Their Greatest Contribution
Their Greatest Contribution
- Quest giver
- Emet-Selch
- Location
- Elpis (X:32.6, Y:22.2)
- Quest line
- Endwalker Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 86
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Lives Apart
- Next quest
Aether to Aether
- Patch
- 6.0
“Emet-Selch appears to be deep in thought.
— In-game description
- Speak with Hermes.
- Speak with Hermes again.
- Speak with Hythlodaeus.
- With the chat mode in Say, enter "I have a favor to ask" to Emet-Selch.
- With the chat mode in Say, enter "Please, Emet-Selch" to Emet-Selch.
- /wave to Emet-Selch from the edge of the isle.
- Speak with Emet-Selch.
- On account of his conversance with the celestial, Emet-Selch believes that Hermes would be a welcome addition to the Convocation -- assuming he is inclined to join. For now, you settle in for more observation as the chief overseer of Elpis goes about his work.
- Having inspected the ampelos to his satisfaction, Hermes will next look in on a creature that is reportedly having problems -- the charybdis. To that end, you make your way to the northern edge of Philomythes Notos
- You learn that a third-generation charybdis is unable to fly due to its aetheric balance leaning strongly towards water. Though the observer in charge wishes to revert the specimen and its kind, having deemed them a lost cause, Hermes is loath to give up on them, and offers to transform in order to guide the creature skyward. The proposal is met with shock and dismay, for transforming in public is considered vainglorious and unseemly. While Hermes seems willing to bear the shame if it means saving the creatures, Emet-Selch is not wholly convinced. It is then than Hythlodaeus conceives of a solution. For this, he sends Emet-Selch off with the charybdis, while you and the others remain to assist him with the necessary preparations.
- Wearing a conspiratorial grin, Hythlodaeus reveals to you his grand plan: having Emet-Selch assist the charybdis. For your part, you are tasked with going to the man and making the initial plea. With the chat mode in Say, say "I have a favor to ask" to indicate to Emet-Selch that you have a request.
- As you had been warned, Emet-Selch is disinclined to cooperate, but persistence is the key. With the chat mode in Say, say "Please Emet-Selch" to batter the man's bulwark of petulant defiance.
- Beneath the combined weight of your incessant nagging, Emet-Selch finally caves and agrees to assist the charybdis. As he tends to the creature, you enjoy a quiet conversation with Hythlodaeus, who speaks of Emet-Selch and their mutual friend with great fondness and admiration. The tale draws to a close just as the charybdis appears to find its wings, and Hythlodaeus bids you signal to Emet-Selch that he may return to the ground. A simple /wave should do the trick.
- While the observer is impressed that the charybdis can in fact fly, he remains of the opinion that it would be better to simply have their concept adjusted. Hermes, however, is adamant that they continue to be given a chance to prove themselves a worthy addition to the star, and his underling acquiesces before taking his leave. With that, Hermes declares all his present tasks complete, and you set off together back to Anagnorisis.
- In observering Hermes performing his duties, you have gained some insight into the workings of Elpis, but thus far have uncovered no clear connection to the Final Days. For the sake of the star and all you hold dear, you must keep searching for clues.
- Not that I or anyone else would be able to make use of it even if we knew... But it irks me to discover that there is an entirely different form of energy -- and no one told me.
- That personal annoyance aside, Hermes's' knowledge is undeniably impressive. Given that there are none among the Fourteen who specialize in the celestial, he would be a welcome edition.
- Assuming he can be persuaded to join, that is. I still can't understand his hesitation...
"Why did you join the convocation?"
- Oho, you wish to know why Emet-Selch was chosen for the Convocation? I should be glad to share the tale!
- Ahem. It began when...
- Not. Another Word.
- Lest you've forgotten, we're here to learn about Hermes. Not me. My misspent youth is not your concern.
- My apologies for the wait. I have inspected the ampelos to my satisfaction.
- All is well with the creature, and I daresay it won't be long ere it is released unto the world.
- Another creation, however, reportedly isn't fairing so well -- the charybdis.
- That is what we shall tend to next.
- If you would follow me, my friends, we shall return to the main isle and head north.
- I understand there is a problem with one of the charybdis.
Troubled Observer
- Yes, that's right.
- As you know, the charybdis is based on a sea creature. Owing to adjustments to enhance its affinity to wind, it is capable of flight.
- The specimen created from the concept could all fly without issue, but a problem arose in subsequent generations.
- This third-generation creature was born with an aetheric balance leaning strongly towards water. Its aquatic origin reasserting itself, it would seem...
- The result being its affinity to wind is diminished, and it cannot fly. No matter what we try, we can't get it to rise even the slightest bit.
- For such change to manifest in so few generations... I fear they are too unstable. Flawed.
- With your permission, I will revert the creatures, and recommend to the bureau that the concept be revised.
- ...With its aetheric balance leaning towards water, the charybdis would indeed struggle to manipulate wind.
- Yet it is too early to conclude that it cannot fly. Having failed at first, it may simply have developed a fear.
- I shall transform and fly with it, helping it to manipulate wind until it finds its wings.
Troubled Observer
- What!? Y-You needn't go to such lengths...
- You don't know? <sigh> But of course not...
- Transformation is an art in which one manipulates a vast quantity of aether to construct another body around oneself.
- In practice, this allows one to assume any conceivable form, and thereby transcend the limits of one's flesh.
- Yet convenient though it may be, transforming in the presence of others is considered vainglorious in the extreme. As uncouth and unseemly as running around robeless. Shameful.
- Am I to understand to make a habit of this?
- N-Nothing of the sort. It's just that, when transformed, I can wield the wind and fly.
- It may seem excessive, but what is our shame next to the lives of these creatures?
- They deserve a chance, and we owe it to them to do all in our power!
- Be that as it may...
- Hmmm...
- Yes, I believe I have a solution. Emet-Selch -- may I trouble you to move that charybdis away from its fellows? Somewhere out of sight.
- Meanwhile, I'd like the rest of you to help me prepare here.
- What mischief are you scheming now?
- No mischief, I assure you. I would but spare you the need to report to your colleagues that Hermes committed an indiscretion.
- So have a little faith, and run along.
- I trust you don't mind?
- Emet-Selch is out of sight? Good. Let's speak of the plan.
- It's a stroke of genius, really: we have Emet-Selch train the charybdis!
- Aside from being able to fly untransformed, he can readily see aether currents.
- And with his adept spellcraft, he can also employ suitable wind magicks to guide the creature along.
- While he is indeed capable of all you described, it is not his duty. I am loath to trouble him with it.
- Don't be! As I mentioned, it would also be for his own sake. With that settled, let's begin at once!
- Player -- I want you to go to Emet-Selch. Tell him that you have a favor to ask.
- He will be disinclined to cooperate at first, but you mustn't be discouraged. With our friend, the trick is to be unflaggingly persistent.
- Off you go, now, and good luck!
- Oh no you don't! I'm not lifting a finger!
- Ugh. I don't know what Hytlodaeus is up to, and I will not be made to know. I refuse!
- No, no, no, you are not foisting this nonsense on me!
- I'm given to understand you have the power to help the charybdis -- and should be quite willing to do so.
- And so I appeal to your better nature, most benevolent Emet-Selch. Please teach it to fly!
- Or else Hermes will transform! Right now!
- Now now, there's no need to go quite that far. Altruism is its own reward, as I'm sure he would agree.
- Oh would he now? And who contrived to put me in this position, pray tell?
- Nothing so devious. I merely suggested a possible course of action.
- Please, Emet-Selch! Please!
- I did not come all this way to play nursemaid to your creations. I'd thank you to remember this favor...and let it be the last.
- I will aid it once it has taken to the air. It falls to you to shepherd it skyward.
- Well, let's relax and enjoy the spectacle, shall we?
- You were wondering why Emet-Selch joined the Convocation.
- Truth be told, he wasn't the first choice for the office. I was -- on the strength of my ability to see aether.
- But I declined the offer. For though my vision is exceptional, I am pedestrian in all other aspects. Worse, even.
- Quite abysmal when it comes to manipulating the aether, for example. Couldn't transform even if I had a mind to do so.
- What good is the ability to perceive a problem if one cannot act to address it?
- Emet-Selch has no such shortcomings. He excels in vision and manipulation both -- the latter to an extraordinary degree.
- If there is a mage more powerful, I do not know of them.
- Thus did I recommend him for the office in my stead. And I wasn't the only one. Far from it.
- Countless others vouched for his skill and character. People the world over, to whom he had previously lent a helping hand.
- Oh how surprised he was. Claimed he hadn't done anything remarkable for anyone. Modest to a fault.
- He deserved every bit of acclaim he received. Yet he may well have gone unappreciated were it not for a mutual friend.
- A singular soul who can't help but involve herself in the business of others. Where she walks, excitement is certain to follow.
- Her antics irritate Emet-Selch to no end, but much of his grumbling stems from genuine concern.
- When our friend calls, he never fails to answer and lend his talents.
- And in the course of doing so, he himself came to be recognized and respected by those around him.
- They are truly remarkable individuals, and I'm proud to call them friends.
- To help them realize their dreams -- this will be my greatest contribution to our world.
- And when they have fulfilled their respective purposes...
- So too shall I have fulfilled mine, and together we may return to the star.
- Look at me, spilling my innermost secrets. I can't seem to help it with you.
- I can only assume it is due to the color of your soul. I just don't understand how you can be so alike and yet so different.
- Well done, my pet! Well done!
- Ah yes, I daresay the charybdis will be fine hereon.
- Why don't you go and signal to Emet-Selch. Let him know his arduous task is at an end.
- I have no words to express my gratitude. Thanks to you, the charybdis has learned to fly.
- And Player and I could relax and have a pleasant chat.
- I'm sure you did.
- The creature needed some small assistance at first, but soon it was flying more or less on its own. I doubt you will need to repeat the lesson.
Troubled Observer
- That was truly impressive!
- I witnessed it all from afar -- the charybdis flies!
- Indeed. With this, we've proven that even a creature with skewed aetheric balance is capable of flight.
- Though we helped it to achieve this, the charybdis is a herd animal. They may well aid their struggling kin in like fashion if and when the need arises.
- Keeping this in mind, I bid you continue observing them.
Troubled Observer
- If that is what you want...
- But if I may say so, rather than hoping an idealistic possibility comes to pass, would it not be simpler to have the concept adjusted? That way, we could guarantee that anomalies such as this specimen are never born in the first place.
- These creatures are already here. We will spare no effort in giving them a chance to survive.
Troubled Observer
- As you wish, Chief. As you wish.
- Hermes...
- I'm fine. Don't worry.
- Well, that concludes all of my present tasks.
- Let us return to Anagnorisis for now.
- ...What? Want to apologize for forcing me to help, do you?
- Save your breath. You didn't force me to do anything -- I merely chose to the most expeditious way to have done with an impediment to our business.
Talking to Emet-Selch right after picking up the quest.
"I want to learn about the Convocation"
- Hmmm... If you would accompany us, I suppose you should at least now that much.
- The Convocation of Fourteen is a governing body that determines myriad policies. Our goal is to ensure that all is right in creation, that our star may know a brighter future.
- As the name suggests, the council is comprised of fourteen offices, each of which is heald by an individual chosen for their surpassing abilities.
- Depending on the office, one is required to either be an authority in a certain field, or possess skills that would facilitate the performance of their stipulated duties.
- The former category includes Mitron, specialist in aquatic life; Loghrif, specialist in terrestrial life and husbandry...
- Halmarut, specialist in fungal and plant life; Emmerololth, specialist in medicine and healing...
- And Lahabrea, specialist in creation magicks, who has brought forth phantom beings of the highest complexity.
- As for the latter category, there is Altima, advocate of the arts; Igeyorhm, champion of enlightenment and rhetoric; Pashtarot, preserver of discipline and order...
- Emet-Selch, keeper of the aetherial realm─or “Underworld” in the vernacular; Fandaniel, pursuer of extant phenomena...
- And Azem, traveler of the world and counselor to the people.
- ...What? Should I be revealing such details to you? Don't be silly. Even children know this much, and you would do well to remember it all.