Template:Triple Triad Card infobox
Revision as of 14:52, 16 October 2021 by JohnnySolas (talk | contribs)
{{Triple Triad Card infobox |image = Stormblood alphinaud and alisaie card1.png |release = Stormblood |patch = 4.5 |type = Scion |rarity = Legendary |top = 6 |bottom = 8 |left = 8 |right = 8 |id-gt = 24879 |id-edb = 57b7c6711ae |description = “I can strike bargains, forge ties, and change minds. And where better to do these things than in the home of our old enemy?”<br> “Go, then. You've obviously made up your mind.” }}
- name
- Card's name. Defaults to the page name.
- image
- The image to be used for the infobox.
- type
- The type of card that we're talking about (specified by the icon).
- rarity
- The rarity of the card. Accepts input in text (i.e. common, uncommon), number (i.e. 1, 2), or even stars (i.e. ★, ★★).
- top
- The top value of the card.
- bottom
- The bottom value of the card.
- left
- The left value of the card.
- right
- The right value of the card.
- patch
- Optional. Patch number.
- release
- Optional. Expansion this quest belongs to. Accepts: heavensward, or stormblood, or shadowbringers.
- id-edb
- ID number in the link to the quest on Eorzea Database, for example, if the URL is https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/83266250b51/, enter 83266250b51.
- id-gt
- ID number in the link to the quest on Garland Tools, for example, if the URL is http://garlandtools.org/db/#item/65781, enter 65781.
- description
- The in-game description of the card.