Serpent Marshal Brookstone

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Serpent Marshal Brookstone

Serpent Marshal Brookstone.png

Male ♂
Hyur (Midlander)
The Fringes (9.2,10.8)
Quest NPC

"I'll see my back break before refusing to bear a fallen brother."

The Grand Serpent Marshal of Order of the Twin Adder and brother to Captain Swethyna of the Wood Wailers, Swethryk Brookstone once enjoyed fame as a master of the lance, and even served as captain of the Wood Wailers. During a skirmish with the Ixal, however, he lost one eye when taking a blow meant for another of his men. Swethryk subsequently left the Wailers and devoted himself to training the next generation in the Lancers' Guild.Upon the establishment of Gridania's Grand Company, Swethryk's experience with command and grasp of tactics made him the perfect candidate for Grand Serpent Marshal. Wise in the ways of war where Kan-E-Senna is not, he is one of the Elder Seedseer's dearest advisors, and his hand has guided the Order through Carteneau and Gridania's other hard-fought battles.When younger, the Grand Marshal of Midlander descent would spend his time off duty indulging in wine and women; however, now having seen forty-two summers come and go, he is content whittling wood into toys for the city-state's orphans.

— In-game description

Serpent Marshal Brookstone is a Hyur in The Fringes.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Gross Encounters Sidequest 60 Serpent Marshal Brookstone
A Good Role Model Sidequest 61 Serpent Marshal Brookstone
The Hidden Truth Feature quest 61 Serpent Marshal Brookstone
Seeking Answers Feature quest 61 Serpent Marshal Brookstone
The Honest Truth Feature quest 61 Serpent Marshal Brookstone
Falling Down on the Job Sidequest 69 Serpent Marshal Brookstone

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Dearest Daughter Sidequest 69 Elderly Private
Drawing a Blank Feature quest 61 Tahla Molkoh

Additional Information