Soul Gauge and Shroud Gauge

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Soul Gauge and Shroud Gauge in PvE

When you learn the trait Soul Gauge, the Soul Gauge will be displayed, indicating the number of Souls you have accumulated.

Souls are accumulated upon executing certain weaponskills and by defeating enemies who fall under the effects of Death's Design from the action Shadow of Death. Souls can be used to execute Blood Stalk, Grim Swathe (acquired at level 55), and Gluttony (acquired at level 76).

Upon learning the trait Shroud Gauge, the Shroud Gauge will be displayed, indicating the number of Shrouds you have accumulated.

Shrouds are acquired by executing certain weaponskills, and can be used to execute Enshroud.

Soul gauge and shroud gauge pve1.png

Simple Mode

Soul gauge and shroud gauge pve simple mode1.png

Soul Gauge and Shroud Gauge in PvP

The Soul Gauge and Shroud Gauge will be displayed, indicating the amount of Soul and Shroud you have accumulated.

Soul accumulates when using certain weapon skills. Use Soul to execute actions such as Blood Stalk, Grim Swathe, and Gluttony.

Shroud accumulates when using certain weaponskills. Use Shroud to execute actions such as Enshroud.

Soul gauge and shroud gauge pvp1.png

Simple Mode

Soul gauge and shroud gauge pvp simple mode1.png

Death Gauge in PvE

When you learn the trait Shroud Gauge, the duration of Enshrouded and the stacks of Lemure Shroud will be displayed. Lemure Shroud stacks can be used to execute several actions such as Void Reaping and Communio (acquired at level 90).

Death gauge pve1.png

When you learn the trait Enhanced Shroud, Void Shroud will be gained when stacks of Lemure Shroud are used. These can be used to execute several actions such as Lemure's Slice and Lemure's Scythe.

Death gauge pve2.png

Simple Mode

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Death Gauge in PvP

When the action Enshroud is used, the Enshroud condition, its duration, and the number of Lemure Shroud or Void Shroud stacks will be displayed in the Death Gauge.

Use Lemure Shroud stacks to execute actions such as Void Reaping, Grim Reaping, and Communio.

Additionally, using Lemure Shroud stacks grants you Void Shroud.

Use Void Shroud stacks to execute actions such as Lemure's Slice or Lemure's Scythe.

Death gauge pvp1.png

Simple Mode

Death gauge pvp simple mode1.png