144 Determination +101 
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Bow Augmented scaevan magitek bow icon1.png 70 400 ARC BRD 92 Physical Damage.png 2 Dexterity +148 Vitality +161 Direct Hit Rate +101 Skill Speed +144 
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Blunderbuss Augmented scaevan magitek blunderbuss icon1.png 70 400 MCH 92 Physical Damage.png 2 Dexterity +148 Vitality +161 Determination +144 Direct Hit Rate +101 
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Chakrams Augmented scaevan magitek chakrams icon1.png 70 400 DNC 92 Physical Damage.png 2 Dexterity +148 Vitality +161 Determination +101 Direct Hit Rate +144 
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Rod Augmented scaevan magitek rod icon1.png 70 400 THM BLM 92 Magical Damage.png 2 Intelligence +148 Vitality +145 Determination +101 Direct Hit Rate +144 
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Grimoire Augmented scaevan magitek grimoire icon1.png 70 400 ACN SMN 92 Magical Damage.png 2 Intelligence +148 Vitality +145 Critical Hit +144 Determination +101 
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Hanger Augmented scaevan magitek hanger icon1.png 70 400 RDM 92 Magical Damage.png 2 Intelligence +148 Vitality +145 Critical Hit +144 Direct Hit Rate +101 
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Cane Augmented scaevan magitek cane icon1.png 70 400 CNJ WHM 92 Magical Damage.png 2 Mind +148 Vitality +145 Determination +144 Spell Speed +101 
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Codex Augmented scaevan magitek codex icon1.png 70 400 SCH 92 Magical Damage.png 2 Mind +148 Vitality +145 Spell Speed +144 Piety +101 
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Orrery Augmented scaevan magitek orrery icon1.png 70 400 AST 92 Magical Damage.png 2 Mind +148 Vitality +145 Critical Hit +144 Piety +101 
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Wings Augmented scaevan magitek wings icon1.png 70 400 SGE 92 Magical Damage.png 2 Mind +148 Vitality +145 Critical Hit +101 Determination +144 
Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Block Strength Block Rate Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Shield Augmented scaevan magitek shield icon1.png 70 400 GLA PLD 600 600 0 Strength +42 Vitality +46 Determination +41 Tenacity +29