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Rowena's Representative (Kugane)/Healer

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Sundry Splendors.png

Rowena's Representative

— In-game description

Rowena's Representative is a Hyur in Kugane.

Items for Sale

Primal/Auspice Gear (IL 320-395) - Weapons

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Susanos cane icon1.png   Susano's Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm CBlue 70
Revel totem icon1.png 10
Shinryus cane icon1.png   Shinryu's Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm CBlue 70
Shinryu Totem Icon.png 10
Ultimate dreadwyrm cane icon1.png   Ultimate Dreadwyrm Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm CBlue 70
Dreadwyrm Totem Icon.jpg 1
Byakkos cane icon1.png   Byakko's Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm CBlue 70
Byakko Totem Icon.jpg 10
Tsukuyomis cane icon1.png   Tsukuyomi's Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm CBlue 70
Lunar Totem Icon.png 10
Thyrus ultima icon1.png   Thyrus Ultima Two-handed Conjurer's Arm CBlue 70
Ultima totem icon1.png 1
Suzakus cane icon1.png   Suzaku's Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm CBlue 70
Suzaku totem icon1.png 10
Seiryus cane icon1.png   Seiryu's Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm CBlue 70
Seiryu totem icon1.png 10
Susanos codex icon1.png   Susano's Codex Scholar's Arm CBlue 70
Revel totem icon1.png 10
Shinryus codex icon1.png   Shinryu's Codex Scholar's Arm CBlue 70
Shinryu Totem Icon.png 10
Ultimate dreadwyrm codex icon1.png   Ultimate Dreadwyrm Codex Scholar's Arm CBlue 70
Dreadwyrm Totem Icon.jpg 1
Byakkos codex icon1.png   Byakko's Codex Scholar's Arm CBlue 70
Byakko Totem Icon.jpg 10
Tsukuyomis codex icon1.png   Tsukuyomi's Codex Scholar's Arm CBlue 70
Lunar Totem Icon.png 10
Omnilex ultima icon1.png   Omnilex Ultima Scholar's Arm CBlue 70
Ultima totem icon1.png 1
Suzakus codex icon1.png   Suzaku's Codex Scholar's Arm CBlue 70
Suzaku totem icon1.png 10
Seiryus codex icon1.png   Seiryu's Codex Scholar's Arm CBlue 70
Seiryu totem icon1.png 10
Susanos ephemeris icon1.png   Susano's Ephemeris Astrologian's Arm CBlue 70
Revel totem icon1.png 10
Shinryus ephemeris icon1.png   Shinryu's Ephemeris Astrologian's Arm CBlue 70
Shinryu Totem Icon.png 10
Ultimate dreadwyrm torquetum icon1.png   Ultimate Dreadwyrm Torquetum Astrologian's Arm CBlue 70
Dreadwyrm Totem Icon.jpg 1
Byakkos ephemeris icon1.png   Byakko's Ephemeris Astrologian's Arm CBlue 70
Byakko Totem Icon.jpg 10
Tsukuyomis ephemeris icon1.png   Tsukuyomi's Ephemeris Astrologian's Arm CBlue 70
Lunar Totem Icon.png 10
Atlas ultima icon1.png   Atlas Ultima Astrologian's Arm CBlue 70
Ultima totem icon1.png 1
Suzakus ephemeris icon1.png   Suzaku's Ephemeris Astrologian's Arm CBlue 70
Suzaku totem icon1.png 10
Seiryus ephemeris icon1.png   Seiryu's Ephemeris Astrologian's Arm CBlue 70
Seiryu totem icon1.png 10

Primal/Auspice Gear (IL 320-395) - Accessories

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Lakshmis earrings of healing icon1.png   Lakshmi's Earrings of Healing Earrings CBlue 70
Bliss totem icon1.png 5
Lakshmis necklace of healing icon1.png   Lakshmi's Necklace of Healing Necklace CBlue 70
Bliss totem icon1.png 5
Lakshmis bracelet of healing icon1.png   Lakshmi's Bracelet of Healing Bracelets CBlue 70
Bliss totem icon1.png 5
Lakshmis ring of healing icon1.png   Lakshmi's Ring of Healing Ring CBlue 70
Bliss totem icon1.png 5

Genta Gear (IL 320) - Armor

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Genta eboshi of healing icon1.png   Genta Eboshi of Healing Head CBlue 70
Deltascape lens icon1.png 2
Genta domaru of healing icon1.png   Genta Domaru of Healing Body CBlue 70
Deltascape shaft icon1.png 4
Genta kote of healing icon1.png   Genta Kote of Healing Hands CBlue 70
Deltascape crank icon1.png 2
Genta tsutsu-hakama of healing icon1.png   Genta Tsutsu-hakama of Healing Legs CBlue 70
Deltascape spring icon1.png 4
Genta sune-ate of healing icon1.png   Genta Sune-ate of Healing Feet CBlue 70
Deltascape pedal icon1.png 2

Genta Gear (IL 320) - Accessories

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Genta earrings of healing icon1.png   Genta Earrings of Healing Earrings CBlue 70
Deltascape bolt icon1.png 1
Genta necklace of healing icon1.png   Genta Necklace of Healing Necklace CBlue 70
Deltascape bolt icon1.png 1
Genta bracelet of healing icon1.png   Genta Bracelet of Healing Bracelets CBlue 70
Deltascape bolt icon1.png 1
Genta ring of healing icon1.png   Genta Ring of Healing Ring CBlue 70
Deltascape bolt icon1.png 1

Genji Gear (IL 340-345) - Weapons

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Genji cane icon1.png   Genji Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm CBlue 70
Deltascape datalog v4.0 icon1.png 8
Genji codex icon1.png   Genji Codex Scholar's Arm CBlue 70
Deltascape datalog v4.0 icon1.png 8
Genji ephemeris icon1.png   Genji Ephemeris Astrologian's Arm CBlue 70
Deltascape datalog v4.0 icon1.png 8

Genji Gear (IL 340-345) - Armor

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Genji eboshi of healing icon1.png   Genji Eboshi of Healing Head CBlue 70
Deltascape datalog v2.0 icon1.png 6
Genji domaru of healing icon1.png   Genji Domaru of Healing Body CBlue 70
Deltascape datalog v4.0 icon1.png 8
Genji kote of healing icon1.png   Genji Kote of Healing Hands CBlue 70
Deltascape datalog v2.0 icon1.png 6
Genji tsutsu-hakama of healing icon1.png   Genji Tsutsu-hakama of Healing Legs CBlue 70
Deltascape datalog v3.0 icon1.png 8
Genji sune-ate of healing icon1.png   Genji Sune-ate of Healing Feet CBlue 70
Deltascape datalog v2.0 icon1.png 6

Genji Gear (IL 340-345) - Accessories

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Genji earrings of healing icon1.png   Genji Earrings of Healing Earrings CBlue 70
Deltascape datalog v1.0 icon1.png 4
Genji necklace of healing icon1.png   Genji Necklace of Healing Necklace CBlue 70
Deltascape datalog v1.0 icon1.png 4
Genji bracelet of healing icon1.png   Genji Bracelet of Healing Bracelets CBlue 70
Deltascape datalog v1.0 icon1.png 4
Genji ring of healing icon1.png   Genji Ring of Healing Ring CBlue 70
Deltascape datalog v1.0 icon1.png 4

Carborundum Gear (IL 350) - Armor

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Carborundum circlet of healing icon1.png   Carborundum Circlet of Healing Head CBlue 70
Sigmascape Lens.png 2
Carborundum robe of healing icon1.png   Carborundum Robe of Healing Body CBlue 70
Sigmascape shaft icon1.png 4
Carborundum gloves of healing icon1.png   Carborundum Gloves of Healing Hands CBlue 70
Sigmascape Crank.png 2
Carborundum trousers of healing icon1.png   Carborundum Trousers of Healing Legs CBlue 70
Sigmascape Spring.png 4
Carborundum boots of healing icon1.png   Carborundum Boots of Healing Feet CBlue 70
Sigmascape pedal icon1.png 2

Carborundum Gear (IL 350) - Accessories

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Carborundum earring of healing icon1.png   Carborundum Earring of Healing Earrings CBlue 70
Sigmascape Bolt Icon.png 1
Carborundum necklace of healing icon1.png   Carborundum Necklace of Healing Necklace CBlue 70
Sigmascape Bolt Icon.png 1
Carborundum bracelet of healing icon1.png   Carborundum Bracelet of Healing Bracelets CBlue 70
Sigmascape Bolt Icon.png 1
Carborundum ring of healing icon1.png   Carborundum Ring of Healing Ring CBlue 70
Sigmascape Bolt Icon.png 1

Ryumyaku Gear (IL 370) - Weapons

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Byakurenge kai icon1.png   Byakurenge Kai Two-handed Conjurer's Arm CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 600
Koyoshu kai icon1.png   Koyoshu Kai Scholar's Arm CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 600
Kontengi kai icon1.png   Kontengi Kai Astrologian's Arm CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 600

Ryumyaku Gear (IL 370) - Armor

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Dai-ryumyaku hitai-ate of healing icon1.png   Dai-ryumyaku Hitai-ate of Healing Head CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 345
Dai-ryumyaku dogi of healing icon1.png   Dai-ryumyaku Dogi of Healing Body CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 510
Dai-ryumyaku kote of healing icon1.png   Dai-ryumyaku Kote of Healing Hands CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 345
Dai-ryumyaku tsutsu-hakama of healing icon1.png   Dai-ryumyaku Tsutsu-hakama of Healing Legs CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 510
Dai-ryumyaku choka of healing icon1.png   Dai-ryumyaku Choka of Healing Feet CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 345

Ryumyaku Gear (IL 370) - Accessories

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Dai-ryumyaku earring of healing icon1.png   Dai-ryumyaku Earring of Healing Earrings CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 280
Dai-ryumyaku necklace of healing icon1.png   Dai-ryumyaku Necklace of Healing Necklace CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 280
Dai-ryumyaku bracelet of healing icon1.png   Dai-ryumyaku Bracelet of Healing Bracelets CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 280
Dai-ryumyaku ring of healing icon1.png   Dai-ryumyaku Ring of Healing Ring CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 280

Diamond Gear (IL 370-375) - Weapons

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Diamond cane icon1.png   Diamond Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm CBlue 70
Sigmascape datalog v4.0 icon1.png 8
Diamond codex icon1.png   Diamond Codex Scholar's Arm CBlue 70
Sigmascape datalog v4.0 icon1.png 8
Diamond sextant icon1.png   Diamond Sextant Astrologian's Arm CBlue 70
Sigmascape datalog v4.0 icon1.png 8

Diamond Gear (IL 370-375) - Armor

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Diamond circlet of healing icon1.png   Diamond Circlet of Healing Head CBlue 70
Sigmascape datalog v2.0 icon1.png 6
Diamond robe of healing icon1.png   Diamond Robe of Healing Body CBlue 70
Sigmascape datalog v4.0 icon1.png 8
Diamond gloves of healing icon1.png   Diamond Gloves of Healing Hands CBlue 70
Sigmascape datalog v2.0 icon1.png 6
Diamond trousers of healing icon1.png   Diamond Trousers of Healing Legs CBlue 70
Sigmascape datalog v3.0 icon1.png 8
Diamond boots of healing icon1.png   Diamond Boots of Healing Feet CBlue 70
Sigmascape datalog v2.0 icon1.png 6

Diamond Gear (IL 370-375) - Accessories

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Diamond earring of healing icon1.png   Diamond Earring of Healing Earrings CBlue 70
Sigmascape datalog v1.0 icon1.png 4
Diamond necklace of healing icon1.png   Diamond Necklace of Healing Necklace CBlue 70
Sigmascape datalog v1.0 icon1.png 4
Diamond bracelet of healing icon1.png   Diamond Bracelet of Healing Bracelets CBlue 70
Sigmascape datalog v1.0 icon1.png 4
Diamond ring of healing icon1.png   Diamond Ring of Healing Ring CBlue 70
Sigmascape datalog v1.0 icon1.png 4

Omicron Gear (IL 380) - Armor

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Omicron cap of healing icon1.png   Omicron Cap of Healing Head CBlue 70
Alphascape lens icon1.png 2
Omicron coat of healing icon1.png   Omicron Coat of Healing Body CBlue 70
Alphascape shaft icon1.png 4
Omicron gloves of healing icon1.png   Omicron Gloves of Healing Hands CBlue 70
Alphascape crank icon1.png 2
Omicron trousers of healing icon1.png   Omicron Trousers of Healing Legs CBlue 70
Alphascape spring icon1.png 4
Omicron shoes of healing icon1.png   Omicron Shoes of Healing Feet CBlue 70
Alphascape pedal icon1.png 2

Omicron Gear (IL 380) - Accessories

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Omicron ear cuff of healing icon1.png   Omicron Ear Cuff of Healing Earrings CBlue 70
Alphascape Bolt Icon.png 1
Omicron choker of healing icon1.png   Omicron Choker of Healing Necklace CBlue 70
Alphascape Bolt Icon.png 1
Omicron bracelet of healing icon1.png   Omicron Bracelet of Healing Bracelets CBlue 70
Alphascape Bolt Icon.png 1
Omicron ring of healing icon1.png   Omicron Ring of Healing Ring CBlue 70
Alphascape Bolt Icon.png 1

Scaevan Gear (IL 400) - Weapons

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Augmented scaevan magitek cane icon1.png   Augmented Scaevan Magitek Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 600
Augmented scaevan magitek codex icon1.png   Augmented Scaevan Magitek Codex Scholar's Arm CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 600
Augmented scaevan magitek orrery icon1.png   Augmented Scaevan Magitek Orrery Astrologian's Arm CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 600

Scaevan Gear (IL 400) - Armor

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Augmented scaevan mask of healing icon1.png   Augmented Scaevan Mask of Healing Head CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 345
Augmented scaevan coat of healing icon1.png   Augmented Scaevan Coat of Healing Body CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 510
Augmented scaevan gloves of healing icon1.png   Augmented Scaevan Gloves of Healing Hands CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 345
Augmented scaevan trousers of healing icon1.png   Augmented Scaevan Trousers of Healing Legs CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 510
Augmented scaevan shoes of healing icon1.png   Augmented Scaevan Shoes of Healing Feet CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 345

Scaevan Gear (IL 400) - Accessories

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Augmented scaevan ear cuff of healing icon1.png   Augmented Scaevan Ear Cuff of Healing Earrings CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 280
Augmented scaevan choker of healing icon1.png   Augmented Scaevan Choker of Healing Necklace CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 280
Augmented scaevan bracelet of healing icon1.png   Augmented Scaevan Bracelet of Healing Bracelets CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 280
Augmented scaevan ring of healing icon1.png   Augmented Scaevan Ring of Healing Ring CBlue 70
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 280

Omega Gear (IL 400-405) - Weapons

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Omega cane icon1.png   Omega Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm CBlue 70
Alphascape datalog v4.0 icon1.png 8
Omega codex icon1.png   Omega Codex Scholar's Arm CBlue 70
Alphascape datalog v4.0 icon1.png 8
Omega torquetum icon1.png   Omega Torquetum Astrologian's Arm CBlue 70
Alphascape datalog v4.0 icon1.png 8

Omega Gear (IL 400-405) - Armor

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Omega cap of healing icon1.png   Omega Cap of Healing Head CBlue 70
Alphascape datalog v2.0 icon1.png 6
Omega coat of healing icon1.png   Omega Coat of Healing Body CBlue 70
Alphascape datalog v4.0 icon1.png 8
Omega gloves of healing icon1.png   Omega Gloves of Healing Hands CBlue 70
Alphascape datalog v2.0 icon1.png 6
Omega trousers of healing icon1.png   Omega Trousers of Healing Legs CBlue 70
Alphascape datalog v3.0 icon1.png 8
Omega shoes of healing icon1.png   Omega Shoes of Healing Feet CBlue 70
Alphascape datalog v2.0 icon1.png 6

Omega Gear (IL 400-405) - Accessories

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Omega ear cuff of healing icon1.png   Omega Ear Cuff of Healing Earrings CBlue 70
Alphascape datalog v1.0 icon1.png 4
Omega choker of healing icon1.png   Omega Choker of Healing Necklace CBlue 70
Alphascape datalog v1.0 icon1.png 4
Omega bracelet of healing icon1.png   Omega Bracelet of Healing Bracelets CBlue 70
Alphascape datalog v1.0 icon1.png 4
Omega ring of healing icon1.png   Omega Ring of Healing Ring CBlue 70
Alphascape datalog v1.0 icon1.png 4