Grand Company Leves

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See also: Guildleves and Battlecraft Leves

Players can perform leves for any Grand Company, but receive a seals bonus for completion of leves for their own company.

Guildleve Category Level NPC Zone Area Coordinates EXP Seals Objectives
Throw the Book at Him Prudence 20 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) 2,436 138 Report to lower La Noscea., Defeat any enemies summoning reinforcements., Wormwix Scribbletalk: 0/1
The Creeps from Work Equity 20 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) 3,248 138 Discover who is carrying the luminous crystals and slay the target., Wicked Soul: 0/2
Victory Is Mine, Not Yours Promptitude 20 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) 2,436 138 Report to lower La Noscea., Defeat as many enemies as possible within the allotted time., Drowned Butcher: 0/1, Serpent Reaver Deckhound: 0/1, Sweet-tooth Goobbue: 0/1, Drowned Outranger: 0/1
Don't Touch Our Stuff Unity 20 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) 3,248 138 Report to lower La Noscea., Defeat the enemies while protecting your charge., Fallen Supplies: 2/2, Raggedy Jackal: 0/2, Qiqirn Egglifter: 0/1, Bald Buzzard: 0/1, Sweet-tooth Goobbue: 0/1, Objective failed if all fallen supplies are lost., Report back to Eugene at the Moraby Drydocks.
Mortal Munchies Equity 20 Cedrepierre East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x16,y27) 3,248 138 Report to the East Shroud.
She's So Mean Prudence 20 Cedrepierre East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x16,y27) 3,248 138 Report to the East Shroud.
Burn It Down Unity 20 Cedrepierre East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x16,y27) 3,248 138 Report to the East Shroud., Carry out leve objectives., Report back to Cedrepierre at Hawthorne Hut.
A Little Constructive Exorcism Promptitude 20 Cedrepierre East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x16,y27) 3,248 138 Report to the East Shroud.
A Cold-blooded Business Unity 20 Kikiri Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x14,y23) 3,248 138 Report to Eastern Thanalan., Defeat the enemies while protecting your charge., Bronze Urn: 2/2, Amalj'aa Bruiser: 0/2, Amalj'aa Seer: 0/1, Battle Drake: 0/2, Objective failed if all bronze urns are lost.
The Burning Reason Prudence 20 Kikiri Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x14,y23) 2,436 167 Report to Eastern Thanalan.
Watch Me If You Can Promptitude 20 Kikiri Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x14,y23) 2,436 167 Report to Eastern Thanalan.
Blood in the Water Equity 20 Kikiri Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x14,y23) 2,436 167 Report to Eastern Thanalan.
Don't Tear Down This Wall Unity 25 Kikiri Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x14,y23) 2,856 209 Report to Eastern Thanalan.
The Third Prize Is That You're Slain Equity 25 Kikiri Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x14,y23) 2,856 209
A Heart Aflame Prudence 25 Kikiri Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x14,y23) 2,856 209 Report to Eastern Thanalan
Food for Thought Promptitude 25 Kikiri Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x14,y23) 2,856 209 Report to Eastern Thanalan.
A Real Wingnut Prudence 25 Cedrepierre East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x16,y27) 3,808 173 Report to the East Shroud.
Blinded by the Wight Equity 25 Cedrepierre East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x16,y27) 3,808 173 Report to the East Shroud.
Sylph Strands Promptitude 25 Cedrepierre East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x16,y27) 3,808 173 Report to the East Shroud.
Go with the Flow Unity 25 Cedrepierre East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x16,y27) 3,808 173 Report to the East Shroud.
Double Dose of Impin' Equity 25 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) 2,856 173 Report to lower La Noscea., Discover who is carrying the luminous crystals and slay the target., Darkwing Devilet: 0/3, Luminous Crystal: 0
You're a Liar, Mansel Black Prudence 25 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) 3,808 173 Defeat any enemies summoning reinforcements., Twin-tongued Mansel: 0/1
Wrong and Rite Promptitude 25 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) 3,808 173 Defeat as many enemies as possible within the allotted time., Wandering Waterskin: 0/1, Sahagin Spy: 0/1, Moraby Stoneshell: 0/1
Of Mice and Demons Unity 25 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) 2,856 173 Report to lower La Noscea., Defeat the enemies while protecting your charge., Materiel Crate: 0/3, Decoy Crab: 0/4, Qiqirn Egglifter: 0/2, Objective failed if all materiel crates are lost.
Bridges of Qiqirn Country Unity 30 Blue Herring Southern Thanalan Little Ala Mhigo (x18,y13) 5,928 207 Report to Southern Thanalan.
Twenty-nine Was the Cutoff Prudence 30 C'lafumyn Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x33,y30) 4,446 207 Report to eastern La Noscea., Defeat any enemies summoning reinforcements., 426th Order Mendicant Zi Gu: 0/1
You Are NOT a Pirate Equity 30 C'lafumyn Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x33,y30) 4,446 207 Report to eastern La Noscea, Discover who is carrying the magitek transceivers and slay the target., Imperial Tesserarius: 0/2, Magitek Transceiver: 0
And Then There Were None Promptitude 30 Blue Herring Southern Thanalan Little Ala Mhigo (x18,y13) 5,928 207 Report to Southern Thanalan.
The Cost of Living Equity 30 Blue Herring Southern Thanalan Little Ala Mhigo (x18,y13) 4,446 207 Report to Southern Thanalan.
Grapevine of Wrath Prudence 30 Blue Herring Southern Thanalan Little Ala Mhigo (x18,y13) 5,928 207 Report to Southern Thanalan.
It's Better (for You) Under the Sea Promptitude 30 C'lafumyn Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x33,y30) 4,446 207 Report to eastern La Noscea, Defeat as many enemies as possible within the allotted time., Drowned Crofter: 0/1, Sahagin Sapper: 0/1, Drowned Outranger: 0/1, Sahagin Spy: 0/1
Road Worriers Unity 30 C'lafumyn Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x33,y30) 4,446 207 Report to eastern La Noscea., Defeat the enemies while protecting your charge., Repair Supplies: 4/4, 426th Order Patrolman: 0/3, 426th Order Pitman: 0/2, 426th Order Bedesman: 0/1, 426th Order Missionary: 0/1, Objective failed if all repair supplies are lost.
This Is Going to Sting, A Lot Unity 30 H'amneko South Shroud Camp Tranquil (x17,y30) 4,096 207 Report to the South Shroud. Defeat the enemies while protecting your charge. Protect Hidden Rations (4/4). Slay 3 Redbelly Runners, 2 Redbelly Snatchers, and 2 Spawning Adamantoise. Objective failed if all hidden rations are lost.
Creature Feature Promptitude 30 H'amneko South Shroud Camp Tranquil (x17,y30) 4,096 207 Report to South Shroud. Defeat as many enemies as possible within the allotted time. Defeat at least 1 of each: Craven Condor, Spawning Adamantoise, Spotted eft. Objective failed if insufficent number of enemies slain.
It Goes with the Territory Equity 30 H'amneko South Shroud Camp Tranquil (x17,y30) 5,928 207 (250) Report to the South Shroud., Discover who is carrying the magitek transceivers and slay the target., Slay enemies that respond to the /doubt emote and collect magitek transceivers., Slay 3 Imperial Tesserarius.
Dead Man Walking Prudence 30 H'amneko South Shroud Camp Tranquil (x17,y30) 5,928 207 Report to the South Shroud., Defeat any enemies summoning reinforcmeents., Turncloak Clairvisse: 0/1, Report back to H'amneko at Camp Tranquil.
Just Making an Observation Promptitude 35 Haisie Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x25,y28) 7,216 242 Defeat as many enemies as possible within the allotted time., Wrathful Ogre: 0/1, Snapjaw: 0/1, Frostbitten Goobbue: 0/1, White Wolf: 0/1
The Baddest Brigade in Town Promptitude 35 Haisie Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x25,y28) 7,216 242 Report to Coerthas central highlands., Defeat as many enemies as possible within the alotted time.
Pick Your Poison Unity 35 Haisie Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x25,y28) 7,216 242 Report to Coerthas central highlands.
Fishing Off the Company Pier Equity 35 Haisie Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x25,y28) 7,216 242 Report to Coerthas central highlands.
Mad About You Prudence 35 Haisie Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x25,y28) 7,216 242 Report to Coerthas central highlands.
Dress for Aggress Equity 35 Haisie Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x25,y28) 7,216 242 Report to the Coerthas central highlands.
Roast Lamb with Mint and Hellfire Equity 35 Haisie Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x25,y28) 7,216 242 Report to Coerthas central highlands.
Fanning the Flames Unity 35 Haisie Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x25,y28) 5,412 242 Defeat the enemies while protecting your charge., Glowing Bonfire: 4/4, Ixali Fender: 0/2, Ixali Watchwolf: 0/2, Ixali Frostbeak: 0/3
Feathered Foes Prudence 35 Haisie Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x25,y28) 5,412 242 Defeat any enemies summoning reinforcements., Lotoli Ahuatan the Glider
Yellow Is the New Black Promptitude 40 Lodille Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x11,y16) 9,016 276 Defeat as many enemies as possible within the allotted time.
You Dropped Something Unity 40 Lodille Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x11,y16) 9,016 276 Report to Coerthas central highlands.
If You Put It That Way Prudence 40 Lodille Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x11,y16) 9,016 276 Report to Coerthas central highlands.
Papal Dispensation Promptitude 40 Lodille Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x11,y16) 9,016 276 Defeat as many enemies as possible within the alloted time., Downcast Hippocerf: 0/1, Blizzard Biast: 0/1, Blood Bateleur: 0/1
An Imp Mobile Equity 40 Lodille Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x11,y16) 9,016 276 Discover who is carrying the luminous crystals and slay the target., Dusty Devilet: 0/2
No Big Whoop Equity 40 Lodille Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x11,y16) 9,016 276 Report to Coerthas central highlands.
The Bloodhounds of Coerthas Unity 40 Lodille Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x11,y16) 9,016 276 Report to Coerthas central highlands.
Someone's Got a Big Mouth Prudence 40 Lodille Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x11,y16) 9,016 276 Defeat any enemies summoning reinforcements, Mimas: 0/1
Talk to My Voidsent Prudence 40 Lodille Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x11,y16) 9,016 276 Report to Coerthas central highlands.
Amateur Hour Equity 45 Eidhart Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x30,y12) 7,453 311 Discover who is carrying the luminous crystals and slay the target, Dusty Devilet: 0/2
Get Off Our Lake Promptitude 45 Eidhart Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x30,y12) 9,936 311 Defeat as many enemies as possible within the alloted time., Imperial Eques: 0/1, Imperial Hoplomachus: 0/1, Imperial Secutor: 0/1
The Awry Salvages Unity 45 Eidhart Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x30,y12) 7,453 311 Defeat the enemies while protecting your charge., Researh document: 0/4, Beggar Bhikku: 0/1, Beggar Shramana: 0/3, Hippogryph Pup: 0/2
Who Writes History Prudence 45 Eidhart Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x30,y12) 9,936 311 Report to Mor Dhona., Defeat any enemies summoning reinforcements., Okeanos the Red: 0/1
One Big Problem Solved Promptitude 45 Eidhart Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x30,y12) 7,453 311 Defeat as many enemies as possible within the allotted time, Beggar Bonze: 0/1, Beggar Sozu: 0/1, Beggar Shramana: 0/1, Beggar Bhikku: 0/1
Science Shindig Promptitude 45 Eidhart Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x30,y12) 9,936 311 Defeat as many enemies as possible within the alloted time., Foul River Hapalit: 0/1, Hippogryph Pup: 0/1, Silvertear Cobra: 0/1
The Museum Is Closed Unity 45 Eidhart Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x30,y12) 9,936 311 Defeat the enemies while protecting your charge., Allagan Artifact: 3/3, Foul River Hapalit: 0/1, Lightning Sprite: 0/2, Hippogryph Pup: 0/2, Lake Nix: 0/1
Kill the Messenger Prudence 45 Eidhart Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x30,y12) 7,453 311 Defeat any enemies summoning reinforcements, Armantel Scaletalker: 0/1
Go Home to Mama Unity 45 Eidhart Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x30,y12) 9,936 311 Defeat the enemies while protecting your charge., Airship Wreck 3/3, Imperial Hoplomachus: 0/2, Imperial Secutor: 0/2, Imperial Signifer: 0/1, Magitek Packer: 0/1