Pumpkin Butler
Pumpkin Butler
“Summon your Pumpkin Butler minion. Oft-forgotten member of the Mandragoras, if the Pumpkin Butler harbors any ill will for those who have so easily forsaken him, he does a fine job of hiding it.
— In-game description
“Unhappy with his treatment in the Tomato King's court, the Pumpkin Butler fled his place of longtime servitude only to wind up in the hands of the Continental Circus. Here, he worked twice as hard until an Adventurers' Guild investigator freed him once and for all.
— In-game journal description
“Pumpkins sort of remind me of...um... No, it's gone. Never mind! - Nashu Mhakaracca
— In-game tooltip description
Pumpkin Butler is a critter minion.
Pumpkin Butler is a minion obtained in All Saints' Wake (2015) Seasonal Event.
- Patch 3.05
Oft-forgotten member of the Mandragoras, if the Pumpkin Butler harbors any ill will for those who have easily forsaken him, he does a fine job of hiding it.
Unhappy with his treat in the Tomato King's court, the Pumpkin Butler fled his place of longtime servitude only to wind up in the hands of the Continental Circus. Here, he worked twice as hard until an Adventurer's Guild investigator freed him once and for all.
Behavior: Independent