Representing the Representative

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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Representing the Representative

Quest giver
Western La Noscea (X:27, Y:26)
Quest line
Seventh Umbral Era
Required items
1 Golden Feather Icon.png  Golden Feather
1 Permission for Passage Icon.png  Permission for Passage
Experience 22,440
Gil 1,703
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestIt's Probably Not Pirates
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Reluctant Researcher

Ceana seems to have regained her composure.

— In-game description



  • While you were questioning the Yellowjackets, Ceana was enjoying a pint at the local pub, where she heard tell of a man named Skyfryn, recently returned from the Isles of Umbra, who was detained for unknown reasons. She asks that you speak with Skyfryn in an effort to learn how he obtained permission to travel to the isles.
  • Skyfryn does not respond to your questions and instead rambles incoherently about a woman he desires desperately to see again. In a rare moment of lucidity, he gives you a golden feather and bids you give it to a man named Mimidoa, along with his apologies. Return to Ceana and see what she makes of Skyfryn's words.
  • Ceana knows Mimidoa, and states that he grabbed her arse at the pub the other day. Refusing to have any further interaction with the man, it falls to you to discover his connection to Skyfryn.
  • Mimidoa was dispatched to Aleport so that he might oversee the work being performed at Pharos Sirius. However, the craftsmen have all abandoned their work or simply vanished, presumably due to the rumors of an undead infestation. Upon learning that you wish to visit the Isles of Umbra for your own purposes, Mimidoa offers you a writ of passage on the condition that you look into the rumors on his behalf. Share this good news with Ceana.
  • Thought skeptical of Mimidoa's claims at first, Ceana recognizes that the writ of passage is genuine. She wishes you well on your journey to the Isles of Umbra, as she has no intention of accompanying you herself.