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Male ♂
Coerthas Central Highlands (12.6,16.7)
Quest NPC

Voilinaut is an Elezen in Coerthas Central Highlands.

Voilinaut is a Male Elezen Guildleve NPCs introduced in patch 2.0.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Leves of Whitebrim Feature quest 40 Voilinaut

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver


Battlecraft Leves

We Can Dismember It for You Wholesale, You Look Good Enough to Eat, The Tropes of the Trade, The Area's a Bit Sketchy, Necrologos: Whispers of the Gem, Pets Are Family Too, Got a Gut Feeling about This

Tradecraft Leves

Alchemist Leves

No Accounting for Waste, Arcane Arts for Dummies, A Real Smooth Move

Armorer Leves

Metal Fatigue, Family Secrets, Employee Retention

Blacksmith Leves

Streamlining Operations, Kitchen Casualties, Get Me to the War on Time

Carpenter Leves

The Turning Point, Ready for a Rematch, A Winning Combo

Culinarian Leves

Rolanberry Fields Forever, Pagan Pastries, Good Eats in Ishgard

Goldsmith Leves

Tough Job Market, North Ore South, If You've Got It, Flaunt It

Leatherworker Leves

Not So Alike in Dignity, It's Not a Job, It's a Calling, Foot Blues

Weaver Leves

No Country for Cold Men, I'll Swap You, A Matter of Import

Fieldcraft Leves

Botanist Leves

This Old Fort, Straight and Arrow, Sign of the Crimes, Plague on Both Our Forests

Fisher Leves

Rationally Speaking, Make a Fish, Laird of the Lakes, Empire Builder

Miner Leves

Not Losing Our Heads This Time, Nature Is a Monster, Brother in Arms, Breach and Build