Benben Stone
Benben Stone
“Summon your Benben stone minion. For when you need the top stone of a pyramid scampering around after you.
— In-game description
“Long ago, the men of Meracydia built great stone monuments in the image of Benben, a mound of myth whose name means “eternity.” This object is the top piece of such a structure, but none can say how it came to be in the dark depths of a faraway sea─or why it has legs.
— In-game journal description
“Our legends will echo in eternity! - Dorys
— In-game tooltip description
Benben Stone is a gadget minion.
Subaquatic Voyages - The Devil's Crypt
Summon your Benben stone minion. For when you need the top stone of a pyramid scampering around after you.
Long ago, the men of Meracydia built great stone monuments in the image of Benben, a mound of myth whose name means “eternity.” This object is the top piece of such a structure, but none can say how it came to be in the dark depths of a faraway sea─or why it has legs.
Our legends will echo in eternity! - Dorys