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Clear Skies.png Fair Skies.png Fog.png Clouds.png Rain.png Showers.png
South Shroud
(The Black Shroud)
Connects to
East Shroud (N)
Eastern Thanalan (SW)
Quarrymill (X:25.1, Y:20.0)
Camp Tranquil (X:16.8, Y:28.6)


Local legend has it that in ages past it was in this very spot that a great serpent shed its skin - a skin that remained, undecaying for thousands of years until one day, it simply vanished, but for a single scale. While some speculate that this creature was actually a wingless, legless wyrm, the matter remains a topic of debate within scholarly circles.

— In-game description

Snakemolt is an area in South Shroud, The Black Shroud.


Dungeon (map icon).png
Amdapor Keep

Created for the defense of Amdapor, this stone stronghold was long hidden within the tangle of the Twelveswood. This was by the will of the elementals, who sought to keep it away from the prying eyes of men since the Sixth Umbral Calamity. However, even their wards could not withstand the most recent Calamity, and now Amdapor Keep is once again visible in the forest.