Astrologian's Arm/Level 71 - 80

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< Astrologian's Arm
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Item Icon Level Item Level Damage Delay Auto Attack Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Lakeland Astrometer Lakeland astrometer icon1.png 71 390 144 3.20 114.13 2 Vitality +384, Mind +381, Determination +236, Piety +337
Stonegold Orrery Stonegold orrery icon1.png 72 395 131 3.20 102.40 2 Vitality +355, Mind +351, Critical Hit +309, Spell Speed +216
Fae Planisphere Fae planisphere icon1.png 73 400 146 3.20 115.20 2 Vitality +406, Mind +399, Determination +350, Piety +245
Bluespirit Star Globe Bluespirit star globe icon1.png 74 403 131 3.20 103.46 2 Vitality +367, Mind +362, Critical Hit +318, Determination +223
Ravel Keeper's Planisphere Ravel keepers planisphere icon1.png 75 406 148 3.20 117.33 2 Vitality +410, Mind +405, Determination +252, Piety +360
Titanbronze Star Globe Titanbronze star globe icon1.png 76 409 134 3.20 105.60 2 Vitality +369, Mind +368, Determination +333, Spell Speed +233
Nabaath Planisphere Nabaath planisphere icon1.png 77 412 150 3.20 118.40 2 Vitality +411, Mind +413, Determination +266, Piety +379
Dwarven Mythril Planisphere Dwarven mythril planisphere icon1.png 78 415 136 3.20 106.66 2 Vitality +370, Mind +375, Critical Hit +350, Piety +245
Planisphere of the Forgiven Planisphere of the forgiven icon1.png 79 418 152 3.20 119.46 2 Vitality +411, Mind +421, Critical Hit +280, Spell Speed +399
Replica Law's Order Astrometer Replica laws order astrometer icon1.png 80 1 9 3.20 6.40 0
Replica Solstice Recollection Replica solstice recollection icon1.png 80 1 9 3.20 6.40 0
Solstice Replica Solstice replica icon1.png 80 1 9 3.20 6.40 0
Augmented Himeros Augmented himeros icon1.png 80 430 139 3.20 109.86 2 Vitality +372, Mind +393, Determination +260, Piety +372
Weathered Procyon Weathered procyon icon1.png 80 430 154 3.20 121.60 2 Vitality +413, Mind +437, Spell Speed +289, Piety +413
Ronkan Star Globe Ronkan star globe icon1.png 80 440 155 3.20 122.66 2 Vitality +416, Mind +451, Critical Hit +294, Determination +420
Pollux Pollux icon1.png 80 450 142 3.20 112.00 2 Vitality +400, Mind +428, Determination +273, Spell Speed +391
The King's Star Globe The kings star globe icon1.png 80 450 158 3.20 124.80 2 Vitality +445, Mind +476, Determination +304, Piety +434
Augmented Pollux Augmented pollux icon1.png 80 460 145 3.20 114.13 2 Vitality +429, Mind +452, Determination +282, Spell Speed +403
Deepshadow Planisphere Deepshadow planisphere icon1.png 80 460 161 3.20 126.93 2 Vitality +476, Mind +502, Critical Hit +448, Piety +314
Himeros Himeros icon1.png 80 465 162 3.20 128.00 2 Vitality +493, Mind +516, Critical Hit +319, Piety +455
Augmented Deepshadow Planisphere Augmented deepshadow planisphere icon1.png 80 470 163 3.20 129.06 2 Vitality +510, Mind +530, Critical Hit +462, Piety +323
Edengrace Planisphere Edengrace planisphere icon1.png 80 475 164 3.20 130.13 2 Vitality +526, Mind +544, Determination +327, Piety +467
Ultimate Deneb Ultimate deneb icon1.png 80 475 164 3.20 130.13 3 Vitality +526, Mind +544, Determination +327, Piety +467
Neo-Ishgardian Planisphere Neo-ishgardian planisphere icon1.png 80 480 149 3.20 118.40 2 Vitality +489, Mind +502, Spell Speed +297, Piety +425
Ruby Astrometer Ruby astrometer icon1.png 80 485 167 3.20 132.26 2 Vitality +561, Mind +573, Determination +334, Piety +477
Solstice Solstice icon1.png 80 485 167 3.20 132.26 5 Vitality +561, Mind +573, Critical Hit +477, Determination +334
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Planisphere Augmented neo-ishgardian planisphere icon1.png 80 490 152 3.20 119.46 2 Vitality +521, Mind +528, Spell Speed +303, Piety +434
Crystarium Planisphere Crystarium planisphere icon1.png 80 490 169 3.20 133.33 2 Vitality +578, Mind +587, Critical Hit +482, Piety +337
Globe of Light Globe of light icon1.png 80 495 170 3.20 134.40 2 Vitality +598, Mind +602, Determination +341, Piety +487
Augmented Crystarium Planisphere Augmented crystarium planisphere icon1.png 80 500 171 3.20 135.46 2 Vitality +616, Mind +617, Critical Hit +492, Piety +344
Augmented Solstice Augmented solstice icon1.png 80 500 171 3.20 135.46 5 Vitality +617, Mind +617, Critical Hit +492, Determination +344
Solstice Recollection Solstice recollection icon1.png 80 500 171 3.20 135.46 5 Vitality +617, Mind +617, Critical Hit +492, Determination +344
Edenchoir Torquetum Edenchoir torquetum icon1.png 80 505 172 3.20 136.53 2 Vitality +637, Mind +634, Determination +349, Piety +498
Exarchic Star Globe Exarchic star globe icon1.png 80 510 157 3.20 123.73 2 Vitality +591, Mind +586, Determination +318, Piety +454
Law's Order Astrometer Laws order astrometer icon1.png 80 510 174 3.20 137.60 5 Vitality +657, Mind +651, Determination +353, Spell Speed +504
Augmented Law's Order Astrometer Augmented laws order astrometer icon1.png 80 515 175 3.20 138.66 0 Vitality +679, Mind +668
Emerald Torquetum Emerald torquetum icon1.png 80 515 175 3.20 138.66 2 Vitality +679, Mind +668, Critical Hit +357, Determination +510
Augmented Exarchic Star Globe Augmented exarchic star globe icon1.png 80 520 159 3.20 125.86 2 Vitality +630, Mind +617, Determination +325, Piety +464
Cryptlurker's Planisphere Cryptlurkers planisphere icon1.png 80 520 177 3.20 139.73 2 Vitality +700, Mind +686, Determination +515, Piety +361
Diamond Zeta Planisphere Diamond zeta planisphere icon1.png 80 525 178 3.20 140.80 2 Vitality +724, Mind +704, Critical Hit +521, Piety +365
Augmented Cryptlurker's Planisphere Augmented cryptlurkers planisphere icon1.png 80 530 179 3.20 141.86 2 Vitality +747, Mind +723, Determination +526, Piety +368
Edenmorn Torquetum Edenmorn torquetum icon1.png 80 535 180 3.20 142.93 2 Vitality +752, Mind +725, Critical Hit +372, Determination +531
Replica Augmented Law's Order Astrometer Replica augmented laws order astrometer icon1.png 80 1 9 3.20 6.40 0