Allagan Tomestone of Allegory

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See also: Allagan Tomestones

Allagan Tomestone of AllegoryAllagan Tomestone of Allegory is a type of Allagan Tomestone introduced in patch 5.2. They drop from level 80 dungeons, trials or raids. They cannot drop before the player's class is at level 80. They can also be received as rewards for completing lines of Wondrous Tails.

Allagan Tomestones of Allegory were discontinued in Patch 6.0 with the launch of Endwalker. They can be exchanged with Auriana in Revenant's Toll (X:22.7 Y:6.7) for Allagan Tomestone of Poetics.

  • Players can carry a maximum of 2,000 Allagan Tomestones of Allegory.
  • Players can only receive Allagan Tomestones of Allegory after reaching level 80 with at least one class or job.
  • Speak with Aymark in Eulmore (X:10.2 Y:11.8) to exchange Allagan Tomestones of Allegory.
  • Speak with Shee-Tatch in Eulmore (X:10.2 Y:12.0) to enhance gear received in exchange for Allagan Tomestones of Allegory.


Allagan Tomestone of AllegoryAllagan Tomestone of Allegory are used to purchase ilvl 490 gear in Eulmore. They can be used to purchase:

Slot Cost
Helm 495 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Chest 825 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Gloves 495 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Waist 375 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Legs 825 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Feet 495 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory


Item Icon Type Price
Mowen's Token (Allegory) Mowens token (allegory) icon1.png  Other 100 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Aluminum Ore Aluminum ore icon1.png  Crafting Material 20 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Workbench Refining Sand Workbench refining sand icon1.png  Crafting Material 20 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Thylacoleo Skin Thylacoleo skin icon1.png  Crafting Material 20 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Gardenia Fruit Gardenia fruit icon1.png  Crafting Material 20 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Horsetail Horsetail icon1.png  Crafting Material 20 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Spirit Extract Spirit extract icon1.png  Crafting Material 20 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Dwarven Chromite Dwarven chromite icon1.png  Crafting Material 10 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Caprice Fleece Caprice fleece icon1.png  Crafting Material 10 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Megalania Skin Megalania skin icon1.png  Crafting Material 10 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Workbench Resin Workbench resin icon1.png  Crafting Material 10 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Tempest Adhesive Tempest adhesive icon1.png  Crafting Material 10 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Dried Hi-Ether Dried hi-ether icon1.png  Crafting Material 10 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Multifaceted Abrasive Multifaceted abrasive icon1.png  Crafting Material 5 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Multifaceted Abrasive HQ icon.png Multifaceted abrasive icon1.png  Crafting Material 10 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Multifaceted Cotton Cloth Multifaceted cotton cloth icon1.png  Crafting Material 5 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Multifaceted Cotton Cloth HQ icon.png Multifaceted cotton cloth icon1.png  Crafting Material 10 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Chalicotherium Skin Chalicotherium skin icon1.png  Crafting Material 5 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Chalicotherium Skin HQ icon.png Chalicotherium skin icon1.png  Crafting Material 10 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Multifaceted Varnish Multifaceted varnish icon1.png  Crafting Material 5 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Multifaceted Varnish HQ icon.png Multifaceted varnish icon1.png  Crafting Material 10 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Multifaceted Alchemic Multifaceted alchemic icon1.png  Crafting Material 5 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Multifaceted Alchemic HQ icon.png Multifaceted alchemic icon1.png  Crafting Material 10 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Multifaceted Resin Multifaceted resin icon1.png  Crafting Material 5 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Multifaceted Resin HQ icon.png Multifaceted resin icon1.png  Crafting Material 10 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Multifaceted Alumen Multifaceted alumen icon1.png  Crafting Material 5 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory
Multifaceted Alumen HQ icon.png Multifaceted alumen icon1.png  Crafting Material 10 Allagan Tomestone of Allegory