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Revision as of 06:40, 6 July 2013 by Moogle (talk | contribs)
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Sastasha Seagrot is a level 15-17 dungeon in Western La Noscea. It is the first dungeon the players will encounter and unlock through the main storyline quests. Sastasha Seagrot requires a light party of 4 players.

  • Players who are level 18 or above will be level sync'd down to level 17 upon entrance.



Chopper is the first boss of Sastasha Seagrot. It is a coeurl. Once in a while Chopper will perform an AoE attack. A red circle will appear on the ground before it executes the attack. Get out of the circle as soon as possible.

Pirate Captain Madison

Denn the Orcatoothed
