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Weather conditions can change in an instant in Eorzea and it's best to be prepared! Several activities in the game depend on the weather conditions. These include:

Major cities and some settlements have an NPC known as a Skywatcher. These NPCs can tell you the current and upcoming weather conditions for each zone in the game. One can also see the current weather condition of your current zone by hovering over the icon in the top-right corner of the minimap. Weather conditions change at 12:00 am, 8:00 am, and 04:00 pm Eorzean Time.


Types of Weather Conditions

Normal Weather Conditions

There are several different types of weather conditions in the game, they are as follows:

Weather Icon Visibility Description
Blizzards Blizzard (weather).png Very Poor Heavy Snow
Clear Skies Clear Skies.png Very Good Clear
Clouds Clouds.png Good Overcast
Dust Storms Dust Storms.png Very Poor Dusty
Fair Skies Fair Skies.png Very Good Fair
Fog Fog.png Very Poor Foggy
Gales Gales.png Moderate Gusty
Gloom Gloom.png Poor Gloomy
Heat Waves Heat Waves.png Good Blistering
Rain Rain.png Moderate Rainy
Sandstorms Sandstorms.png Very Poor Sandy
Showers Showers.png Reduced Showery
Snow Snow.png Poor Snowy
Thunder Thunder weather.png Moderate Thunder
Thunderstorms Thunderstorms.png Poor Heavy Thunder
Umbral Static Umbral Static.png Poor Experiencing Umbral Static
Umbral Wind Umbral Wind.png Fair Experiencing Umbral Wind
Wind Wind.png Fair Windy

Certain weather conditions can only happen in certain zones (ie sandstorms in Thanalan, snow in Coerthas, so on.)

Special Weather Conditions

There are also several special weather conditions, usually associated with a specific event or duty. Their names, mini-map descriptions and where they appear are as follows:

Weather Icon Duties/Events
Hot Spells Hot Spells.png
Auroras Auroras.png
Darkness Darkness.png Dungeons
Tension Tension.png Odin (FATE) in The Black Shroud
Storm Clouds Storm Clouds.png The Striking Tree (Hard), The Striking Tree (Extreme)
Rough Seas Rough Seas.png The Whorleater (Hard), The Whorleater (Extreme)
Louring Louring.png The Minstrel's Ballad: Ultima's Bane
Heat Waves Heat Waves other.png The Bowl of Embers, The Bowl of Embers (Hard), The Bowl of Embers (Extreme)
Gloom Gloom (King Moggle Mog).png Thornmarch (Hard), Thornmarch (Extreme)
Gales Gales (Garuda).png The Howling Eye, The Howling Eye (Hard), The Howling Eye (Extreme)
Eruptions Eruptions.png The Navel, The Navel (Hard), The Navel (Extreme)
Irradiance Irradiance.png Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Hard), Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme)
Core Radiation Core Radiation.png The Binding Coil of Bahamut, The Second Coil of Bahamut, The Final Coil of Bahamut
Shelf Clouds Shelf Clouds.png The Limitless Blue (Hard), The Limitless Blue (Extreme)
Oppression Oppression.png The Singularity Reactor, The Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's Reign
Smoke Smoke.png Thok ast Thok (Hard), Thok ast Thok (Extreme)
Royal Levin Royal Levin.png Coeurlregina (FATE) in The Dravanian Forelands
Hyperelectricity Hyperelectricity.png The Diadem , Proto Ultima (FATE) in Azys Lla
Multiplicity Multiplicity.png
Dragonstorms Dragonstorms.png
Concordance Concordance.png
Beyond Time Beyond Time.png
Demonic Inifinity Demonic Infinity.png
Dimensional Disruption Dimensional Disruption.png
Revelstorms Revelstorms.png
Eternal Bliss Eternal Bliss.png
Wyrmstorms Wyrmstorms.png
Quicklevin Quicklevin.png Ixion (FATE) in The Lochs
White Cyclones White Cyclones.png
Ultimania Ultimania.png
Moonlight Moonlight.png
Scarlet Scarlet weather.png
Flames Flames.png
Tsunamis Tsunamis.png
Cyclones Cyclones.png
Geostorms Geostorms.png
True Blue True Blue.png
Umbral Turbulence Umbral Turbulence.png
Everlasting Light Everlasting Light.png Norvrandt areas
Termination Termination.png
Dreams Dreams.png
Brilliance Brilliance.png
Umbral Flare Umbral Flare (Weather).png The Diadem
Umbral Duststorm Umbral Duststorm.png The Diadem
Umbral Levin Umbral Levin.png The Diadem
Umbral Tempest Umbral Tempest.png The Diadem
Firestorm Firestorm.png
Spectral Current Spectral Current.png Ocean Fishing
Climactic Climactic.png

Weather Chains

In Fishing, some fish require very specific conditions, such as one weather type following a specific previous weather type. For example, Helicoprion can only be caught between 8 AM and 8 PM during a Heat Wave that follows clouds or fog.